View Full Version : Inuyasha

Forsaken Lover
03-28-2014, 06:28 PM

Once upon a time it was one of the biggest anime in the world. It sold over a million DVDs in the US alone. Even at the height of anime's popularity, Inuyasha stood out as one of the best around.

Nowadays...well, I can't say I like Inuyasha without being shot at. It's not even that people tend to dislike the show - there is literal hatred for it, like it murdered a beloved pet. I recognize Iy had many flaws but do I think it's deserving of this hated? Do i think it's even close to the worst anime or manga ever? Nope not at all.

I love Inuyasha. Always have and always will. I saw other anime like Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon first but they were so Americanized that I couldn't even tell the difference betwee them and regular cartoons. Inuyasha is the first anime I fell in lov ewith and knew it was an anime. It has helped further my love for all things Japanese.

Kagome was always my favorite character. When I started to watch inuyasha I was about her age so that probably helped. I also think she was a rater refreshing and well-written teenage girl. (I say this having asked other girls who assure me that Kagome is very accurately portrayed) She will forever be my Waifu.

The English dub was fantastic and one of the best ever in my humble opinion.

And even for those who don't like the show....listen to dat music! The OST was a thing of perfection and beauty.

So, come - talk of how you watched Inuyasha in your youth. Do you still like it? Did you never like it? Favorite characters?

03-28-2014, 07:51 PM
I like koga. Wolf demon of awesome. Haven't ever finished the series but got pretty close. I live inuyasha as a series but I hate kagome. She's annoying. I like miroku too. I think it suffered too much of the drawnoutness. It was taking them forevvvvver.

Wolf Kanno
03-28-2014, 07:57 PM
It certainly had its moments but when it comes to Rumiko Takahashi; Ranma 1/2, One Pound Gospel, Maison Ikkoku, and Rin-ne are my favorites.

Favorite characters were Sesshomaru and Miroku.

03-28-2014, 07:58 PM
I really like Inuyasha. It has a good involving story and solid characters. To me, at least. I've never seen the Ranma anime, but I do enjoy the Ranma manga more than I enjoy Inuyasha. As far as animes, I think Inuyasha is my favorite.

Forsaken Lover
03-28-2014, 08:11 PM
The Ranma manga is much better than the anime from what I've seen of both.

I'm hesitant to read the IY manga because, if the anime seems overly long, I can only imagine what the manga is like. Then again, Final Act was such a disappointment that I'm interested in the manga's ending. It fleshes out things a lot more from what I hear. If the original Inuyasha anime was too drawn out, Final Act was too short and abridged.

03-29-2014, 01:28 AM
Inuyasha is great! Rumiko Takahashi creates fantastic characters and stories. Their execution is questionable (the storylines get really repetitive) but overall still great stuff. I do have a fondness for tsundere though.

03-29-2014, 03:49 AM
I don't think Inuyasha is great, but I will watch it. Even though I haven't seen an episode in like ten years.

03-29-2014, 09:45 AM




Forsaken Lover
03-29-2014, 10:55 AM

You know you want him. Jakotsu is beyond adorable and sexy.

03-31-2014, 04:17 AM
I still love it. I watched through it all a few months ago.
I've never seen The Final Act though so I need to get around to that.

03-31-2014, 04:57 AM