View Full Version : TV Show Guilty Pleasures

03-09-2014, 09:11 PM
What show do you watch that you think your friends or family may judge you for? Regards if you care or not, what is a show they may go "hmm...." to?

I love Kitchen Nightmares. It's reality. It's Gordan Ramsey. I love it.


It's just about these bad restaurants that Gordan Ramsey helps get back on their feet. Unless you're the crazy lady who for the first time in it's like 7 seasons someone refused his help. That one was amusing.


Anyway, That's my guilty pleasure tv show. What is yours?

03-09-2014, 09:20 PM
I wish I had a real guilty pleasure. Most of the time people give me the feeling I should feel guilty simply because they judge too early and haven't actually watched the things I enjoy. Avatar The Last Airbender being one that some people haven't seen how amazing it is and just think I'm weird for enjoying a "kid's show"

Another one might be something like Tosh.0 or Archer. Where I get a little too much enjoyment out of mature oriented humor. But since I'm proud to enjoy them I can't say it's a guilty pleasure, and people not enjoying them are just missing out xD

03-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Criminal Minds

Big D
03-09-2014, 11:27 PM
Some folks wouldn't consider these 'guilty pleasures', but for me The Big Bang Theory and South Park fit the bill.

03-10-2014, 01:20 AM
I don't feel guilty about the shows I watch, but I get slammed for some of them anyway. Big Bang Theory comes to mind.

I did feel guilty about liking Mob Wives, though. Hot damn that's some good shit.

03-10-2014, 05:01 AM
I guess once in a rare occasion I'll get interested in some reality tv. Nothing trashy like Jersey Shore or anything. But still. I hate reality TV, and they're completely forgettable once I'm done with them. But I guess I get a little guilty enjoying them for the brief time that I do