View Full Version : Sedorra: Maps & Locations

Loony BoB
04-26-2014, 12:59 PM
A massive thanks to Freya for creating this piece of art!

SEDORRA: The name of the continent and the world as it is currently known. There may be distant lands, but we're not going to deal with them at this point.

Confirmed Locations

AKIMOLM DESERT: Home to the Akim race (Akimolm literally means Akim home). Hot weather all day, cool at nights (but never chilly). Occasionally gets a warm rain. Various Akim tribes and a small population of humans live in Akimolm at the various water sources (or often roaming between them nomadically).
INSPIRATION: Lawrence of Arabia

LUCRECIA: A spawn point (ie, where you can appear as an Outworlder at the start of the story). The largest human city on the continent, the Queen of Lucrecia lives in the palace here. Bustling market city. Lucrecia has fair weather all year round, able to experience cold and warm, wet and dry but never to any extremes. Look further down this post for an in depth look (and map!) at Lucrecia.
INSPIRATION: York/Camelot, but bigger and with a nice palace.

FARMLANDS: A spawn point for the storyline (ie, where you can appear as an Outworlder at the start of the story). Nothing here but farmland, all the way from Lucrecia to Naith and east to the edge of the Wylds.
INSPIRATION: ...Farmlands.

NAITH: A small fishing village. A spawn point for the storyline (ie, where you can appear as an Outworlder at the start of the story). Like Lucrecia, this area has fair weather for the most part with few extremes, although being on the coast it tends to be very windy and occasionally a very strong storm will pass through.
INSPIRATION: Polperro (England), Oban (Scotland), Es Castell (Spain) and probably every other small fishing village that there ever was.

BETHERON WYLDS: The large, dark forest to the immediate south-east of Naith. It starts off like this (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cILyUTH3OEY/UQ38E1AJTBI/AAAAAAAADec/PaD6sLY-vls/s400/moss_forest_1_1680x1050.jpg) and then gets denser and darker the further you go in, giving many the impression that it is closing in on them. This is a dangerous place and no humanoids settle here - there are a few Ursus but even then it has a low population compared to the rest of Sedorra purely due to the dangers within. The air is lukewarm to cool most of the year, occasionally with more extreme weather although the sun would rarely touch the ground, and the snow would rarely reach it as the foliage/canopy is so thick and the earth so naturally warm.
INSPIRATION: Mirkwood, but even thicker with trees than that and probably a lot more dark green than anything.

LAKE ARNA: Another grand city state set about various islands in the middle of a great lake, sitting in the centre of the eastern side of the continent. This city has a much more notably mixed population of all kinds, and the weather can change dramatically one week to the next, sometimes even one day to the next (although it only ever changes at night). During the hotter extremes, the people bask in the glorious sun, while the colder extremes leave them quite able to walk from island to island across thick ice. The city is beautiful regardless of the weather, and is a must-see (and often must-stay) for bards, explorers and even engineers due to the dramatic and varying architecture.
INSPIRATION: Stockholm mostly, but also (for architecture) pretty much every kind of castle or palace or chapel or anything you can ever think of.

THE DEEPS: Basically what people of Sedorra call the ocean.
INSPIRATION: Just a really dangerous, often stormy ocean.


Lucrecia: In Depth


Here's a rough idea of what Lucrecia could look like. I've get it mostly vague as to exact locations of inns etc. for now, and although I skimmed over the thread, some things may contradict slightly with what is there, so please keep an eye out for anything that looks amiss and we'll see if we can add/remove/change things. Note that each red area is not neccessarily a single building, but rather a "block" which one can easily walk around.

Regarding the individual locations, here's how I see them...

The Palace - The residence of the Queen.

Barracks - Taller buildings than most, the barracks sleep most soldiers and provide them with areas for training. The three key barracks are as follows: The West Barracks, designed to take watch of the river to the North and to provide protection for the areas far from the militia training area. The Inner Barracks, a building that also serves as a massive watchtower with a wide view of the surrounding areas and the roads leading North and East. Finally, The Outer Barracks, a large company with easy access to the roads heading in all four directions. There are naturally guards placed in the Palace, at all three gates and, of course, roaming guards within the city, particularly near the markets.

Upper Residences - Large and relatively expensive residences generally occupied by the wealthy, the honoured or those at the employ of the monarch.

Lower Residences - Smaller, somewhat densely populated residences of respectable nature.

Old Town - Residences of various size and nature. This area makes up where the first residences of Lucrecia were, before the Palace was built. This side of the river tends to be highly populated but also slightly less organised in nature.

Calman's Steep - A series of buildings that reside on a steep area of the mountain, this area consists of a mixture of all kinds, notably medium sized residences, warehouses and the entrance to the mines.

Fellowgate - Due to the Fellowgate being often open and far more accessable to the regular traveler, this area has become rather populated both inside and out compared to that of Odengate.

Odengate - The royal entrance, open during most days but rarely open at night.

Claudegate - Did you know 'Claude' is Latin for 'shut'? Well, this gate is almost always shut due to the high volume of thieves that used to enter through this area from Rastigan and the slums.

Rastigan - This small village was set up by miners who wanted to carry out their mining without Lucrecia taking their profits while remaining in close proximity to the markets. Tavelers go here when they want to live in decent quality but don't want to be under the eye of the military on a constant basis (although naturally patrols still stop by). Rastigan appreciates Lucrecia and consider themselves a part of it but just like to take care of themselves because of their tough nature.

Beggar's Choice - Essentially a black market, the nature of the slums and Rastigan make this the perfect area for such things.

Slums - Where people go when they can't afford to live in the city or are thrown out of it. 'nuff said. Neither a safe nor a secure place to be.

Old Arms - Labour zone. Originally simply The Arms, this is the industrial area of the city where you can find a mixture of forges, bars and some residences. "Strong weapons, strong drinks and strong men", as the saying goes.

New Arms - Labour zone of the farming variety. Cattle and crops are herded in here before heading to the butcher and the baker.

River Markets - Markets that not only exist either side of the bridge, but also across the very bridge itself. A massive market for chocobo breeders, farmers and fishermen.

Stables - A huge stable near Odengate. Breeding for personal use, military use and of course areas where personally owned chocobos can be rested and fed.

King's Square - In many ways the heart of Lucrecia. A bustling market area where traders of all kinds come to sell their wares, entertainers perform and generally people come to meet and drink in the surrounding inns, bars and taverns.

Galahorn Square - Upmarket area, generally less popular than King's Square because of the distance from Fellowgate. Some entertainers prefer this area due to it being quieter and therefore there is a bit of an arts culture that can be appreciated here.

Sleeper's Corner - Many many inns!

Tear's Landing - A small and low-use port to the East of Lucrecia.

River Lissee - The river running through Lucrecia, plentiful in fish.

04-27-2014, 12:19 AM

04-27-2014, 12:45 AM
Excellent mapping. Excellent naming! Where you guys come up with the name Sedorra?

Loony BoB
04-27-2014, 01:02 AM
I named the places with a little help from EoFF names.

Lake Arna = Lekana (Freya's previous name), who put together the awesome maps.
Sedorra = Cid, creator of EoFF, and SE, creator of FF, combined with a bit of "orra" thrown in.
Naith = Nait, involved in Eizon's world creation.
Akimolm = Acmlm, a long-gone admin of EoFF.
Betheron Wylds = Behold The Void, involved in Eizon, combined with a darker sounding version of Wildwoods.
Lucrecia = An obvious nod to FF, although I genuinely think it's just a wonderful name for a grand city-state, always have.
The Deeps = I just like that it makes an ocean sound that much more dangerous and impassable, explaining why Sedorrans consider Sedorra to be the name of the world as well as the continent itself.
Farmlands = I'm not telling you how I conjured up this sucker. :shifty:

04-27-2014, 01:04 AM
That is so cool. I usually just make them up from scratch. I can't even remember where I got the name Isafaro from.

04-27-2014, 02:31 AM
Dang, that's a map.

04-27-2014, 02:41 AM
I put a crystal in the compass rose cause, ya know, final fantasy ;)

Lonely Paper Star
04-27-2014, 02:54 AM
Such a pretty map, Freya. :love:

04-28-2014, 04:33 AM
WHy can't I see the map. D:

04-28-2014, 04:48 AM
Not sure!

Miss Mae
04-28-2014, 09:35 AM
These are gorgeous. What did you make them in, Freya?

Loony BoB
04-28-2014, 11:12 AM
Maybe the Aiyon server was down for a while, it's hosted there at the moment.

04-28-2014, 10:10 PM
A scale would be pretty swish just so we know how big it is Kilometer wise

Agent Proto
04-28-2014, 10:30 PM
Will there be more continents in the future?

Miss Mae
04-28-2014, 10:41 PM
A scale would be pretty swish just so we know how big it is Kilometer wise
I second this idea.

Loony BoB
04-28-2014, 10:58 PM
A scale would be pretty swish just so we know how big it is Kilometer wise
Would you guys be able to offer suggestions? I'm all ears if so :)

Will there be more continents in the future?

Miss Mae
04-28-2014, 11:29 PM
A scale would be pretty swish just so we know how big it is Kilometer wise
Would you guys be able to offer suggestions? I'm all ears if so :)

How easily do you want us to be able to travel between locations? How long should it take by foot and by carriage? That will give us an idea of scale.

04-28-2014, 11:39 PM
The farmlands, if they are supporting Lucrecia, are likely only a day or two away on foot at most. Keep in mind someone can travel about 24 miles in an 8 hr shift of marching (walking)

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 12:53 AM
Sounds fair.

The ways of getting around include chocobo (fastest), carriage, foot. Beyond that, I'm honestly not sure, but airships are being theorised by engineers of Sedorra.

I'll note that when traveling through Betheron Wylds, travel will be considerably slower as it's not a safe place nor is it easy to get through. I imagine it as a very, very dense forest, a darker shade of green at night and day.

04-29-2014, 03:04 AM
These are gorgeous. What did you make them in, Freya?

Photoshop. I have an art tablet so that definitely helps! Thank you!

04-29-2014, 03:28 AM
So by my calculations, 1 kilometer per pixel?

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 08:11 PM
I am happy for you guys to go with that, so long as you don't get too pedantic when some journeys take longer/shorter than they technically should. ;)

Also: Climate! :) As requested by LPS & shion, here you go...

Akimolm Desert: Hot during the day, cool at nights but never actually chilly. Rains are almost always warm.

Lucrecia: Generally fair weather. Can experience all kinds, but never extremes.

Naith: Like Lucrecia, but much windier.

Wylds: Generally quite still due to the thick, dense forest. Generally lukewarm or cool. Can suffer from rain and storm, and when it gets really cold the warmth of the earth and the thickness of the foliage means that little snow reaches the ground without melting first, and the place can become rather miserable (more so than normal!).

Lake Arna: Goes through extremes that can last for days or months. During cold snaps, the areas between the islands can freeze over strongly enough to hold a man. During warmer weather, the weather is glorious. Genuinely a beautiful city regardless of the weather, though.

For the rest of the country, I'm genuinely unsure. I think the great thing about a magical world, though, is that you don't have to assume that things will happen in a sensible pattern. Sure, it gets colder during winter, but some places might experience things very differently to others in ways that don't seem normal when you consider Earth's hemispheres etc. :D

04-29-2014, 08:13 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to be a bother, it's just that my character's strength and behavior is actually affected by weather. Like she would be very sick when traveling through the Akimolm Desert

04-29-2014, 08:16 PM
I hate being even more pedantic, but do we know if Sedorra has seasons at all?

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 08:18 PM
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think seasons are going to be a bitch to manage, so perhaps I should edit the seasonal bits and just say "weather dependant". >_> What do you guys think? I don't want us all to end up trying to play "guess the season" or even worse, to have a calendar we have to adhere to.

EDIT: Alternatively we could simply have two seasons and have them last for "varying lengths of time that do not adhere to a calendar"...

Agent Proto
04-29-2014, 08:22 PM
Maybe we should have the season change monthly. I would imagine enough time would pass in the story for this to be manageable.

04-29-2014, 08:22 PM
In response to BoB: That sounds fine. I'm guessing something a la FFXIII Sunlith Waterscape where the weather (and in this case season) can just change at the drop of a hat. Except without the being able to control it part. Unless that's something we could do special to one area.

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 08:26 PM
The thing is, I wouldn't want the game to be measured in time. Or do you mean real life months? The issue with that would be that sometimes it would be more active than others, so it could be a few days in the game and suddenly they've gone through an entire season, which might not make much sense. =x

Maybe we should just play this one FF-style. No seasons, just area-based climates with the odd bit of magical weather extremes for no apparent reason. Problems solved. xD

EDIT: In reply to pr00t, shion snuck her post in while I was typing mine out. ^^;

04-29-2014, 08:31 PM
I'm sneaky like that

04-29-2014, 08:32 PM
Maybe we should just play this one FF-style. No seasons, just area-based climates with the odd bit of magical weather extremes for no apparent reason. Problems solved. xD

EDIT: In reply to pr00t, shion snuck her post in while I was typing mine out. ^^;

That's the simplest solution. I don't really have a preference, I just want it confirmed before my story begins to get longer and deeper in. :)

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 08:33 PM
Okay, edited the seasons bit. Will also edit the first post of the thread now.

Lonely Paper Star
04-29-2014, 08:37 PM
Chiming in to also agree with areas over seasons.

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 09:37 PM
OP updated :)

04-29-2014, 09:58 PM
Is any Outworlder spawning in Naithe? I'd like for my character to bump into your character.

I am :D

Agent Proto
04-29-2014, 10:00 PM
Do any of the bodies of water surrounding Sedorra have names or something to be called?

04-29-2014, 10:07 PM
Is any Outworlder spawning in Naithe? I'd like for my character to bump into your character.

I am :D

Sweet! Would you like to run into my character? :D

Sure, I'm making my intro post now.

Loony BoB
04-29-2014, 10:26 PM
Do any of the bodies of water surrounding Sedorra have names or something to be called?

The oceans are generally referred to as "The Deeps", but the more local bodies can be given names, sure.

Also, if BoB the jaguar does appear in this game, he'll be near the fishing village.

Miss Mae
05-08-2014, 04:04 PM
FARMLANDS: A spawn point for the storyline (ie, where you can appear as an Outworlder at the start of the story). Nothing here but farmland, all the way from Lucrecia to Naith and east to the edge of the Wylds.
INSPIRATION: ...Farmlands.

NAITH: A small fishing village. A spawn point for the storyline (ie, where you can appear as an Outworlder at the start of the story). Like Lucrecia, this area has fair weather for the most part with few extremes, although being on the coast it tends to be very windy and occasionally a very strong storm will pass through.
INSPIRATION: Polperro (England), Oban (Scotland), Es Castell (Spain) and probably every other small fishing village that there ever was.

Just noticed in these sections of the first post and the following posts about the seasons etc that Naith doesn't have an 'e' at the end, but on the map it does. What are we officially going with? :)

Edit: Have also noticed it's 'Naith' on the OOC in the main story thread also. Given it's more difficult to change the image than posts, and given everybody else appears to have gone with 'Naithe' (in the story thread and in shion's cliffnotes, from what I can see), 'Naithe' is probably the way to go.

Loony BoB
05-09-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm hoping that we'll be updating the map this weekend so any suggestions are more than welcome, particularly anything you might require for plot purposes. I'll be adding in a few locations, naming a few more locations and adding in a very rough map of Lucrecia.

I forget which of Naith and Naithe was first uttered in my chat with Freya, but after considering the options, I actually kind of like the idea that it can be named either way, sort of like how some towns and cities in older times had two different spellings at once depending on who was writing it down. I consider both spellings acceptable. :)

05-09-2014, 03:29 PM
But you're the only person who is inconsistent :confused:

Loony BoB
05-09-2014, 03:42 PM
I'm also the person who officially named the place, so really it's everyone else. ;)

05-10-2014, 03:44 AM
But you presented everyone with the false information so it's still your fault :ffviwag:

Loony BoB
05-10-2014, 02:09 PM
Cram it, Jiro. xD


Here's a rough idea of what Lucrecia could look like. I've get it mostly vague as to exact locations of inns etc. for now, and although I skimmed over the thread, some things may contradict slightly with what is there, so please keep an eye out for anything that looks amiss and we'll see if we can add/remove/change things. Note that each red area is not neccessarily a single building, but rather a "block" which one can easily walk around.

Regarding the individual locations, here's how I see them...

The Palace - The residence of the Queen.

Barracks - Taller buildings than most, the barracks sleep most soldiers and provide them with areas for training. The three key barracks are as follows: The West Barracks, designed to take watch of the river to the North and to provide protection for the areas far from the militia training area. The Inner Barracks, a building that also serves as a massive watchtower with a wide view of the surrounding areas and the roads leading North and East. Finally, The Outer Barracks, a large company with easy access to the roads heading in all four directions. There are naturally guards placed in the Palace, at all three gates and, of course, roaming guards within the city, particularly near the markets.

Upper Residences - Large and relatively expensive residences generally occupied by the wealthy, the honoured or those at the employ of the monarch.

Lower Residences - Smaller, somewhat densely populated residences of respectable nature.

Old Town - Residences of various size and nature. This area makes up where the first residences of Lucrecia were, before the Palace was built. This side of the river tends to be highly populated but also slightly less organised in nature.

Calman's Steep - A series of buildings that reside on a steep area of the mountain, this area consists of a mixture of all kinds, notably medium sized residences, warehouses and the entrance to the mines.

Fellowgate - Due to the Fellowgate being often open and far more accessable to the regular traveler, this area has become rather populated both inside and out compared to that of Odengate.

Odengate - The royal entrance, open during most days but rarely open at night.

Claudegate - Did you know 'Claude' is Latin for 'shut'? Well, this gate is almost always shut due to the high volume of thieves that used to enter through this area from Rastigan and the slums.

Rastigan - This small village was set up by miners who wanted to carry out their mining without Lucrecia taking their profits while remaining in close proximity to the markets. Tavelers go here when they want to live in decent quality but don't want to be under the eye of the military on a constant basis (although naturally patrols still stop by). Rastigan appreciates Lucrecia and consider themselves a part of it but just like to take care of themselves because of their tough nature.

Beggar's Choice - Essentially a black market, the nature of the slums and Rastigan make this the perfect area for such things.

Slums - Where people go when they can't afford to live in the city or are thrown out of it. 'nuff said. Neither a safe nor a secure place to be.

Old Arms - Labour zone. Originally simply The Arms, this is the industrial area of the city where you can find a mixture of forges, bars and some residences. "Strong weapons, strong drinks and strong men", as the saying goes.

New Arms - Labour zone of the farming variety. Cattle and crops are herded in here before heading to the butcher and the baker.

River Markets - Markets that not only exist either side of the bridge, but also across the very bridge itself. A massive market for chocobo breeders, farmers and fishermen.

Stables - A huge stable near Odengate. Breeding for personal use, military use and of course areas where personally owned chocobos can be rested and fed.

King's Square - In many ways the heart of Lucrecia. A bustling market area where traders of all kinds come to sell their wares, entertainers perform and generally people come to meet and drink in the surrounding inns, bars and taverns.

Galahorn Square - Upmarket area, generally less popular than King's Square because of the distance from Fellowgate. Some entertainers prefer this area due to it being quieter and therefore there is a bit of an arts culture that can be appreciated here.

Sleeper's Corner - Many many inns!

Tear's Landing - A small and low-use port to the East of Lucrecia.

Miss Mae
05-10-2014, 02:19 PM
Cool to have some reference points.

Loony BoB
05-10-2014, 05:44 PM
Planned additions, heads up! There's a fair chunk of 'em. I've named as much as possible so you can all talk like you know the place. ;)

Alcerra - The area of Sedorra that is to the North and West of the Betheron Wylds.
Miramina - The area of Sedorra that is to the South and East of the Betheron Wylds, beneath the Miramin Crown.
Estaciel - The area of Sedorra to the East of Miramina.
Northern Isles - The name of the group of islands at the North-East of Sedorra, just above Estaciel.

Pikewind - A town to the North of Alcerra.
Emeris Mountains - Tallest mountains in Sedorra.
Bennatoro Marshes - Marshlands that break through the Tryggwoods towards Lake Halabon.
Lake Halabon - A large lake just north of the Akimolm desert.
Tryggwoods - The forest on the southern face of the Emeris Mountains.
Mount Ahriman aka Urefu N'Degelima - Lone mountain. Here be dragons.
Degelima Wylds - Forest beneath Mount Ahriman. Here be dragons.
River Lissee - The name of the river running through Lucrecia, this runs through to various areas of the farmlands to the south and east of Lucrecia, although it does not reach as far as the Betheron Wylds.
Tear's Landing - A very small port, east of Lucrecia. Low use, but used all the same.

Lake Tenebrosa - A lake in the middle of the Betheron Wylds. The waters are dark, much like the Wylds around it, however during good weather you can at least see the sun for a while on your way through the deep forest.

Sumanti Danere - Generally only called the Danere. Meaning "Foaming Teeth", this is a massive whitewater river with sharp rocks coming as standard issue. There are many safe crossings to take advantage of, thankfully.
Medori River - A much more peaceful river than the Danere, Medori flows gently through Mira Saelum.
Mira Saelum - Almost without debate the most fruitful soils of all of Sedorra, the Medori feeds these plentiful meadows.
Miramin Crown - The crescent of mountains surrounding Lake Arna are called the Miramin Crown.

Itari Forest - A forest in Estaciel.
Alticum - The greatest of the Doban underground cities.

nothing I've named none of them :p

Map should hopefully be updated soonish.

05-12-2014, 12:04 AM
Awesome. I was going to request a city map of Lucrecia so I knew what it looked like. Great job BoB! :D

Loony BoB
05-18-2014, 11:44 AM
River that runs through Lucrecia: River Lissee.