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View Full Version : Facebook is dead

12-24-2013, 11:54 AM
According to this, good for the 10 million US users :thumb:
Facebook is Dead - Long live social media (http://madlemmings.com/2013/08/29/facebook-dead-long-live-social-media/)

12-24-2013, 12:38 PM
Oh good.

The Man
12-24-2013, 12:44 PM
I stopped posting content to Facebook after all the PRISM shit came out. I rarely even like content on other people's pages anymore. The final straw for me was finding out that Facebook keeps information about messages you enter but don't send. Generally you have the expectation that if you don't submit something to a website, no traces of it will remain behind in your file. Evidently you can't expect that with Facebook

It's still a useful tool for gathering information, but they are a straight-up evil company and I no longer have any trust that anything I do on the site will remain private. It's effectively useless for anything but talking directly to friends, and even then, I'd prefer to arrange chats on Skype or whatever.

12-24-2013, 12:56 PM
I was dead once.

I've also never had a facebook, so this doesn't really affect me. I'm glad it's dead, though. Never really liked it.

12-24-2013, 03:36 PM
What's with the guy in the article who looks like Tidus?

Agent Proto
12-24-2013, 03:47 PM
I had facebook for a year, and last year, I promptly deactivated my account and haven't looked back since then. It just doesn't appeal to me.

12-24-2013, 03:57 PM
I keep one for the stupid games, but that is it. I still don't know how it got more popular than Myspace. Facebook has always sucked. I enjoyed the music aspect of Myspace and being able to spend hours customizing your own page and making it, well, your own, while Facebook is just not appealing. " "Like" if you believe in some old duck hunters freedom of speech!" Huh? Why do I care who the hell that is and why should I like his freedom of speech more than my own? Gaw, I hate that "like" button!

12-24-2013, 04:15 PM
I still use it and enjoy it. It's a good way for me to hook up with a lot of friends who I otherwise wouldn't be able to talk to and is one of three social medias I use to promote my reviews. It doesn't give me many problems other than the occasional and sudden unnecessary update that didn't need to be made at all.

12-24-2013, 04:27 PM
I primarily use it to keep track of gigs and similar events in my area, I generally post an update myself once a month or so. If it were to die it wouldn't bother me particularly.

12-24-2013, 04:50 PM
This article is pretty biased (and sadly unprofessional). Many people may have deactivated their accounts, but teenagers rule the internet now and I'm sure there are more of them signing up every day.

I use it to keep up in the lives of people who live far away and to make a fool of myself on a regular basis.

12-24-2013, 06:11 PM
People still think the internet or any communication device is safe? lulz.

12-25-2013, 01:30 AM
I don't think Facebook is truly dead though the ideals we might have thought it stood for are.

12-25-2013, 01:35 AM
Yeah, this was also nearly 10 years ago. I'm not saying things were ever really safe, but Facebook was set up in a way that you had to be verified you where who you said you were before you joined.

I have 2 facebook game accounts with fake names a/s/l, because that's really all I use it for, literately. The thing I find odd is the way their silly game apps run is by either paying micro transactions or inviting a bunch of fake friends that play the game to make leveling easier and the apps encourage you to invite these random people, but by Facebook rules they will Facebook jail you for inviting friends you don't know. It's a very screwed up system which conflicts the apps they have on their site and the foolish rules the set up. I've been in Facebook jail so many many times it's laughable, but so is playing many of their addictive mind numbing games I suppose.

12-25-2013, 04:58 PM
I deleted like 80% of my friends and hid 90% of what remained from my news feed and I have never looked back

I wanna delete myself but then I would have no where to share my wacky pics and personal opinions on dr who or nelson mandela or

Loony BoB
12-25-2013, 05:17 PM
Facebook allows me, my friends and my family to stay in touch with each other - all in one place. I have no beef with it.

12-26-2013, 01:19 AM
It's not dead, but probably will be in 5 years. I use it mostly for family and close friends now. I deleted a lot of people who added me and I just added them back but then realized there was no point.

12-28-2013, 09:00 PM
FaceBook is great for enabling me to keep in touch with useless friends/family who don't email, call or write; and also for making feel jealous any time anyone goes on holiday or gets a pet.

I should get better friends/family.

12-29-2013, 04:40 PM
I love Facebook. It's a great way to keep in touch with my family who live at the other end of the country, and with friends I don't get to see often.

01-02-2014, 10:07 AM
and also for making feel jealous any time anyone goes on holiday or gets a pet.
There's an easy fix to this. I don't have people on my friend's list anymore who I am not genuinely happy when things are going well in their life.

01-02-2014, 04:11 PM
I check it, but i rarely post. I even more rarely "like" things. If something interests me, I'll use fucking words and tell them, not click a stupid button that doesn't really say anything other than "i saw this comment and i think something about it"

01-06-2014, 06:50 PM
I use facebook to see what my friends are doing and some family. I am not in love with Facebook and would really prefer to use something else but that isn't going to happen and I don't think the other services really offer the sort of experience I am looking for so...whatever. It gets the job done well enough and I am no longer the MONSTER I was years ago where I would have endless bitched about it. Now I just do that IRL to my friends like Sephex.

01-06-2014, 06:57 PM
I use facebook to see what my friends are doing and some family. I am not in love with Facebook and would really prefer to use something else but that isn't going to happen and I don't think the other services really offer the sort of experience I am looking for so...whatever. It gets the job done well enough and I am no longer the MONSTER I was years ago where I would have endless bitched about it. Now I just do that IRL to my friends like Sephex.

And I LOVE listening to you complain.




01-06-2014, 11:09 PM
I use facebook to see what my friends are doing and some family. I am not in love with Facebook and would really prefer to use something else but that isn't going to happen and I don't think the other services really offer the sort of experience I am looking for so...whatever. It gets the job done well enough and I am no longer the MONSTER I was years ago where I would have endless bitched about it. Now I just do that IRL to my friends like Sephex.

And I LOVE listening to you complain.




The Internet...The Internet never changes =D

01-07-2014, 02:09 AM
I use facebook for a few things
1) Keeping in touch with what few friends I have
2) Posting twisted and awesome art I find on the web
3) Writing small little reviews of movies ive watched and games I've played
4) Ranting and bitching. Primarily number 4. I love this one.

You know... if it wasnt for #1 I'd just use tumblr exclusively. Seems like a better fit for me. I just hate trying to keep track of two websites like that. Takes up all my time.

01-07-2014, 11:05 AM
I use it to keep up in the lives of people who live far away

Facebook allows me, my friends and my family to stay in touch with each other - all in one place

It's a great way to keep in touch with my family who live at the other end of the country, and with friends I don't get to see often.

This is the only reason I have a Facebook account. I very rarely check it though. Too many of my family are illiterate and reading my news feed is just a painful experience. Also...

- Person has invited you to play Candy Crush/Camelot/Farmville
- "OMG, it's snowing/raining/sunny/overcast/inclement here!"
- Like and share otherwise the bunnies in this picture will contract rabies