View Full Version : Airy and her HUGE SPOILER STUFF

03-28-2014, 09:57 PM
I have a certain gripe about the whole "Airy's sister" business. Here's what I have to say about it, as quoted from a different thread I posted in:

What the hell is up with Airy's sister? It's kind of a deus ex machina, though not entirely unforshadowed. It's just that... Is she a real Cryst-Fairy? We know Airy was lying and that she was created specifically by Ouroboros to upset the balance of the Crystals, so does that mean her sister was created alongside her? But that's not possible, as Mephilia (I think) suggests that there's a celestial within Tiz, something Airy definitely is not, considering her birth. So I guess they can't be sisters in the bilogical sense, how we understand it. Also, Airy said she took the form of a cute fairy to deceive Agnés and her true form is that bug thing, but we see her sister as a fairy. Does that mean Airy based her appearance on her sister, or is her sister in disguise as well?

I mean, the game treats this so casually! "Oh, by the way, this fairy is a good one, not that bitch," but that just raises soooo many questions!

So what do you guys think? What's the deal?

03-29-2014, 10:15 AM

03-29-2014, 10:35 AM
I CAN'T HELP IT!!!!!!!! :onoes:

03-29-2014, 10:58 AM
If it helps any, I agree with you in how just nuts that is, but by the time it hit that point the dumb had already broken my mind, so I guess it didn't bother me so much. :p

03-29-2014, 11:13 AM
It's not really dumb and the game is not badly written, IMO, but some parts just seem like they weren't thought out well. Or at all.

03-29-2014, 11:19 AM
When there are parts that aren't well thought out or at all, I consider that dumb. And that last part of the game had a lot of it. :p

I also consider that to be badly written as well as dumb, though mostly that's dedicated to the end game, which the thing you mentioned there just kind of came at the tail end of it all.

This is going to drag into another discussion though, so I'll leave it at 'the end of the game was badly written, though most of the game is very well written!'. :p

04-24-2014, 05:39 AM
There's really not enough of her to come to a conclusion. You could make a lot of arguments every which way. Either that she's a real cryst-fairy, or that she's another entity from the Nether Realm looking to destroy the worlds, and only happy that the competition is gone. We only see her for a total of about a minute. There's just not enough info to be sure.

04-24-2014, 06:54 AM
Well, I just hope Bravely Second does something with her.

04-24-2014, 07:31 AM
Well, I just hope Bravely Second does something with her.

That depends. The preview we got of Bravely Second (which you can apparently unlock early with the Konami Code) doesn't hint at her, and has a slightly different tone, but there's still plenty of possibilities ahead.

For example, having a character known as a Ba'al Buster (should I edit that into the Punny Names thread?) when there are Nemeses fights known as Ba'al I and Ba'al IV is rather interesting. Also, I'm guessing Edea brought Tiz to Eternia where he's been waiting in Victoria's healing tank, but who are the rest of the characters, as that wasn't a recognizable Eternian uniform?

Also, which world did they end up in? There are some weird discontinuities in the ending. We see Alternis Dim with Edea, yet the one from the first world supposedly died when he fell off the cliff, and certainly didn't have his helmet still. We also see an Alternis with his helm off fighting against Airy's larval form. Was there some time travel, or is there more than one Airy out there (her sister, perhaps)?