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06-04-2014, 09:05 PM
You're now in charge of making a new series by SE!

What kinda series would you create?

06-04-2014, 10:04 PM
Cooking games!

06-05-2014, 01:28 AM
Dude. Quina's Kitchen in an actual game!

06-05-2014, 03:44 AM
Graphics: Cell-shading (Killer7) with mostly realistic models (DOA/Tekken)

Story: Medieval political and religious warfare and turmoil set in a high magic western setting (Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre)

Tone/Mood: Sombre and slightly dark (Skyrim without the "Dragon-Jesus Epic Adventure")

Genre/Gameplay: 3rd-person action-adventure-rpg (Ocarina of Time/Dark Souls)

Mechanics: Tactical and reflexive real-time combat (Dark Souls/Demon's Souls),
stealth mechanics that are integrated into the action with slight puzzle elements (Hitman series), and parkour/freerunning (Assassin's Creed).

Setting/Synopsis: You are a Feralian(A desert elf that can talk to animals and monsters) mercenary who worships the Sun/War god Adar-malik, you are fighting for a small rebel army in the country of Arutan(Which is locked in a brutal civil war). A mission to raze and pillage the Empire of Mastora's food supply(a small fiefdom compromised mostly of farms and serfs), leads to a stunning revelation that could topple the current hierarchy of priests.

There's your new series.

06-05-2014, 03:47 AM
For some reason lately I've been thinking someone needs to make a really decent non-kiddish anthropomorphic game. Not furry'esque, but actual anthro. And serious. Like Secret of NIMH or Redwall. I wonder if Square could do it. I disagree, but people seem to think they managed to make Disney "serious". I guess if they took it up another level, they may well be able to create something to satisfy this itch

06-05-2014, 12:15 PM

Oh. This is more what we'd like to see than what we'd create.

I have no idea.

06-05-2014, 04:14 PM
I would take the FFXII team and have them make a next gen spiritual successor, set in an all new IP with new lore. Have them meaningfully iterate on the systems they created for that game. And have a lot more world interaction and better pacing.

Like Secret of NIMH

That would be dope!

Wolf Kanno
06-06-2014, 02:07 AM
I still kind of wish they made that Dissidia Dating Sim, would have been funny as hell.

I'd love to see SE do something with the Wii U, even if the company's track record with good storytelling is hit or miss, you can't argue that they are one of the few companies that will take advantage of every quirky design put into a game platform.

For me, I think I would love to see a new Mecha inspired RPG. Think Virtual On as an RPG.

06-06-2014, 08:16 AM
Could I just bring back Ogre Battle? Not Tactics Ogre, Ogre Battle. Cause I miss Ogre Battle. :(

black orb
06-06-2014, 09:17 AM
>>> A 2D fighting game..:luca:

06-11-2014, 10:16 PM
@CAST VOX: It's "comprise", not "compromise", just FYI.

people seem to think they managed to make Disney "serious".Yeah, about as serious as one can get with Disney sticking its grubby hands in the mix.

a new Mecha inspired RPG. Think Virtual On as an RPG.

How about a story of pure robots? The main character would be a robot fighting against a series of violent robots (like Mega Man except with much more melee)... then the twist ending reveals that in the main character is a tiny human pilot sent to spy on this planet of giant sentient machines as step one in the plan to invade.

I would take the characters from The Bouncer and put them in the Ehrgeiz tournament and combine their universes. Obviously, the graphics, controls, and mechanics need tweaking to perfect them. I also bring back the VII characters from the original, namely Cloud and Sephiroth. AC would now be Cloud's standard look and I would make Genesis an alt for Sephiroth. I would also bring back Nanaki as a character independent of Django.

I would also tweak the fighting styles of the characters: make Sasuke more similar to Yoshimitsu; give Yuffie the ability to actually throw her shuriken; give Vincent (if included) the ability to actually transform (or maybe include his transformations as alternate characters); more moves for Jo's wolf form...

Hell, maybe put in characters from Tobal No. 1.