View Full Version : Favorite Hayao Miyazaki Film

Wolf Kanno
03-29-2014, 09:37 PM
I'm going to go see The Wind Rises tomorrow night and since its allegedly Miyazaki's last film I thought it would be a good time to discuss our favorite films by the legendary director.

My favorite film:


03-29-2014, 10:49 PM
Mononoke is tied with Howl's Moving Castle for me. Two completely different movies, both equally awesome.

03-29-2014, 10:51 PM
This is really hard to answer since my favorite movie by him probably changes daily. It depends on my mood. I have to say that The Wind Rises was amazing and it sticks out just for being the last movie of his I watched.

Strangely enough, my current favorite (meaning just for today and it could change again at any moment) is Spirited Away. I did not like that movie very much the first time I saw it back when it first came out. I've grown to appreciate it a lot over the years, though.

Big D
03-29-2014, 11:25 PM
Nausicaa for me. It balance the fantastical and sentimental really well, and it's got a impressively deep and detailed world that's also beatifully depicted.

Sure, the same could be said of virtually any Miyazaki film, but Nausicaa has stood out for me a little more ever since I first saw it.

Besides, the English dub has Patrick Stewart as a sword-wielding badass, so it'd be hard not to love.

03-30-2014, 12:00 AM
My vote is immediately changed to Nausicaa. I had kind of forgot about it when I was making the post, but that is absolutely and without a doubt my favorite Miyazaki movie. I love most all of his movies though...

03-30-2014, 12:43 PM
Porco Rosso.

admittedly Spirited Away's soundtrack makes me cry (same with Ni No Kuni) and I am one of the many fortunate souls to grow up with My Neighbor Totoro, but the imagery and timelessness of Porco Rosso really cements it for me. That and I'm a huge sucker for seaplane dogfights.

Del Murder
03-30-2014, 09:28 PM
Howl's Moving Castle.

03-31-2014, 04:54 AM
Mononoke cause it was my first one.

I really love Howl's moving castle but i've kinda burnt myself out on it recently.....

03-31-2014, 10:13 AM
Spirited Away was my first one, so if I have to choose, that's probably it. But that, Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle are all tied the same for me.

03-31-2014, 01:48 PM
Howl's Moving Castle.


The level of quality in all of his films though is so high. I also loved Spirited Away and Arrietty.

03-31-2014, 02:17 PM
I dont think I could pick a favourite but I quite liked Castle In the Sky and Princess Mononoke.

I did not enjoy My Neighbour Totoro.

04-01-2014, 04:58 PM
I'd have to say Princess Mononoke if I had to choose. It has fine acting in both its English and Japanese dubs, the animation is gorgeous (and sometimes gorgeously frightening where the story needs it) with distinct yet Miyazaki-like character designs, the narrative is solid with great moments and memorable characters, and the overall message isn't purely black and white but quite grey for a war film with a few twists and turns where appropriate. And then there's the music by Joe Hisaishi. We're given multiple memorable, beautiful themes during the film, each with their own hook. "Journey to the West" with its determined heroics, "Princess Mononoke" with a somewhat somber, heartbreaking tone, and "Ash*taka and San" with its lyrical beauty are just some of the many themes at work here. Everything mixes together well to create a truly epic yet intimate story about people and clashing ideologies in a bittersweet world, which will leave a mark on the audience. :)

EDIT: Seriously, EoFF? I can't even write the prince's name without censorship? Gosh darn it to to heck, as Donald Duck would say. :(