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View Full Version : Do you remember when people liked talking about games instead of hating it

01-06-2014, 09:54 PM
Well, let's take a quick look back shall we.
What has changed?
Is it..... Internet that has made hate cool?
You know, just find a game, invite a friend over and ey, its cool.
Evolution. Enjoy.


01-06-2014, 10:06 PM
Nothing has really changed. As a child of the 80s I grew up with magazines like Games Master and Computer and Video Games and even back then the letters section was full of Nintendo vs Sega trash talk. People still slated those who thought Columns was harder than Tetris. There was still rivalry.

The difference was the internet wasn't as widespread then so this type of thing was simply confined to magazine letters section, trash talk on Games Master or Games World (the tv shows) especially when it came to rare cross-platform titles about which controller was better to play them with. Heck back then PC gamers didn't really give a rats ass about consoles as consoles were still very much in their infancy and gaming machines were still more like the likes of Amigas and Commodores.

You know, Niale, for someone who does a lot of black and white judging about people being trolls or sheep, or simply unable to formulate their opinions - you do an awful lot of posting vague dross and letting YouTube videos make your point for you. I'm beginning to think, pot. Kettle. Black.

01-06-2014, 10:10 PM
For someone who hates the internet, you seem to use it a lot. :exdee:

01-06-2014, 10:14 PM
For someone who hates the internet, you seem to use it a lot. :exdee:

Enlightenment has to come through somehow ;)

Nothing has really changed. As a child of the 80s I grew up with magazines like Games Master and Computer and Video Games and even back then the letters section was full of Nintendo vs Sega trash talk. People still slated those who thought Columns was harder than Tetris. There was still rivalry.

The difference was the internet wasn't as widespread then so this type of thing was simply confined to magazine letters section, trash talk on Games Master or Games World (the tv shows) especially when it came to rare cross-platform titles about which controller was better to play them with. Heck back then PC gamers didn't really give a rats ass about consoles as consoles were still very much in their infancy and gaming machines were still more like the likes of Amigas and Commodores.

You know, Niale, for someone who does a lot of black and white judging about people being trolls or sheep, or simply unable to formulate their opinions - you do an awful lot of posting vague dross and letting YouTube videos make your point for you. I'm beginning to think, pot. Kettle. Black.

I'm gonna let this video speak for me too aswell ;).
And when it comes to internet hate before and now, not really. Maybe in america, but not here ;)
Also, wink ;)


I like this comment. Have fun ;)
brilliant critique of the internet hate culture, people smurfing suck.

Enjoy gaming either way. Keep that in your heart ;)

Agent Proto
01-06-2014, 10:27 PM
I'm going to let this video speak for most of us.


01-06-2014, 10:28 PM
I love talking about games I enjoy. It's why I come to this forum. It's just hard to find people who care enough to listen and discuss back. There are too many games, and everyone has their own preference. Finding someone who is just as interested as you in some of the more esoteric titles (and there are a great many such games that I love) is not easy.

01-06-2014, 10:31 PM
I love talking about games I enjoy. It's why I come to this forum. It's just hard to find people who care enough to listen and discuss back. There are too many games, and everyone has their own preference. Finding someone who is just as interested as you in some of the more esoteric titles (and there are a great many such games that I love) is not easy.

:angel:That's the spirit.

Agent Proto
01-06-2014, 10:36 PM
Anyway, to the point. I just want to say that I enjoy talking about games, but it's just hard to do that nowadays because of the negativity some people have concerning some games. They have strong feelings, and they tend to post negatively about them, and that really does kind of put the mood down to talk about games. The Internet did bring a lot a mixture of every kind of people together, and that includes those who want to ruin the fun of discussion.

01-06-2014, 10:45 PM
I like how Niale also assumes everyone is from America.

Wink. ;)

(hint: I'm not from America)

01-06-2014, 11:07 PM
If all anyone is doing is praising games then that is just as bad. We should have conversations about why a game works or doesn't work and people will have different opinions. Those opinions should be passionate and full of whatever feels one may have about said game. That could be lots of udder hate for terrible games like FF6 or Ride to Hell Retribution or hot steamy orgasmic love for games like FF12 or the Rez Vibrator.

Just invite a friend over and enjoy? That is how you end up watching and complaining about what a shitty game RE6 is for damn near an entire weekend >.> That did NOT really happen with Sephex. Some people say it did but we both banished the memory from our collective consciousness.

01-07-2014, 12:38 AM
If all anyone is doing is praising games then that is just as bad. We should have conversations about why a game works or doesn't work and people will have different opinions. Those opinions should be passionate and full of whatever feels one may have about said game. That could be lots of udder hate for terrible games like FF6 or Ride to Hell Retribution or hot steamy orgasmic love for games like FF12 or the Rez Vibrator.

Just invite a friend over and enjoy? That is how you end up watching and complaining about what a troutty game RE6 is for damn near an entire weekend >.> That did NOT really happen with Sephex. Some people say it did but we both banished the memory from our collective consciousness.

You mean this. God bless the internet :P
Grand Theft Auto V Review - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQXpsIozdsE)
Stupidity is our name, how it has devolved :P
Reviews is one guy vs others, the problem is if you get enough followers they will defend that clown to the end of the world, there is no discussion its he is right you are wrong. Reviewers are the god of the internship. I mean, it works if IGN does it, because that's legit, but when some "AVGN", its holy war, basically :P

To keep it short, YouTube is basically a horrible place. And you will learn nothing about game from people there, basically better to play it by yourself or with friends, internet can sucker stupidity, because people love stupidity. That's the kind of awareness i hope internet will be further away from, but who knows. :cool:

Its amazing when i see this i think, wow how did we devolve from then to now.

I mean people say USA is stupid, i don't think so, but the places on the internet, yes. I mean, people complain and say PewDiePie is bad, but most of the content on YouTube isn't any better, (Haven't watched any PDP though)

I guess this is like the answer from USA to say, hey guy, only americans can post stupid stuff on YouTube, this is no place for Swedes :P

YouTube, by americans, for americans ;)
I mean its google :D They pretty much own the site, but there are some people who are ok "ClassicGameRoom" which jumped off YouTube and joined "Dailymotion" instead. So that is respect.

I don't watch much anymore, but those are basically the thing you can watch and not be addicted to it like cocaine.

If this helps, i don't know. But ey, have fun gaming. That's what matter.
Game on :cool:

Del Murder
01-07-2014, 02:38 AM
If only there was a forum where people could talk about the games they like... :luigi:

01-07-2014, 02:35 PM
i really cant stand that blind rage between consoles (im looking at you, ps3-xbox :l)
there is simply no reasoning with those ragers :S
they dont even explain themselves, all they say is: ''OMG noob console blablabla''

its blind rage and its only becaus they happen to have the other console.
i have a ps3 but i dont hate xbox..

01-07-2014, 03:56 PM
This is a topic I think about a lot, as it is very noticeable how gamers at large have become more skeptical and pessimistic than ever. You don't have to go far to find a "Top 10 disappointments of the year" list, even on the first page here we have a thread about the worst games we've played.

I think internet discussions, comments sections and forums brought this out because now we're all in a position to write and one of the lowest yet seductive forms of writing is that of a smug, snarky critique. It's fun to read and fun to write (Ratatooie) and with the web giving a column to the masses I feel that's the kind of attitude its generated.

I think its dangerous because I've seen many ambitious games this generation get panned and shunned, as if they're being punished for their idealism by journalists and gamers who can't experience the same joy. They blast said games for arbitrary reasons such as the gameplay not being accessible enough or not having enough of the author's ever-changing definition of "innovation." I'm afraid this will only lead to game makers fearing to dream big or take risks.

You have to enjoy your hobby. One of my new year's resolutions is to spend less time reading and arguing about games and spend more time enjoying them. I've made an effort not to post as much or spend too much time foraging for gaming discussion. And overall, I am optimistic about where gaming is at and having a hell of a time with the current consoles and handhelds.

01-07-2014, 04:14 PM
When did this become a discussion on youtube? We were conversing about the highly contentious topic dealing with matters of game negativity. You even posed the question of why we can't we just invite a friend over and play a game. You have basically devolved this into "I don't like Youtube" again. I am not clicking on either of those two youtube links. If you have a point to make then just express yourself.

Also, Del Murder, awesome man...just...awe-some!

01-07-2014, 04:41 PM
i dont mind some critique on a game.. but the way they do it.
some people are all negative in what they write.

atleast be honest and also tell what is positive about a game

01-07-2014, 09:09 PM
This is a topic I think about a lot, as it is very noticeable how gamers at large have become more skeptical and pessimistic than ever. You don't have to go far to find a "Top 10 disappointments of the year" list, even on the first page here we have a thread about the worst games we've played.

I think internet discussions, comments sections and forums brought this out because now we're all in a position to write and one of the lowest yet seductive forms of writing is that of a smug, snarky critique. It's fun to read and fun to write (Ratatooie) and with the web giving a column to the masses I feel that's the kind of attitude its generated.

I think its dangerous because I've seen many ambitious games this generation get panned and shunned, as if they're being punished for their idealism by journalists and gamers who can't experience the same joy. They blast said games for arbitrary reasons such as the gameplay not being accessible enough or not having enough of the author's ever-changing definition of "innovation." I'm afraid this will only lead to game makers fearing to dream big or take risks.

You have to enjoy your hobby. One of my new year's resolutions is to spend less time reading and arguing about games and spend more time enjoying them. I've made an effort not to post as much or spend too much time foraging for gaming discussion. And overall, I am optimistic about where gaming is at and having a hell of a time with the current consoles and handhelds.

You literally took the words right out of my mouth :)

i dont mind some critique on a game.. but the way they do it.
some people are all negative in what they write.

atleast be honest and also tell what is positive about a game

Well it seems its more popular to tell people not to like games and to gain followers to think so too. Atleast if i understand the internet correctly :P

01-07-2014, 09:21 PM
I don't know, I see alot from both sides. There is a lot of discussion about the positives of a game and what there is to like about them. That's why fan forums like this one exist. We like a series of games so we discuss them. I hate the DOA series with a passion and that's why you don't see me on forums dedicated to those games :monster:.

I will discuss negatives about games I like (Final Fantasy X, for example) but I'll also discuss the positives. And if I go out of my way to discuss the negatives without being asked, chances are I like the game or I wouldn't be bothered to say anything.

There's a good number of positive disucssions too, is my point. There's tons just on this forum. And sure people discuss the negatives but it's not like that's all they do.

01-11-2014, 09:35 AM
My ex used to talk about games sometimes. She and I had very few genres in common. And series... she liked Kingdom Hearts but not Final Fantasy (only liked the Disney aspect). She like the Dead or Alive and Fable series but not general fighting games or other RPGs. She did enjoy playing Brawl though. Aside from that, I've had very few friends with whom to talk gaming. My cousins talk about games, but mostly on my dad's side and mostly about Wrestling games. WTF? They also happen to like games like Soulcalibur and Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto, but they constantly talk to me about the latest Wrestling game. What the hell is the matter with these people?
These days though I generally don't like to bring gaming discussion with me IRL. It an online thing only. If I talk about it IRL, then I feel like I should be gaming more and I really just don't think I have the strength to curb that addiction if I get back into it... of course... I already am back into it. I went four months without playing a game at the start of last year. Then I started playing games online and on my cel phone. Then I dropped those and went back to my consoles but only to play Final Fantasy VII, Ephemeral Fantasia, and Crystalis and only so I could study the stories for various reasons (for VII, I was writing fanfiction, for EF, a wiki, and for Crystalis... a proposition for a sequel)

01-11-2014, 12:58 PM
Don't pass judgement on a YouTuber if you haven't watched any of their content. A lot of the problems you attribute to reviewers, critics, and content creators actually belong to the fans who are ignorant and aggressive and forgive me but you don't paint yourself very differently with your staunch and unwavering view and refusal to participate in a discussion.

Negativity is cool. It is. But this is not a new phenomenon. Disagreeing with opinions is just a thing. I remember some time in high school where we started discussing something like, I dunno, the Wiggles, and how it was ridiculous and for kids and some of us instantly retaliated with "what? no, fuck you man, the Wiggles are awesome" when none of us legitimately held that believe (even though the Wiggles are awesome (original Wiggles 4 life tho)). It's not even being devil's advocate, some people just like to fucking argue (hi) and cause a scene. Look at YouTube comments for evidence: everyone is just an asshole.

But that doesn't mean everybody is just bitching. If they are, then they're idiots: video games are becoming increasingly popular and widespread and an ever important part of our (pop) cultural identity. And I love games. I love talking about them. I love, much to your chagrin Niale, dissecting them. I love celebrating the pros and highlighting the cons and whatever. I write about games, I like to discuss them. I joined a fucking Final Fantasy forum for Christ's sake.

I don't know what else to say. There is a big emphasis on negativity, but criticism is an integral part of the discourse. I would love to see a lot more positive discussion but I think there's a lot about the industry to be jaded about. I'm still hopeful and engaged though.

01-12-2014, 01:24 AM
Do you remember when people liked talking about games instead of hating it

I dunno man. I love talking about games. LOVE it, as anyone who follows me on Twitter or has talked to me for more than a couple of seconds can attest.

Most of my friends and family love talking about games too! :D

01-12-2014, 04:28 PM
I like talking about games. I love analyzing them. I enjoy discussing them with other people and disagreeing with them. It's a part of life.

As you get older, your tastes get refined and you get more jaded, that's a given. Disliking a game and knowing the reasons for it are no sin. He'll, even complaining about it in a snarky manner is OK. Sometimes you are disappointed with a game and really feel it was a waste of your time.

I've really learned over the years that I truly, genuinely dislike Final Fantasy X. Do you think I have no right to talk about it then, to just shut up and enjoy it? Even if it's the opposite of anything I like in games? Even if dissecting it to highlight it's flaws gives me a sort of satisfaction? That is my way of enjoying that game now, so how am I doing it wrong? Enlighten me, since you seem to hold all the secrets to being a good person.