View Full Version : Overdoing The Subtitles

05-09-2014, 06:34 PM
I've noticed this a few times when trying to watch subtitled films or anime recently, the people who have done the subs have well and truly overdone it. Yesterday I tried watching Advent Children: Complete and early on this took place on my screen:

*phone rings*

Tifa: "He's not here anymore." (referring to Cloud being out on a job)

*phone continues ringing*

I don't need to know every god damn detail, another was *choir sings solemnly* when Marlene is going over the events of the game at the beginning of the film. I absolutely detest that, and I couldn't watch the rest of the movie because of it. As it happens I've just found a version on YouTube where this doesn't happen, but it does on the Netflix version.

Does this bother anyone else?

05-09-2014, 07:00 PM
Those subtitles are for the hearing impaired rather than the average non-languager and I dont mind them, sometimes I want them to tell me the background music is melancholy otherwise I might mistake it for being sombre

05-09-2014, 07:09 PM
I don't mind it.

What I mind is inaccurate subtitles, where the characters are saying something different from what the screen says.

On a funnier note, I once saw my mom watching a cooking show or something and the subtitles were like "Jenny is a huge bitch I ******* hate her and her stupid face and I hope she" etc etc. It was a o_O moment.

05-09-2014, 07:19 PM
It happens on every version of every thing in existence, if you turn on subtitles for the hearing impaired. Either change subtitles to just normal english, or turn them off entirely.

05-10-2014, 12:30 PM
That was the first thing I looked for, an option to change it from 'English for the hearing impaired' to 'English for people who don't understand the language.' Annoyingly there wasn't one.

Inaccurate subtitles is indeed worse, I have a film called Casshern which despite being one of my favourites makes absolutely no sense at times. There has been talk of a Blu-Ray release with better subtitles for years now but nothing has ever materialised sadly.

05-10-2014, 12:50 PM
Strange, I could have sworn the AC complete DVD featured both normal and hearing impaired subtitles. Perhaps you should take it back to the store, there could be something wrong with your copy.

Old Manus
05-10-2014, 09:40 PM
I grew up with a partially deaf mum and now I feel like I'm missing something if I watch TV without subtitles. Improved my spelling no end, though.