View Full Version : When/where/why do you listen to videogame OST's?

Pete for President
01-02-2014, 08:23 PM
A lot of us love videogame music, but when do you listen to it? And what OST specifically?

I like the FF piano collections, Okami piano collection and Journey OST to get to sleep. X, XII and Tactics OST are on when I'm working, and Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus when I'm out in heavy weather or long bustrips/drives (preferably combined with epic scenery).

Now you go!

black orb
01-02-2014, 10:15 PM
when do you listen to it?
>>> When I need inspiration for my art..:luca: thats how i get all my ideas (dont tell anybody).

And what OST specifically?
>>> All the FF OST, you cant get any better stuff than that..:luca:

01-03-2014, 12:19 AM
When I'm playing the games. If I like it a lot I'll search for it on YouTube just to have another listen. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Evil Zone and Command & Conquer are the first games to come to mind that had a good soundtrack I enjoyed.

01-03-2014, 01:00 AM
I received the Silent Hill 3 soundtrack cd as packaged in with the game. That was my first video game OST experience.

01-03-2014, 01:10 AM
my first video game OST experience came this year when my aunt put the sound track to my first psp game Jeanne D'Arc on my iPod. Now I want the soundtracks to a lot of the games i own.

there is just something great about a lot of them ^^ i also have movie soundtracks and its great music like any other kind =D

so i guess i just listen to it because i like to =D

01-03-2014, 02:13 AM
When: whenever I need to feel like I'm fighting that awesome boss battle again, or exploring that one place in that one game, or just when I need to listen to something awesome. It helps me when I'm tired working through assignments, or when I need to relax.

Where: where ever I can; that is, when I don't have to keep an ear out for other stuff.

Why: I think I sort of explained why when I answered the 'when' question; but it's just great music, really.

I like probably all the FF OST's out there, it's all great music. I really enjoy the Shadow of the Colossus OST as well, and Assassin's Creed.

01-03-2014, 02:15 AM
A lot of us love videogame music, but when do you listen to it? And what OST specifically?

SaGa Frontier II's OST is good, but by far my favorite is Legend Of Mana. If you haven't heard it, search youtube and listen to it. Right now.

I also enjoy Bastion's OST, They Bleed Pixels also has that chiptune quality that I enjoy.

I like the FF piano collections, Okami piano collection and Journey OST to get to sleep. X, XII and Tactics OST are on when I'm working, and Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus when I'm out in heavy weather or long bustrips/drives (preferably combined with epic scenery).

Now you go!

The FF piano collections are awesome. Also the Black Mages.

01-03-2014, 02:32 AM
I listen to just about any OST that I like, or at the very least select songs from one. I started out many years ago listening to original Final Fantasy soundtracks as well as the Chrono series. Now I have music from all sorts of genres on my iPod. I usually listen to music in my car, but I'll also play it at work or home, like any kind of music.

I actually very recently made a play list full of beat driven music. Along with "normal" music, it has songs from FTL, VVVVVV, Super Hexagon, and bLiNd's "Within the Giant" mix from the FFIV OC remix album.

01-03-2014, 05:30 AM
I have the soundtracks to Final Fantasys VI, VII, VIII, and IX, as well as Personas 3 and 4, Phantom Brave, Blue Dragon, Tales of Xillia, Disgaea 2, and Wild ARMs 3. I listen to them whenever I feel like it, same with "regular" music, but there's something very useful about good music without any lyrics to distract you. I also like to listen to these OSTs to stave off nostalgia trips; the FF ones particularly since I have such strong memories of the moments when each track plays.

Pete for President
01-03-2014, 06:09 AM
when do you listen to it?
>>> When I need inspiration for my art..:luca: thats how i get all my ideas (dont tell anybody).

Doesn't come as a surprise! Ever thought about featuring music instruments in your work?

It helps me when I'm tired working through assignments

Hah, same here! Bombastic tense classical music playing in the background can turn any kind of dull work into an epic quest.

I actually very recently made a play list full of beat driven music. Along with "normal" music, it has songs from FTL, VVVVVV, Super Hexagon, and bLiNd's "Within the Giant" mix from the FFIV OC remix album.

That reminds me! Every now and then I rock out big time to the Hotline Miami OST. Puwapapapapappapa!

Sometimes I put the Ace Combat Zero OST on during work for extra epicness.

Does anyone ever get weird questions by other people browsing through your music collection and seeing the crazy Japanese names or when an OST suddenly pops up when it's set to shuffle?

01-03-2014, 02:24 PM
Pretty much any track I've ever liked is in my music collection with literally every other song I like ever, and I throw the whole damn thing on shuffle in my car or just chillin' at my house. So video game music is sprinkled in with random stuff.

01-03-2014, 03:25 PM
The only soundtracks I own Final Fantasy VIII and Metal Gear Solid 3. I have VIII on my iPod, and I used to listen to the world map theme sometimes whenever I would walk to classes in college to make me feel like I was on some awesome adventure. I was also drug to a Redemption card tournament with some friends, and I played the triple triad theme during games so I felt like I was playing Triple Triad, haha.

Honestly, I throw on a mixture of video game music and just instrumental music in general anytime I write. It's not usually for inspiration (though it often provides that), I just like the background noise and music with vocal tracks are too distracting. Anytime I write an article or anything for here, I do listen to the entirety of the soundtrack for the game I'm writing for as I write as well as it sometimes helps spark my memory of certain aspects of the game.

01-03-2014, 03:37 PM
Video game OSTs and remixes make up probably about half of the total music I own, if not more. Love 'em. I listen to them all the time. There are even some soundtracks to games I've never played which I adore ("The Legend of Spyro" - not the originals - come to mind. Top tier soundtrack.)

01-03-2014, 04:00 PM
My mobile is filled with tracks from Final Fantasy, various Anime series and some single tracks from games. I listen to music pretty much every time I'm out. And also when I'm sitting at my PC and not doing anything that uses sound (like browsing EoFF). And no, I don't have ANY other songs/tracks on my mobile.

So, to answer the question in a nutshell, ALL THE TIME.

At the moment, I'm constantly listening to music from Clannad. I had wondered about the merit of listening to music that induces tears every time I hear it, but it didn't turn out to be a problem. My playlist has 32 tracks from Clannad and Tomoyo After, so it doesn't get monotonous. Not even after listening to it constantly for about two months.

Besides that, I mostly listen to FF music. Which FF depends on my mood. Mostly it's Final Fantasy VIII, since I consider its soundtrack to be even better than Clannad's. I'm just more into Clannad right now.

I just love listening to Clannad and Final Fantasy music. Besides the fact that I consider them to be really good instrumental tracks, it just takes me back to the series every time I hear it. It builds nostalgic feelings. It makes me more attached to the series. I only grow to love it more and more the more I hear the tunes. I adore it.

Del Murder
01-04-2014, 01:34 AM
I listen to pretty much all the FF OSTs and their varieties in the car over and over again. :roll: I also listen to Symphony of the Night and the Chrono series.

black orb
01-04-2014, 05:37 AM
Ever thought about featuring music instruments in your work?
>>> Not really, I have zero talent for music so Im not very attached to music instruments..:luca:

01-11-2014, 04:33 PM
I have them on my mp3 player, so I just tend to listen to them when I'm walking/on the train/wherever. I don't have many on there, but off the top of my head I've got FFVII - X, SSB:B, Lunar: SSSC, plus some odd tracks from the likes of Grandia II, FFXIII and a few others. I need to do an overhaul of the music/get a new mp3 player with greater storage space, as there's quite a few more I'd like to add in.