View Full Version : If they ended up in a game together

04-22-2014, 02:22 AM
Let's say 10 Final Fantasy characters end up in a game together. They all keep their personalities, their abilities and weapons (Cloud would still use a sword and materia, Vivi would still be a Black Mage, etc). These 10 will be your playable characters for the whole game. Which 10 would you pick and why? Would you just pick your favorites or pick a variety of personalities you would like to see interact with each other?

What kind of story would you give them? Which Final Fantasy world would it take place in?

black orb
04-22-2014, 02:33 AM
>>> Dissidia did all that and more, and killed some of my FF imagination in the process, now I cant think of anything interesting..:luca:

04-22-2014, 03:15 AM
Aerith, Vivi, Irvine, Auron, Yuna, Vincent, Tifa, Squall and Cid Highwind (FFVII) because they're my dream team. I wouldn't limit them to one world, though. I'd have them hop between various worlds; VII, VIII, IX, X, etc. The story would be about being able to do that.

04-22-2014, 04:01 AM
Cloud Lightning Terra
Aerith Yuna Setzer
Sephiroth Kuja Caius Seymour

Probably every world as they are connected interdimensionally and could pass the Rift of FInal Fantasy V if not even in the same universe as some are, no matter which time.

04-22-2014, 07:36 AM
Terra, Cloud, Nanaki, Genesis, Sephiroth, Zidane, Kuja, Paine, Balthier, Noctis

This was rather a painful decision as I have so many favorites: Zack, Vincent, Cid Highwind, Auron, Ashe, Cecil, Kain, Faris, Tifa, Yuffie, Dark Nation, Shadow, Edge, Rydia, Mash, Squall, Zell, Yuna as a gunner, Snow, Ramza, Cissnei, Shelke, Weiss, Golbez, Goldor...

All I know is that I'd be tripping the Rift with this maniac crew.