View Full Version : Epic Music (genre)

04-13-2014, 12:00 AM
I love me some epic music. The genre is probably a bit loose and unofficial, but it seems to be what it's being called on the interwebs! Y'know, those orchestral powerhouse assault on the senses tracks that are often used for movie trailers, live events or even in movies themselves. Heck, they graced enough World of Warcraft boss kill videos back in the day! Think the likes of Audiomachine, Two Steps From Hell and Future World Music.

These pieces aren't always traditionally orchestral, though, they can sometimes feature guitars, trance or even the blues.

Share the epic music you love here! Play it loud!

(as an aside these also make great tracks for running too)

I conveniently mentioned three.. organisations... I guess. So here's a track from each:

Future World Music - Guardians of the Univerise

Audiomachine - Equinox

Two Steps From Hell - Immortal
(Heart of Courage was the obvious choice here, but figured I'd throw in something different)

04-13-2014, 01:05 AM
Immediate Music has some of the best tracks I have ever heard. I used to listen to them all the time when I made fan trailers on YouTube.