View Full Version : Stop the Ronso! Save the Guado!

Forsaken Lover
12-23-2013, 07:26 PM
I didn't feel this way but I'm curious, did anyone else NOT want to help the Guado? Did you remember the state of Home when you found it and how it was all the Guado's fault? Did you want to leave them to be wiped out by Garik and his lackeys? I hear if you don't stop the attack, you can see some of the fighting in Chapter 4 via CommSphere. And of course, the Guado are all gone in Chapter 5 so they must have been massacred....

12-23-2013, 07:28 PM
I kind of don't care as long as I get Paine's Special Dressphere.

12-23-2013, 08:05 PM
I want to fuck up both the Ronso and the Guado. Oh, and the Al Bhed too while I'm at it. HUMAN SUPREMACY :cool:

(hypellos can stay, obvs)

12-24-2013, 01:42 AM
The Guado gotta stop following psychopathic evil fuckers