View Full Version : KINGDOM HEARTS III: More Keyblade Transformations Incoming

12-30-2013, 10:15 PM

Remember back in the early days of KINGDOM HEARTS. The Keyblad was such a simple weapon that closed keyholes, bonked enemies on the head and let you cast magic. Then came the Drive system in Kingdom Hearts II and it could even turn into a vehicle in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. It seems even more transformative powers are to come for the trusty Keyblade.

Back in October, the D23 Expo 2013 trailer for Kingdom Hearts III showed off attacks themed off of various attractions from Disney theme parks. Now officially titled "Attraction Flow," Nomura has taken the time to sit down with Famitsu magazine and discuss the future of the Keyblade further.

On the subject of the D23 trailer Nomura remarked that "it seems like everyone was happy, so I'm glad about that." He does go on to state that the team has a "long way to go from a development point of view" when it comes to Attraction Flow.


Famitsu weren't satisfied with that coy answer though and pushed Nomura further. He went on to explain that Attraction Flow is based off of the Flowmotion system from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and will be one of the main systems in Kingdom Hearts III, particularly during boss encounters. The Attraction Flow system allows players to choose moves according to the place and enemies involved.

Famitsu then went on to enquire about other Keyblade transformations, noting that in the D23 trailer there was a sequence where the Keyblade turns into a gun. Incase you missed it, here's a screenshot:


Nomura added that the gun was just one of the many transformations planned for the Keyblade, some of them quite unbelievable. Apparently the development team have been having a whale of a time bouncing ideas off of each other.

Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and XBOX One. During the later stages of the interview Nomura remarked that he is currently hard at work writing the plot of Kingdom Hearts III. The game itself is currently being developed simultaneously alongside Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX by the Osaka development team and there's a high chance that the HD Remaster will feature a hidden teaser for Kingdom Hearts III.

[Source: Kingdom Hearts III Will Have More Crazy Keyblade Transformations (http://www.siliconera.com/2013/12/30/kingdom-hearts-iii-will-crazy-keyblade-transformations/) ]

12-31-2013, 01:57 AM
pew pew

Depression Moon
12-31-2013, 03:21 AM
Yeah, I can see a lot of the transformations overdoing it a bit, but it's nothing that will hinder my experience. I thought the drive forms were a product of the fairy godmothers from Cinderella.

12-31-2013, 06:07 AM
i can't wait for this. My sister and i are just in stitches waiting!

Del Murder
12-31-2013, 07:56 AM
The flowmotion in 3D was kind of cool but it trivialized a lot of the combat and platforming that made this series fun. I hope these new moves don't do that. :3:

12-31-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm going to get motion sickness! :lol: I like what they've done though, interesting and memorable little sequences to liven things up.

Also I started laughing when I saw the fat Heartless. I'd forgotten all about them - such a nostalgia trip!

12-31-2013, 09:36 PM
Guess: all transformations will have default design because it would be next to impossible (read as time consuming for the lazy) to reskin the new forms for each Keyblade you can acquire.