View Full Version : Would you change the love interests in the FF games you played? spoilers

02-03-2014, 04:13 AM
So I'm playing VIII for the first time and it's kind of bugging me the way the love story is going. It seems to me Rinoa preferred Seifer first, now he's gone she is interested in Squall, so it got me thinking that I would change the love interest in two other games as well had I the option.

FF7- I'd choose Tifa
FF8- Quistis
FF10- Rikku (I was 13 years old at the time so totally cool hahahaha)

How about you, would you like this part of the game to be optional, FF seem to have moved away from love stories in the plot where some games lately have gone for tacky sex scenes with any main character in the game.

How about you would you make any revisions to who the main character fell for?

02-03-2014, 04:17 AM
In the case of VII I think you can choose Tifa. I don't have any FF games where I would want to change the romance, but being able to romance more than one person or no one (think Mass Effect) wouldn't be such a bad thing.

02-03-2014, 04:28 AM
I like most of the love interest stories. I would go for Tifa in VII for Cloud, though.

Black Mage + White Mage in FFI 4eva

02-03-2014, 04:30 AM
Black Mage + White Mage in FFI 4eva

That's where Green Mages come from.

02-03-2014, 04:31 AM
Black Mage + White Mage in FFI 4eva

That's where Green Mages come from.


oh my

02-04-2014, 10:09 AM
IV: Rydia
V: Faris
VI: Celes (lesyay)
VII: Tifaeris (a clone with the dna of both Tifa and Aeris, charming and fun AND well-endowed)
VIII: Quistis
X: Lulu
X-2: Paine (lesyay)
XII: Fran (but of course that breaks up the Fralthier duo), or Ashe

02-05-2014, 01:09 AM
IV: Rydia
V: Faris
VI: Celes (lesyay)
VII: Tifaeris (a clone with the dna of both Tifa and Aeris, charming and fun AND well-endowed)
VIII: Quistis
X: Lulu
X-2: Paine (lesyay)
XII: Fran (but of course that breaks up the Fralthier duo), or Ashe

Hahahahaha I should say that breaking the rules, but mercen-x you are an innovator :D

02-05-2014, 01:12 AM
I think the romance in FFVII is technically Tifa, but I'd like it to be less ambiguous. Quistis for FFVIII, Rikku for FFX.

02-05-2014, 01:34 PM
FuSoYa or Cid for FFIV, Barret for FFVII, Zell for FFVIII, Quina for FFIX, Kimahri for FFX, Noone ever for Vaan in FFXII.