View Full Version : Misfile Turns 10

03-20-2014, 06:27 AM
Chris Hazleton's Misfile is probably my single favorite webcomic (followed by XKCD and the now complete 8-Bit Theatre). While it has its share of problems, it has some of the best characters, personal struggles, and relationships around. With today's comic (http://www.misfile.com/), it's celebrating its 10th anniversary, and how much the art style has evolved over the years.

This comic, which has given me a lot of material for self-reflection, driven me to explore a lot more about auto mechanics, and generally been awesome for a long time, is now winding down. Chris has said that the story is due to draw to a close at the end of the current school year (within the story). The adventures and trials of the Misfile are due to be resolved. At the regular rate of story-time progression, that will be within a year, as it is currently just past Valentine's Day.

So, I thought I'd set up a post in here. See who else reads it, what their favorite parts have been, who their favorite characters are, how they think the situation may be resolved, etcetera.

For those who haven't read it, you can find a link to the first page here (http://www.misfile.com/?date=2004-02-22). It's a long read, but a very worthwhile one.

03-20-2014, 09:10 AM
Misfile is horrible and its plot barely moved past "omg what happened & we should find some1 who knos". Plenty of character development, and that is grand, but the whole fix-the-gender-bender bit has been pursued all of naught. I likely will find the ending very contrived and rushed, and had long hoped that it would just keep going like Something Positive. I think the time-frame for ending is too soon.

That said, I enjoyed the Valentine hijinks this year, Rumisiel's surprising actions during it, and previous to this arc, the whole Emily gets into cars bit, because as a non-car person, it was interesting to be walked along.

03-20-2014, 03:36 PM
The plot is admittedly very weak. The Misfile itself has been, since the beginning, little more than a contrivance to set up events. There's also a tendency to resolve subplots through deus ex machina (Rumisiel's filing device, anyone?).

However, the character work is incredibly strong, I think. Certainly the only reason I would recommend reading it. The gender bend is handled seriously and, on the whole, very well. The identity issues and relationships are nice and have solid progression and growth.

03-21-2014, 05:58 PM
I havent read it in years. Its a bit disappointing to see the art hasn't changed at all. Have they graduated highschool yet? Is she any closer to becoming a male and does she still want to?