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02-17-2014, 04:26 PM
Got some inspiration from Locky's Disney list, hope that this is okay ! c:

10- See the Light Tangled


This song is just so cute and romantic and you can see Eugene slowly change his ways, not because Rapunzel is making him or forcing him, but because he wants to change, for her, because he loves her.

9- A Whole New World Aladdin

Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie, so one of it's songs just had to be here, it would be not possible. I choose this one, because I remember being four years old, going shopping with my mum, and looking up at the tv screen above, and being totally mesmerized and amazed, and just totally lost within the romance and art.

8- Heigh Ho- Snow White


When I was little, I loved this song. This song used to be replayed like 80 times a day and drove my parents insane, so much so, I think my Snow White CD got busted pretty fast. Today I still love this song, just not as obsessed with it. Grumpy is the best, if you disagree, you're wrong.

7-Be Prepared Lion King


This song has to be one of the best villian songs Disney has ever created. I just love how it starts out slow and threatening, and then gets more and more agressive and dangerous as the song goes along and more Hyena's join Scar's side. Dark, creepy, but powerful. As a Villain's song should be.

6- Be a Man Mulan

Catchy, upbeat, inspirational and makes you believe that you can do anything. A good song to exercise with !

5- Love Is A Open Door- Frozen

I may get some strange looks here, putting the villian song instead of the famous and beloved Elsa's song about putting away all her fears and just letting everything go. But I just love this song too smurfing much. I love Hans' voice actor Santino, who plays Prince Topher and many other characters on Broadway. I also love how much this seems like the typical Disney love duet; but it's actually pretty dark one you know about Hans' true nature.

4- Circle Of Life- Lion King


I feel like I'm cheating here, because I wanted to do a one song per movie thing, but you would have to be pretty nuts not to have this song on your list.

3 Go The Distance- Hercules


I have often dreamed of a far out place, where a great warm welcome is waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face, and a voice keeps saying
there is where you're meet to be.

Yeah this song has kept me going alot, few many a rough times during childhood, and wishing that could just belong and not be a outcast anymore. Today, I still think that this song is beautiful and hopeful.

2- A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes- Cinderella

This song, really helps with my social anxiety and depression. It has that meaning that tomorrow is a new day, and one day things can get better, so it's been a huge personal helper, hence why it's so high on the list. Though a Disney song that can help with real life issues, even in adulthood, that's pretty powerful.

1 Poor Unfortunate Souls- Little Mermaid


I love this song so much, not only is it just a awesome villian song, but it's also deep, powerful, thrilling and exciting. Just like To Be Prepared it starts out slow and careful; but heats up as Ursula wants more and more to sign the contract, to take advantage of her naivety. Ursula throughout the song, is completely honest, but the same time, she tries her hardest to make the deal desirable. It doesn't win for best role model award since it's basically about signing the contact with the underwater version of the devil, but best Disney song award, yeah, it deserves a place.

Hope you liked, you can do your own list if you want !

02-17-2014, 04:31 PM
Marry me.

02-17-2014, 04:32 PM
i havent seen all the diney films (shame on me) but i agree with the songs i know, though i think Let it Go from frozen also deserves a spot :P

this thread would prolably go faster (and at the end longer) if you didnt post everything at once.
Like ToriJ did with his top 10 tv shows, that you reveil a number every vieuw hours or so.
that also makes it easyer to discus :3

02-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Poor Unfortunate Souls is a great little number. One of my favourites too. :D Nice list.

I am trying to think of others that I enjoy... uh...

He's a Tramp from The Lady and the Tramp is great. x} As much as I enjoy Go the Distance, I prefer Won't Say I'm In Love from Hercules.

02-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Anastasia isnt a Disney movie, is it?
if it is: i really liked that song when Anastasia is in the ballroom of the abandoned palace

02-17-2014, 08:57 PM
Your lack of Let it Go disturbs me...

But yeah, love is an open door is still an excellent choice considering how incredibly ironic it is in hindsight.

02-17-2014, 08:59 PM
The lack of Hellfire disturbs me.

02-20-2014, 08:20 AM
The lack of Hellfire disturbs me.

I don't know how to feel about that song, personally. Dark and disturbing is always welcome, as longs as it's not too dark and disturbing.

Hellfire crosses that line imo.

02-20-2014, 08:23 AM
Unrelated, I actually don't really like the movie it came from at all. :p

But I find the song to be damn near perfect for it's villain. But eh, to each their own I guess. :p

02-20-2014, 09:14 AM
A Whole New World <3

I remember only a few of those on the list. Hercules had music? Don't even remember it and why is his hand freakishly big?

02-20-2014, 09:26 AM
A Whole New World - Aladdin
Friend Like Me - Aladdin
Painting the Roses Red - Alice in Wonderland
The Unbirthday Song - Alice in Wonderland
Barking at the Moon - Bolt (sung by the talented and lovely Jenny Lewis and it totally counts)
I Won't Say I'm In Love - Hercules
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame
Reflection - Mulan
You Can Fly - Peter Pan
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid

I really like big collaboration songs with a lot going on like Be Our Guest, Circle of Life, Friend Like Me, Prince Ali, etc. Those are the most fun Disney songs. If you didn't get goddamn goosebumps when Circle of Life began the first time you saw The Lion King, then I don't know what to say to you. The best musical itself might be a toss-up between Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin for me.

Also, as a sidenote to nothing, I had Little Black Raincloud from Winnie the Pooh stuck in my head for like three days not long ago. I have no idea how it got there. And I think I've Got No Strings from Pinocchino is about the cutest thing ever.

02-20-2014, 02:13 PM
I saw the Lion King stage show, and Circle of Life made me tear up something chronic. It's such a beautiful song.

02-24-2014, 07:34 AM
I'm bored, so I'll do a top 5 least favourite Disney song thing

5- Fixer Upper Frozen


I dislike this song, because it comes during a rather awkward time, where Anna is about to freeze to death. A song about how Kristoff's family, believes that Anna is perfect for their adopted human son, is not the time. A love song, done in a familiar Disney style, when Kristoff and Anna were searching for each other in the winter storm would of been so much better. Plus the song turns the trolls into total assholes, when they say " get the fiance out of the way " We don't know about Hans' true nature yet. Yes Hans is evil, but it's still really dickweedy.

So she's a bit of a fixer upper
Her brain's a bit betwixt
Get the fiance out of the way
And the whole thing will be fixed

4- A Girl Worth Fighting For- Mulan


Again, like Fixer Upper, this song feels like a filler, and while Fixer Upper was badly placed, it feels does help the Kristoff/ Anna relationship feel less sudden. This adds to nothing, expect that the males in the army, are bored, tired from walking and are horny. They shorted down Reflection to save space ? For this ?

3- Yodel Song- That stupid cow movie thing
Yodeling, nuff said.

2- Pink Elephants on Parade- Dumbo

Awh, Dumbo is such a cute yet emotional movie. Wait are Dumbo and that little mouse guy drunk ?! Not just drunk, but completely wasted ?! Oh uhm, bubbles ? o-oh uhm, wait the smurf is GOing onn ? uhm wait ? no, no, please stop, stop, stop, did I get drunk too ? Is- oh smurf no, what ? why, why ? where ? who ? fuuuuck.

* stares at old VHS cover while shaking *


"you are going to be sold on Ebay i don't care if nobody wants you, you are going "

1- A Guy Like You- Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Oh so Quasi is going to get the girl oh so this is sweet ! Nice that Disney is going to pair up the beautiful girl with the handsome guy for once !

That was a nice song, enjoyed that

Wait- is that Esmeralda with Phoebe or whatever he's called ?

They're k-issing ??!


smurf YOU.

03-01-2014, 03:21 PM
I'm in two minds about the Pink Elephants, I have nothing against the song, and unlike most never found it scary or anything (the closest I got was when an Elephant's head pops up during the "What'll I do?" line - as a kid, I sometimes thought he'd suddenly appear if I lied awake for too long - yeah, I know, weird), but other than that it just seemed like a fun weird scene.

Though I wouldn't rush to play the song or anything, and having rewatched it a couple of years back when I was staying at my parents, my mother made a point, which I agree with - it goes on for too long. We agreed that it was probably a chance for the animators to "show off" a little, but they went overboard and dragged it out. The latter half of it would work better in a Fantasia like movie, which is built on music and animation.

Tempted to steal this thread and do my own Disney songs thread one day, do I have permission?

03-03-2014, 09:16 AM
Tempted to steal this thread and do my own Disney songs thread one day, do I have permission?

yeah sure thing ! :jess:

03-03-2014, 10:14 AM
Tempted to steal this thread and do my own Disney songs thread one day, do I have permission?

Do it!

03-03-2014, 02:27 PM
If I ever get brought someone who is dying, I'm definitely singing Fixer Upper at them. Otherwise I'll stick to singing Poor Unfortunate Souls all the time. Maybe sprinkle Mother Knows Best in there sometimes. I'm an evil woman, apparently.

03-07-2014, 04:36 PM
Now that I'm allowed to do my own, I have two questions.

1. Should I post them here, or make a new thread?
2. Can it only be animated, or can it be Disney live action movie song too?

03-07-2014, 04:39 PM
It's your list, you can include whatever you want. :3

03-07-2014, 05:06 PM
It's your list, you can include whatever you want. :3 Got it. Thanks :)

03-08-2014, 06:16 PM
If I ever get brought someone who is dying, I'm definitely singing Fixer Upper at them. Otherwise I'll stick to singing Poor Unfortunate Souls all the time. Maybe sprinkle Mother Knows Best in there sometimes. I'm an evil woman, apparently.


It's your list, you can include whatever you want. :3


03-09-2014, 04:45 PM
Plus the song turns the trolls into total assholes, when they say " get the fiance out of the way " We don't know about Hans' true nature yet. Yes Hans is evil, but it's still really dickweedy.

If he liked it then he shouldve put a ring on it. Or whatever it was the kid troll says during the song

03-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Plus the song turns the trolls into total assholes, when they say " get the fiance out of the way " We don't know about Hans' true nature yet. Yes Hans is evil, but it's still really dickweedy.

If he liked it then he shouldve put a ring on it. Or whatever it was the kid troll says

How do we know ? How does the kid troll know though ? Anna was wearing mittens during the song !


Can they....... see through clothes ???

03-09-2014, 04:53 PM
Maybe thats why theyre always teasing Kristoff about wearing clothes

03-09-2014, 04:55 PM
Maybe thats why theyre always teasing Kristoff about wearing clothes

And why they know so much about his "honest goods "