View Full Version : Everything is a Spoiler (Except this thread)

05-06-2014, 12:20 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a game where so much of it is tied up in spoiler territory. I'm at the point where I can't make new threads, because they'd either have to be incredibly generic thread titles with spoiler warnings, or because even the thread titles themselves would be spoilers.

Character and personality traits? Spoilers.
Character designs? Spoilers.
Ability setups and strategies? Spoilers.
The basis for the political and religious conflicts? Spoilers.
The setup of the world itself? Spoilers.

I mean, heck, even in games like Septerra Core or Kingdom Hearts, which do a similar job of making the structure of the world integral to the story, they reveal that structure immediately and just let you explore it through the rest of the game. But everything in Bravely Default is something that you discover through exploration and questing. The world, the characters, even the mechanics are tied together to such a fantastic degree that discussing any of it is just wading straight into an ocean of interconnected revelations with tremendous implications.

It makes it really hard to discuss this game, especially this soon after release, despite the fact that there is so much to talk about. I guess it's to be expected from a game in which both the game's title Bravely Default, and its subtitle Where the Fairy Flies are themselves spoilers, but it's still kind of frustrating.

Del Murder
05-31-2014, 09:54 PM
Why are the first three spoilers?

06-01-2014, 06:49 AM
1. Discussing personality would mean discussing the massive changes that the characters undergo throughout the journey, and likely bring up a ton of spoiler content to verify or discuss points. Or we'd get discussions like "I wish [Character A] was more [Trait B]" or "Why is [Character C] so [Trait D]". The response to both of those would be spoiler material, so those of us who've played it would be dancing on our seats but not actually posting for fear of spoiling people.

2. Every character design is related to an asterisk, which means that it relates to an individual you fight. Early knowledge of these designs spoils what the jobs are, and can spoil who holds them, or how the fights play out.

3. Abilities are almost all used by bosses, and we get the same problem as above. I can't even really discuss why strategies are spoilleriffic, since I'm pretty sure you aren't nearly far enough in the game to talk about it. I mean, sure, we could talk about the early bosses, but they're not that difficult anyway (and even then, we can risk spoiling people for fights, as above). But the fights that require deep strategy come in the last few chapters, and even listing what you're facing would be massive, massive spoilers, and would at least slightly dampen some of the greatest moments the game has going for it.

Del Murder
06-01-2014, 08:17 AM
I guess that's the world we live in now.