View Full Version : Avoiding the Comment Section

02-25-2014, 05:58 PM
Do you tend to avoid the comment section on websites and what not, or are you unable to resist the temptation to browse through such an area? I often warn people not to read the comments on the more popular websites, but I tend to not listen to my own advice quite a bit.

Just this morning I was reading an article about Final Fantasy on GameSpot and the first commenter was listing his favorite and least favorite Final Fantasy games. In the garbage pile were your usual targets: VIII, X, X-2, XIII but added alongside them was VII. And what was the one game out of all of them he had in his 'never should have been made/doesn't deserve to exist' column?

Final Fantasy IX.

I will never read comments on anything ever again.


02-25-2014, 06:01 PM
That's awful :nonono:

Honestly I try to avoid comment sections. Some of it is just angering and frustrating or makes me sad. There's really no point for me.

02-25-2014, 06:15 PM
I enjoy reading those comments. I find reading people's thoughts and subsequent arguments amusing.

Sometimes I do shake my head or ask myself what the hell is wrong with some people, but that's usually when they some how manage to relate completely innocuous topics back to race, religion, or politics.

02-25-2014, 11:28 PM
I find that rarely do people ever have anything nice to say in comments and it's just always a bunch of pettiness and bickering or complaining. There are some places like Offbeat Bride, though, that I genuinely enjoy reading because they provide awesome ideas or tips, or generally interesting viewpoints. Articles like Your Wedding is Selfish (http://offbeatbride.com/2014/02/your-wedding-is-selfish) have some good discussion happening, and this controversial issue - "You're wearing a dress with sleeves, right? Choosing to show off your tattoos at your wedding (http://offbeatbride.com/2014/02/showing-your-tattoos) is full of comments from supportive women who choose to express themselves uniquely on their wedding day and encourage one another to do the same. I love reading comments like these.

I don't ever comment, though.

02-25-2014, 11:47 PM
I used to get into the comments sections on the eatocracy section of cnn.com - and actually became pretty good friends with most of the regular posters there.

The contributors and blog managers took notice and started making the 2 or 3x weekly "Coffee Klatsch" specifically for us regulars to post and chit chat about things other than food.

I'd started posting there again not too long ago, but just fell out of the habit again. I was surprised that the managing editor remembered me and I'd even shortened myself to noxy lol. I need to get back into it though. They're a fun bunch... It's when non-regulars/newbs come in with insults and scathing comments that ruins it.. ESPECIALLY if it's a post about servers, tipping, or the restaurant business in general...

I made a comment that I can't drink coffee because of the high caffeine content and how it affects me and someone told me I must be a really sad and screwed up individual . Along with something else mean and uncalled for on another post.

02-25-2014, 11:55 PM
I love reading comments, because I take a perverse glee in the awful, awful nature of humanity.

02-26-2014, 02:14 AM
I don't read typical comment sections because they are obviously trying to get a rise out of people. Like the dude on ToriJ's post. Oh, you don't like FFVII?


EDGY Along with that FFIX comment. Good try, kid.

If they aren't being tryhards, they are so lost in their twisted point of view that it is once again pointless to read such drivel. I may get annoyed here and there on these forums, but at lease you guys:

1.) Actually sound like real people.

2.) Even when I disagree, I can tell there was some thought into your points.

Big D
02-26-2014, 05:50 AM
I should avoid comments sections, but I always end up checking them out on places like YouTube and Stuff, a local news provider.

Not sure why. I think, perhaps, it's nice (in a roundabout way) to be reminded that most of our species consists of semi-literate cavemen with all the social graces and cultural awareness of a used toilet. It helps me to appreciate the sheer awesomeness of my close friends all the more, and it'll soften the tragedy associated with the end of the world, should the apolocalypse take place anytime soon.

The Man
02-26-2014, 06:27 AM
I usually only read comment sections on places like Lawyers, Guns and Money, Wonkette, and Cracked which have witty and insightful posters. Occasionally I'll check the top ranked comments on places like Mother Jones or Raw Story but often as not comments on other places just lead to endless /facepalming (even on sites like Rolling Stone where you might not expect it) so I've learned to avoid them on most of the web.

Del Murder
02-26-2014, 07:02 AM
I forget they're even there most of the time. Even when I don't forget there's comments at the bottom I never read them. Why should I care about what random people think about stuff?

02-26-2014, 07:26 AM
I can't be bothered with that sort of malarkey.

02-26-2014, 10:59 AM
In my infinite wisdom I went and did it again. This time it was a discussion about FFVI.

To my surprise the person asking why fans considered this game great was actually nice. He didn't just blatantly bash it with things like "VI SUCKS!" and your usual internet speak. It was actually constructive stating what he did and didn't like. His main complaints from what I read is that other characters in your party suffer from lack of character development, the game is too easy and he questioned Kefka's motivations as a villain. He didn't care too much about the second half of the game either after Kefka smurfed everything up. There might have been a few nitpicks here and there but everyone has nitpicked something at least once in their life. So how do people reply?

One person talked about how the OP comments were 'offensive' and that he could 'hurt the fans feelings'. Another stated that the thread was stupid and there were various troll accusations directed at the OP. Maybe two or three people actually disputed the man's points and the rest were just all, "I won't bother because he's obviously a troll lol!" Way to defend your favorite game, guys.

02-26-2014, 11:44 AM
I love reading comments, because I take a perverse glee in the awful, awful nature of humanity.

I avoid reading comments due to the awful, awful nature of humanity.

Reading the ignorant stupidity of certain people just makes me angry. I don't like making myself angry when there isn't any need to.

The only time I might consider reading some of these comments is if something is invented one day that allows me to punch people over the internet.

02-26-2014, 11:52 AM
I only read comments if they are sorted by number of likes and not just chronologically. That way I can just stop when theyre not funny or clever anymore

02-26-2014, 02:24 PM
I do read them. I really hate doing it but I can't help my self. I lack self control :(

Big D
02-26-2014, 09:05 PM
The Onion knows the score:

Local Idiot To Post Comment On Internet | The Onion - America's Finest News Source (http://www.theonion.com/articles/local-idiot-to-post-comment-on-internet,2500/)

02-27-2014, 12:33 AM
YouTube comments are often more entertaining than the video.

I must admit that I do get involved on occasion. I love a good flame every now and again.

02-28-2014, 07:03 AM
I forget what site I was on but literally all the comments were hilarious. It almost made me think that the writers themselves commented on their own article. Maybe it was The Onion actually.

02-28-2014, 08:50 PM
If there is a "top rated" option I'll read the first five comments or so. Other than that I try to steer clear. Humans are awful.

The Man
03-01-2014, 04:11 AM
I used to take that approach but sometimes the top rated comments are still awful. Sometimes if there's a comment rating system I'll look at the top comment and extrapolate from that whether it's worth continuing, but other times I won't even bother.

03-01-2014, 07:48 AM
The comments section on news articles are abysmal. It strikes me as weird that people who are reading the news with enough passion to comment on it are so severely under educated. Granted, the media does have to shoulder some blame but gee whiz.

03-01-2014, 09:21 PM
I used to take that approach but sometimes the top rated comments are still awful. Sometimes if there's a comment rating system I'll look at the top comment and extrapolate from that whether it's worth continuing, but other times I won't even bother.

Agreed. Although with the "top rated" approach you get to see what may actually be worthwhile comments, as well as what all the stupid people think is best without having to weed through all their bulltrout.

I don't mind reading what idiots have to say, as long as I don't have to waste a lot of time in doing so.

03-02-2014, 03:06 AM
If the article or video has anything to do with racism, sexism, heteronormativity, or the LGBTQA community then I head straight for the comments before I even read the article or watch the video.

That's pretty much the exact opposite of what you should ever do. Don't do it.