View Full Version : Chrono Thunderdrome! Trigger Vs Cross in Explosive Deathmatch!

Wolf Kanno
05-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Haven't done this in a while, Chrono Trigger is considered one of the greatest RPGs to grace the SNES and some say it's one of the best RPGs period, for many fans, it's contested sequel Chrono Cross was a pretentious psuedo-intellectual mess with useless and bloated cast of characters and a plot that derails everything CT accomplished. Chrono Cross fans feel that CC was a more daring game by being a loose sequel that focused on deeper intellectual pursuits and had one of the most bitching soundtracks of the PS1 era. They say that CT is an overrated game that's popularity is sustained by nostalgic fanboys who think nothing good came after the 16-bit RPG and fail to see how CT is just a simplistic DQ style adventure with some gimmicky mechanics.

With that said, where do you stand in the Great "but no one really cares and it's hardly that important" Debate about Trigger Vs Cross?

The Man
05-10-2014, 08:40 AM
Cross is a good game, but Trigger is easily Top 5 RPGs of All Time material. Trigger easily.

05-10-2014, 04:18 PM
Chrono Cross is one of my favorite games for the PS1. Unfortunately for it Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games of all time.

05-10-2014, 06:28 PM
You know, I played Radical Dreamers and it was pretty great!

And Cross, while good, suffers from way to many characters and some pretty bad pacing.

Great times Cross was, but Trigger wins it.

Del Murder
05-10-2014, 10:37 PM

Madame Adequate
05-10-2014, 10:42 PM
I like Chrono Cross more.

05-10-2014, 11:41 PM
The only thing I didn't like about Chrono Trigger were the mandatory battles. Every screen you walk onto forces you into one. Walk a few pixels in any direction and a monster will pop out and there's no flee command.

When it comes to plot or story, I didn't really care either way CT, CC, whatever. Because I didn't have to think of CC as a direct sequel, I pretty much treated it as a different game. I used to feel that sequels should follow the plot of the original character's stories, but when everything in the original is tied up in a neat little bow, the only options left are either to show their happily ever after or to introduce some new stupid evil to make a mess they have to clean up. In the latter case, you might as well hand the reins over to entirely different (if not new) characters.

People say they don't want sequels to the FFs because their plots have been closed and almost always complain when a sequel goes in an entirely different direction. Why do people play video games in the first place? Because they're children. Big, whining, diaper-pissing children. I like both the Chrono games and would hope to be able to play another. If they remade Radical Dreamers into a canon RPG, I would play it and, chances are good that I'd love it.

To be clear though, I would prefer Chrono Trigger to get the same treatment as FF4, but given a more DQ style so as to keep the DBZ design of the characters.

05-11-2014, 12:10 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Chrono Trigger were the mandatory battles. Every screen you walk onto forces you into one. Walk a few pixels in any direction and a monster will pop out and there's no flee command.

Um, actually, this is quite incorrect.

Every enemy in Chrono Trigger is tied to an event trigger. Almost all of these can be avoided (although some are extremely hard to do). A lot of the enemies will walk around, and you can just run around them. Others involve avoiding certain points in the ground, but a lot you can just get by if you avoid the actual mobs themselves.

Also, there is a flee command. Hold both trigger buttons until all the party members turn to run. This is actually based on a timer that increments constantly as you run away (and continues to increment even during menus if the ATB is in Wait mode). So you can open the Tech Menu in Wait mode, then press both shoulder buttons until all your party members are facing away from the fight, then close the menu, and not only will you escape, you can pretty much guarantee that you can escape from any foe without ever being touched.

05-11-2014, 12:10 AM
I'm going to go with Trigger because I only made it through about 20 minutes of Cross before I turned it off.


People say they don't want sequels to the FFs because their plots have been closed and almost always complain when a sequel goes in an entirely different direction. Why do people play video games in the first place? Because they're children. Big, whining, diaper-pissing children.

This is a bit rude, wouldn't you say?

05-11-2014, 12:49 AM
Between the two I actually prefer Chross, but I really enjoy them both quite a bit.

05-11-2014, 02:05 AM
I might like Cross more if there was a larger party size (5 or 6) to accommodate for the large roster and if I didnt find the regular battle music annoying and if they didnt just kill off everyone in Trigger so horribly and offscreen.

But as it stands I like Trigger better.

Wolf Kanno
05-11-2014, 02:53 AM
I am bias as Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time, with that said while I have some issues with Cross, I didn't think it was a bad experience and I still got some enjoyment out of it.

05-11-2014, 06:44 AM
You can't make me choose, Wolf. I have great love for both games for different reasons :colbert:

Wolf Kanno
05-11-2014, 07:08 AM
You can't make me choose, Wolf. I have great love for both games for different reasons :colbert:

05-11-2014, 10:11 AM

I thought Cross was awful ;c