View Full Version : Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X

04-20-2014, 04:07 AM
I just rewatched the entire anime series again, and I just made like my 11th comeback to EoFF, and wanted to see who else is fans of this awesome show?

Forsaken Lover
04-20-2014, 04:09 AM
It was excellent and has some of the best music in anime history.

Aoshi was my favorite character along with Kenshin.

04-20-2014, 04:29 AM
I was going to say the same thing about the music.

And the mental battle was obviously one of the best plots created, but also I liked how they placed the story into history.

04-20-2014, 04:49 AM
Oh man, I almost began rewatching this just last night but I was too tired!

Totally doing it tomorrow :jess: How odd that a topic about it cropped up!

04-20-2014, 05:00 AM
Oh man, I almost began rewatching this just last night but I was too tired!

Totally doing it tomorrow :jess: How odd that a topic about it cropped up!

Definitely do it! The powers of YouTube are endless haha.

04-20-2014, 05:00 AM
Oh man, are they on Youtube? I torrented them all ages ago, haha.

04-20-2014, 05:39 AM
I think I'm one of the only people who like Kenshin more then the Samurai X movies. But they are both very enjoyable.

I owned the first two seasons a few years back before my collection got jacked. :(

First season is superior, if only because it had a much more realistic tone to it then season 2 (Not saying it was realistic, mind you, just less far fetcthed then it became). I felt it lost some of it's charm with that.

Still though, great fun it is.

04-20-2014, 05:40 AM
Oh, I should clarify, I've never seen Samurai X :shobon: I should get on that!

04-20-2014, 06:02 AM
I own Samurai X, but I've misplaced it somewhere. I need to go through my trout. I never thought of myself as a hoarder before, but you know there's a problem when you can't find... anything. Anyway, I've watched the entire RK series. Sometimes I have the ending theme stuck in my head. Sometimes, I can remember the something like hito iira, no rii ash'ito and so on.. Sometimes, it makes me think of a Gundam show that used to come on before or after RK on Cartoon Network. I could swear the lyrics had Shining Finger in it, but when I look it up it's only a quote from the show and has nothing to do with lyrics. Pisses me off.

04-20-2014, 06:04 AM
Oh god I wish I could find the video, but I haven't seen it for years.

It's a Parody video someone made with Mog from FF VI going on a fucking murder spree from Samurai X.

But dammit I can't find it!

04-20-2014, 06:13 AM
I decided to start watching again tonight! Couldn't wait until tomorrow :jess:

I've only ever seen seasons one and two, and season two is just the greatest to me. Season one drags on sooo long, perhaps because it is introducing characters and telling all their stories, and season three started out weird and I never wanted to finish it (I read that this season wasn't derived from the manga as it was still being written, so perhaps that is why), though it has been a long time since I attempted.

Season two rules, in any case! Just the best of the best. Shishio and all of his compadres are just fantastic, and I know it gets me right to the heart when Sojiro's story is unfolded. I am tempted to skip straight to the second season but for sake of linear alignment I think I'll watch it all from the beginning.

04-20-2014, 06:28 AM
I fully admit my preferance for Season 1 is that I watched Kenshin for the more down to earth fights compared to a lot of other anime.

There were a couple times it ramped it up, yes, especially with the dude who basically paralyzed people with fear. But Season 2 had that nutty sword that was all wobbly and stretched around things, and the guy whose sword was covered in fat so it ignited into flames from the friction.

Season used the somewhat sureal stuff it had to basically enhance the atmosphere and lore of the show. While the fights and story in season 2 are awesome, it wasn't really what I got into Kenshin for.

I felt the best part of Season one was 'The Spell of the Oni-Waban', which I am sure I am spelling wrong, where people swore they were dodging the guys attacks correctly, but still the hit would land. Turn's out the 'spell' was an obtical illusion from the pattern printed on his arm to make it appear shorter then it was.

black orb
04-20-2014, 06:32 AM
>>> I liked RK but I never bought the fact that an skinny and girly guy could become that powerful..:luca:

04-20-2014, 06:34 AM
Haha, the bendy sword was a bit of a stretch of imagination. Cho is so great though!

All the same, though, I think I watched season two first, so I prefer it. I am fairly certain, too, that it made me cry on more than one occasion. I also think it's much more adventure-packed with all the traveling and showing the two sides of the coin of what is going on in the story.

04-20-2014, 06:44 AM
You're definitely write about the second season being more action packed and what not, a lot of the fights were definately cooler. Just as I said though, different that what I went in wanting. :p

Still should re-watch it though, it's been far too long.

04-20-2014, 07:38 AM
I've only ever seen seasons one and two, and season two is just the greatest to me. Season one drags on sooo long, perhaps because it is introducing characters and telling all their stories, and season three started out weird and I never wanted to finish it (I read that this season wasn't derived from the manga as it was still being written, so perhaps that is why), though it has been a long time since I attempted.

Season 1 and 2 are both based on the original manga, ending at episode 62. Season 3 is all filler, every last bit. 63 is a bit of a shoutout to Kenshin's past but it's just to tip off that they aren't doing anything else from the manga. There is a noticeable decline in quality until the Shimabara arc, and after that it drops off horribly again. 100% skippable, but potentially entertaining.

After episode 62, you start reading from chapter 152 in order to continue the series with Kenshin's past. This is the written version (mostly) of Trust & Betrayal/Tsuiokuhen. You finish with the rest of the manga's Jinchu arc.

Reflections/Seisouhen is the closest thing you get to an animated version of Jinchu. Unfortunately, this is also of sub-standard quality. This is quite the shame because there's supposed to be even more fights than in the second season.

There's also a "filler" movie (http://myanimelist.net/anime/46/Rurouni_Kenshin:_Meiji_Kenkaku_Romantan_-_Ishinshishi_e_no_Requiem), Requiem for the Patriots, and a 2010 "update" for the Kyoto Arc where everything is thrown into a pinball machine (http://myanimelist.net/anime/11441/Rurouni_Kenshin:_Meiji_Kenkaku_Romantan_-_Shin_Kyoto_Hen). You can watch these, too, I guess.

... that the events are slightly shuffled, but this was the correct change to make for pacing.

The manga didn't bother to blur the age difference between Kenshin and Tomoe.

Tomoe cuts the rest of Kenshin's scar while dying in the anime; she does it almost by accident in the manga.

Most importantly, the manga clarifies that it was Kenshin's idea to "pretend" to be married.

In addition, the manga version carries the sort of tense but comical tone of the rest of the series. Tsuiokuhen is dead serious the whole way through, zero laughs expected.

Forsaken Lover
04-20-2014, 11:22 AM

The scythe wasn't the only big thing wielded by this little "lady."

black orb
04-21-2014, 05:10 AM
>>> Thats Shishio`s lover boy, I remember him..:luca:

04-21-2014, 10:11 AM
I have read all the manga which was great, and watched up to the end of Shishio's arc (I think). I never saw the last arc of the anime, but I'll get round to watching that subpar thing any day now.

The Samurai X movies were alright. I liked Trust and Betrayal, Reflections - not so much. It made it too dark and they ruined the great ending of the manga. Oh, that final battle between Kenshin and what's-her-face's kid? Over in like 2 minutes. Ugh. Why were they dying?!

Just read the manga. xD

I am interested in watching the live action movie and the reboot that came out recently. I'll have to have a look into these.

04-21-2014, 06:22 PM
The OVA Trust and Betrayal is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.His past is filled with such tragedy, change in lifestyle, and he eventually is hurt for life for listening to his heart (when he's young and leaves master Hiko Seijuro because he feels like innocent people are being killed even though Hiko perfectly predicts that he will be forced onto one side of the Revolution and all of his talent would only make him a pawn/assassin.) And he finally finds someone who can change him, and kills her with his own hands.P.S. Kenshin's Battosai ego is awesome.Before going on further, the series ends for me at the end of the Kyoto arc. In fact, I don't remember season 3 vividly. All I know is that he faces Shogo, the guy that claims himself as a God and uses Hiten Mitsurugi Style as well. And then there's something about like Black Knights.Now, addressing the first two seasons: For me, Season 1 is really good. I mean, the anime is overall brilliant. But I have to agree with Shorty that it drags on too long. There's too many things that happen that don't seem necessary. The Oni-Waban group is awesome. Jinei is the first time we see the man-slayer in him. It's basically a summary of what Kenshin is and how he is as a person. At one point, every episode is just him saving his friends or some randoms. And too many of his enemies think it's easy for them to defeat a legendary swordsman who is widely known as the best.Again, only according to me, this is where the anime kicks off and becomes so exciting. I remember the exact episode numbers, the second half of episode 29, and first half of episode 30. Kenshin vs Saito has to be one of the most epic fights in anime history. And this is where the new soundtrack is brought, the tone darkens, thus marking the start of the Kyoto Arc/Season 2. I feel like his reverse-blade sword is given more importance for his character and it really serves as a symbol of his inner-battle between man-slayer and pacifist. Yeah, sometimes it seems throughout the series, it seems weird. Some of his enemies die themselves. And vs Cho, how coincidental was it that the last sword that person's dad made was a reverse-blade sword hahaha.And honestly, my heart melts over Sojiro (no homo). :cool: He might be my favorite character and his story is compelling. And the ending of the series is filled with a lot. The return of Aoshi and that story is also awesome.But look at this: Episode 47 to 60 contains Anji vs Sanosuke, the battle at the Aoiya, Saito vs Usui, Kenshin vs Aoshi, Kenshin vs Sojiro, everyone vs Shishio.

04-23-2014, 06:19 AM
Aren't there some live actions movies for this series? Anyone seen them? Here have trailers. They look good to me.



Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-23-2014, 06:32 AM
Sometimes, it makes me think of a Gundam show that used to come on before or after RK on Cartoon Network. I could swear the lyrics had Shining Finger in it, but when I look it up it's only a quote from the show and has nothing to do with lyrics. Pisses me off.FK9Y_8GN2h0

04-23-2014, 08:20 AM
Hory Kod! I never even knew they were saying Flying in the Sky. I always said either "Raichu Kai" or "Right, you guys!" lol

Forsaken Lover
04-27-2014, 02:33 PM

04-27-2014, 03:03 PM
I love kenshin, but I havent seen it all. I need to fix that! Ive also seen the live action movie, it was really well done. I also drew this awhile back!

04-29-2014, 10:10 PM
Found the Kenshin ending theme I've had stuck in my head for weeks:

Though I'm alone, I think I can cross over
the distant tomorrow, as long as it's still dawn
Feelings that would break apart
Pass by each other again tonight