View Full Version : EoFF GeoGuessr Play Thread!

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08-30-2013, 06:47 AM
I am fining you both 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points

You're so mean!

I would normally try. But Shabbat starts in less than twelve hours, and I have to do a LOT of cooking between now and then.


08-30-2013, 09:01 AM
I am fining you both 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points

You're so mean!

I would normally try. But Shabbat starts in less than twelve hours, and I have to do a LOT of cooking between now and then.


bake me a fucking challah.

08-30-2013, 09:40 AM
I am fining you both 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points

You're so mean!

I would normally try. But Shabbat starts in less than twelve hours, and I have to do a LOT of cooking between now and then.


bake me a smurfing challah.

Not if that's what you're going to do with it. Geez.

08-30-2013, 09:41 AM
They always look delicious..

08-30-2013, 10:11 AM
Which is why you should be putting them where you have taste buds.

08-30-2013, 01:54 PM
Right, time to get my act together. More time for the Twelfth Round? Joy!

Reverse searching the Mural comes up with the Bobby Sands Mural, in Belfast, Ireland. Hmm, I wonder who took the photos...

EDIT: Shion, am I right in saying that for the Bonus Round we are allowed to help each other?

08-30-2013, 02:18 PM
Let's see, for round 12 we have: murals which seem to be using the colours of the Irish flag, specific mention of republicans in one, talk of segregation for ir- in another, and plates that are clearly European. Hmmm, who do we know from Ireland? Gonna go with Belfast because reasons.

08-30-2013, 06:03 PM
Yes Formy, you can help each other with the bonus round

08-30-2013, 06:24 PM
I am totally expecting you guys to help me with this. That includes you super guessers, YERU, DENMARK, ENDLESS, SHARKY.

08-30-2013, 07:00 PM
I am totally expecting you guys to help me with this. That includes you super guessers, YERU, DENMARK, ENDLESS.

Fixed for you. I've spent no more than 10 minutes looking around for reach of these. I'm not dedicated enough to be a super sleuth.

08-30-2013, 08:04 PM
i already said i couldn't be arsed, jeez

08-30-2013, 08:20 PM
Why not try just for fun?

It's not like you're going for some prize that you've already won.

08-30-2013, 08:44 PM
Let's see, for round 12 we have: murals which seem to be using the colours of the Irish flag, specific mention of republicans in one, talk of segregation for ir- in another, and plates that are clearly European. Hmmm, who do we know from Ireland? Gonna go with Belfast because reasons.

They're not irish colours man, they're Palestinean..I thought it'd be a red herring. I was so very wrong

08-30-2013, 08:56 PM
Let's see, for round 12 we have: murals which seem to be using the colours of the Irish flag, specific mention of republicans in one, talk of segregation for ir- in another, and plates that are clearly European. Hmmm, who do we know from Ireland? Gonna go with Belfast because reasons.

They're not irish colours man, they're Palestinean..I thought it'd be a red herring. I was so very wrong

The mural on the right either very clearly transitions from green to white to orange or you need to learn to take better pictures. :p

08-30-2013, 08:58 PM
Why not try just for fun?

It's not like you're going for some prize that you've already won.

Because I don't want my score to reach the half million mark :p I'm terrible at this game!

08-30-2013, 10:09 PM
There's no point penalty if you get the bonus round wrong. You just get 50% taken off of your total if you get it right.

08-30-2013, 10:51 PM
Let's see, for round 12 we have: murals which seem to be using the colours of the Irish flag, specific mention of republicans in one, talk of segregation for ir- in another, and plates that are clearly European. Hmmm, who do we know from Ireland? Gonna go with Belfast because reasons.

They're not irish colours man, they're Palestinean..I thought it'd be a red herring. I was so very wrong

The mural on the right either very clearly transitions from green to white to orange or you need to learn to take better pictures. :p

It's a meld of sorts from the famous Palestinean Zindabad picture thus;


Sure there's even Arabic above it. My mistake was not cropping out the anti-segregation one on the far right and thinking google reverse would never in a million years rexcognise the Bobby Sands Mural on Sevastopol Street

08-30-2013, 11:00 PM
Technically not playing but It's so Belfast

08-31-2013, 12:01 AM
My mistake was not cropping out the anti-segregation one on the far right and thinking google reverse would never in a million years rexcognise the Bobby Sands Mural on Sevastopol Street[/spoiler]

The quote on the left of the mural is enough to find (through a plain text search) who said it and check his picture against the mural. After that it's caik walk.

08-31-2013, 12:13 AM
It's a meld of sorts from the famous Palestinean Zindabad picture thus;


Sure there's even Arabic above it. My mistake was not cropping out the anti-segregation one on the far right and thinking google reverse would never in a million years rexcognise the Bobby Sands Mural on Sevastopol Street

Meant the one to the right of that actually. I can see on my monitor that it looks like it transistions into red after the orange, but it all just looked orange on my phone. :gator:

But even still, some murals with arabic and whatnot aren't really going to throw people that much when the rest of the pictures don't resemble any middle eastern nation I've ever seen pictures of or heard of. The colouring really just got my mind going down the Irish road, the rest of it just kind of clinched it enough for me to give a confident guess. If I had been wrong, meh, big deal. I don't google anything. I usually just take a close look in the pics for anything somewhat recognizable and go with my gut.

As for the bonus round, I'm honestly at a loss at the moment. I can't pick out any obvious landmarks that I recognize off hand, and any other potentially identifying features seem to be eluding me if they exist. If the resolution were better maybe I could pick something out in the second pic or recognize something through the glare of the third, but I've got bupkiss for now.

08-31-2013, 04:56 AM
http://img-s3-01.mytextgraphics.com/sparklee/2013/08/31/bda98b63ddba5052c6a2c5a69cdab29e.gif (http://www.sparklee.com)


But first, here were the locations of Round 12 and the Bonus round.

Round 12 location was Belfast, Ireland

The Bonus round location was Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Here are your scores:

Eliminated for missing too many rounds:
Cim, Raistlin

EIGHTH PLACE: Vivi22 with a score of 21927

SEVENTH PLACE: Formalhaut with a score of 13959

SIXTH PLACE: Pantz with a score of 12725

FIFTH PLACE: Inferno with a score of 2928

FOURTH PLACE: Yerushalmi with a score of 2405

And our top 3:

THRID PLACE: sharkythesharkdogg with a score of 990

SECOND PLACE: Denmark with a score of 72


http://img-s3-01.mytextgraphics.com/sparklee/2013/08/31/7fb1226dbcb372e3f8da83304ad5a5a0.gif (http://www.sparklee.com)

with a perfect score of 0. Congrats to Endless!

:party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::p arty::party::party::party::party::party::party::party:


And that's all folks!

I hope you all had fun :)

A big thanks to everyone who participated, wither by guessing or by participating.

08-31-2013, 05:03 AM
shoulda tried harder. disappointing finish

(i'm talking about myself here)

08-31-2013, 10:55 AM
Sucks I only saw the bonus round was posted last night after I logged out of FF14, I only had about 2h30 to search (finishing at 3:30am) so I only had time to check the coasts of USA/Canada and Portugal/Spain and not the major inland lakes. I doubt I'd have found it, though.

08-31-2013, 11:14 PM
Eh, as my saying goes "As long as you're not last, your fine.". And I just about managed to uphold that :p

Though Endless, my god. Such a fantastic perfect score deserves some reward surely. How... how the heck did he do that!

And yeah, that bonus round I just gave up on. That bonus round was a joke!

09-01-2013, 02:48 AM
Montreal huh? I'd probably be more upset at missing that had I been there more than the one time ten years ago. And ten years ago I was there for under 24 hours just to see Rush.

09-02-2013, 06:39 PM
HA ! Montreal... I wasn't even sure. I would have looked like a fool if I missed this one. Round 8 is really the one that hurt me.
Congrats Endless... ZERO, really ?!

09-05-2013, 04:31 PM
HA ! Montreal... I wasn't even sure. I would have looked like a fool if I missed this one. Round 8 is really the one that hurt me.
Congrats Endless... ZERO, really ?!

I had plenty of time thanks to the holidays, so I could search thoroughly until I was sure, the exception being Manila where I got lucky.

I think next time I'll volunteer to run it so that Shion can actually play, and so others don't have to deal with me as their opponent ;) Plus, I got some ideas to make it slightly more challenging (not "here's one picture of a snow-covered hill, good luck" challenging, but more "you have to really pinpoint it" challenging) while scoring it not as linear (which made it near impossible to recover from a big mistake in this run).