View Full Version : What sort of games do you buy as day 1 purchases?

Dat Matt
05-08-2014, 09:11 PM
While thread currently does not particularly apply to myself as I tend to pre-order most new games via Amazon now, but I remember my days as a poor student I would avoid paying full price for any game with very few exceptions. One such exception was FFXIII-2. I bought that game, and played it day 1.

Nowadays I tend to buy games day 1 to support developers. I bought "Etrian Oddesy: The Millennium Girl" day 1 purchase despite not actually having played any others in the series so that develops can see at least 1 extra sale from more "Niche" Titles. This may lead to more projects being localized in the west in the future. Saying this, I probably wont get round to playing it for a long time either, as i'll play the 4th instalment before this one (Whenever that will be).

What sort of games do you buy on day 1? What are your reasons for picking them up day 1?

05-08-2014, 09:17 PM
The only game I've done this with is Pokemon X. Rob and I waited up until midnight and then played it for a few hours. Was good fun.

If I had a PS3/PS4 I'd probably do that kind of thing for Final Fantasy.

I'm really not much of a gamer. :shobon:

Wolf Kanno
05-08-2014, 09:22 PM
I rarely do this anymore, I think the only company I buy Day 1 for is Atlus and that is only because a lot of their games tend to be limited run so it's either pay full price now for brand spanking new, or pay full price and possible more later for a used copy.

Even then, I rarely play them on Day1 as well since I'm usually in the middle of some other game. I think I did pick up AC4 on day one but I have touched it yet as I have a ton of games on my backlog.

05-08-2014, 09:25 PM
There are no "sorts" of games that get day one purchases for me. The games I buy on day one don't fall within a particular category. The new metal gear will get it, so will civ beyond earth and ff15.

Of course, that's assuming I have a PS4 for the two games that require that when they are released.

05-09-2014, 06:10 AM
I rarely buy games on day 1. The only one I can think of is Portal 2 because I knew that would be all anyone talked about for a week and I didnt want it spoiled for me.

05-09-2014, 06:46 AM
I try to buy most games I'm interested in day one to avoid anything getting spoiled for me. :P

05-09-2014, 07:55 AM
Triple A games that I am interested in - mostly to avoid spoilers, as others have said. That being said...

I rarely buy games on day 1. The only one I can think of is Portal 2 because I knew that would be all anyone talked about for a week and I didnt want it spoiled for me.I didn't buy it until about six months ago and managed to remain spoiler free.

Dat Matt
05-09-2014, 08:04 AM
I still have not played it, and I only know of like two weeks things from the story.

05-09-2014, 09:38 AM
Same as Mirage and Psychotic, there's no specific genre I buy on day 1, it's simply down to what interests me at the time and if I have the money available.

At the moment Mario Kart 8 looks brilliant, so when I get paid next week I'll pre-order it. The reasons for that are because I've loved the series for 20 years, my friends, girlfriend and son will all play it with me regularly, and it should hopefully finally be the justification I need for buying a Wii U on launch.

Same for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, I adored it the first time round and managed to pre-order it for £21 which is a bargain and something I could afford at the time.

Then there are upcoming games like Watch Dogs and Tropico 5, I want to play them but I don't consider them day 1 purchases. The former is simply due to available finances, I'll only have enough money for one game and this month that's Mario Kart. Tropico I'll get when it goes on sale on Steam, as I do with most PC games.

05-09-2014, 10:31 AM
Paradox Interactive games for sure. Civ Beyond Earth will be a day one buy.

The Man
05-09-2014, 11:12 AM
I can't think of the last time I bought a game on day one. In fact, I can't think of the last time I bought a game that wasn't tremendously discounted. I'm sure the last time I bought a game on day one was years and years ago. Maybe back to the SNES era? I don't even know.

05-09-2014, 11:29 AM
Valve games and Atlus games that interest me. Beyond that I almost never buy day one anymore. When I do depends on the game and how much money I have.

Dat Matt
05-09-2014, 01:29 PM
For games like watch dogs, I have no doubt that game will sell well so I'll wait till it costs <£20 to get it. I've pre ordered the super collectors edition of Mario kart from the store that has a lot of tat included. Its the only game I can think that I actively pre-ordered for the purpose of getting a bonus and that I'll play when it comes in.

The rest is usually so that either I'll get a snazzy bonus like with tales of symphonia HD, or because I like the game and think it could use a boost in sales.

Last game I bought day one and played? Phoenix wright dual destinies. It was chill

05-09-2014, 02:30 PM
None. I can't afford to do something so extravagant :ffvisad:

05-09-2014, 03:14 PM
I can't think of a single instance where I bought a game on the day it came out. I don't like paying $40 or $60 bucks for a game no matter how much I may want it, and usually I don't have the money anyway. There was one time where I came close, but I decided to rent the game instead. It's a good thing I did because the game was terrible. Just terrible.

05-09-2014, 06:21 PM
Now I'm curious, what was the game?

Dat Matt
05-09-2014, 06:27 PM
I am tempted to say Aliens Colonial Marines. That's my guess.

05-09-2014, 08:01 PM
My day 1 purchases vary wildly really, there's no set genres to them. New MMOs I'll typically get at launch day.

Working at a games company also means that the new "big" titles are usually the talk of the office, so that may influence me to buy Day 1 just so I don't potentially get spoilered or anything of the sort.

If it's something multiplayer then I'll more than likely pick it up Day 1 to play with buddies. Single Player games though, it depends on how big of a game it is really. Assassin's Creed used to be a day one purchase for me, but now I can easily wait until Steam Sales etc.

But really, overall I have no issues buying stuff Day 1 - although there's very few I pre-order anymore after Alien Colonnial Marines. I'll usually at least wait until initial reviews start trickling in to get a feel for what critics thing (irrespective of the final score) before shelling over the cash,

05-11-2014, 09:06 PM
Never really been much of a day one buyer. Only games I REALLY want and have been patiently waiting for like Guild Wars 1&2.

05-11-2014, 09:12 PM
Now I'm curious, what was the game?

Final Fantasy XIII...

Dat Matt
05-11-2014, 09:28 PM
I bought FFXIII/FFXIII-2 both at launch. Don't regret it. I still like those two games.

black orb
05-12-2014, 05:25 AM
>>> I pre-ordered most of the games I like. All the PS3 Disgaea games, FFX HD, FF Dissidia, Dissidia Duodecim, FF4 The after years, etc.. :luca:

What are the reasons for picking them up day 1?

05-12-2014, 05:40 AM
Most of mine are titles that have been localized from Japan. I already have a pretty good idea of what they entail and that I'm going to enjoy them, and a lot of them (due to being "niche" titles) see limited distribution where I live.

Del Murder
05-12-2014, 06:31 AM
I can't think of a single game I bought Day 1 or preordered. It's just not a huge priority for me to get it quickly. I'll get it when I get it.