View Full Version : Which NPC would you be?

05-28-2014, 08:05 AM

So this has recently been brought to my attention, it is a list of RPG stereotypes, and one of them is about NPC's:

Hey, I Know You, Three!
Furthermore, expect to encounter most of the following obligatory non-player chararcters (NPCs):

The townsperson or crewmember who wanders aimlessly in circles and never quite gets where he is going.
Hilariously incompetent or cowardly soldiers.
The NPC who has a crush on another NPC and can't quite work up the nerve to tell him or her, so instead tells every other person who wanders by about it at great length.
A group of small children playing hide-and-seek.
The wise and noble captain/king/high priest.
The wise and noble captain/king/high priest's splutteringly evil second-in-command. Nobody, including the hero, will notice the second's constant, crazed scheming until the moment when he betrays everyone to the forces of badness.
The NPC who is obsessed with his completely mundane job and witters on endlessly about how great it is. He's so thrilled by it that he wants to share it with everyone he sees, so given a quarter of a chance he'll make you do his job for him.
The (adult) NPC who has nothing better to do than play kids' games with passersby.
The group of young women who have formed a scarily obsessive fan club for one of your female party members.

Which one would you be on that list? I would probably be the one who has a crush on someone and tells passersby about it at length

06-02-2014, 07:29 PM


The NPC who is obsessed with his completely mundane job and witters on endlessly about how great it is. He's so thrilled by it that he wants to share it with everyone he sees, so given a quarter of a chance he'll make you do his job for him.So, Tom Sawyer

06-02-2014, 07:36 PM
The (adult) NPC who has nothing better to do than play kids' games with passersby.

Definitely, that's me.

Colonel Angus
06-02-2014, 07:54 PM
Maybe a FFI sage. I'd say something better than "Restore the ORBS" or whatever it was. But instead of appearing in FFI, I'd be in XII. I'd say something like, "I was trying to get to Elfheim, but I think I took a wrong turn @ Albuquerque."

06-03-2014, 06:40 AM
I'd be the NPC who has a crush on another NPC and can't quite work up the nerve to tell him or her, so instead tells every other person who wanders by about it at great length.