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View Full Version : Drinkin' mah Tetanus vaccine, injectin' mah booze.

Loony BoB
06-06-2014, 12:20 PM
Best not get your shots confused.

How are you with injections? I'm going to be getting six diseases injected into my body soon. It's been ages since I last had one so I can't remember how bad they are, but I remember hating them intensely as a kid and getting better with them when I got to my teens. I'm a little worried but strangely intrigued at the experience given how long it's been.

06-06-2014, 01:59 PM
They are almost painless they are not at all an issue, don't be nervous. It helps to look away if you're a little squeamish but the pain is so small that if you blink you will miss it like the sensation of your eyes closing for a split second is enough to cover the pain of the needle or something.

06-06-2014, 02:28 PM
I'm a wuss who hate needles. When I was a kid my nurse had to get me to look away and say "Power Rangers!" over and over again to give me my shots. Nowadays I'll avoid getting a shot at every opportunity. Even a little prick on the finger these days hurt like hell.

06-06-2014, 03:08 PM
Generally I don't really mind. It is a little weird thinking this long thing is gonna enter my body but injections aren't painful.


Once I was rushed to A&E for a cut in my arm. In order to put the stitches in, they had to numb it. By numb it, they got a long needle, and basically pushed it several times into and around the wound. That was rather painful. I would of rather them put the stitches in without numbing than have them continuously stick a needle into the wound. Ouchy.

Loony BoB
06-06-2014, 04:23 PM
I FAINTED! I've never done that ever in my life before! First time! :o At least, I think I fainted. It's hard to say. The doc said my face went pale as we were talking about something and then I drifted to the right with my eyes closed (I was seated) but I remember her talking the whole way through, saying "Oop, you've just fainted a little, lie down over here" and then she was all "Doesn't it feel awful?" and I was like ">_> Not really, feels like having a nap on the bus, I actually feel pretty good..." and then I was told that it was because I hadn't eaten that day (true enough). But woo, first time for everything I guess! I don't really know if I fainted or not to be honest based on what people are telling me about fainting... maybe I half-fainted or something? I didn't feel ill or have a headache like she described. I just felt like I nodded off... but I was a bit shakey in the arms, and pale in the face, so I guess it must have been something.

Either way! Two of the injections were barely felt but one of them on my left arm (Typhoid or Hep A, not sure which) stung quite a bit. Aside from the fainting, all is well. Had me some Greggs on the way home. Guess that's a lesson learned: Eat Greggs on the way to the docs, not on the way back.

I am now ready for honeymooning. Huzzah.

06-06-2014, 04:26 PM
i hope you got a corn beef pasty or the day wasnt worth it

06-06-2014, 04:29 PM
I'm not too bad with needles, though I've not had injections in quite a while. Do you still get a lolly after getting poked by the Dr?

06-06-2014, 04:32 PM
It's been years since I've had injections, and I don't know how long they last. After putting it off for ages in fear of going to doctor's offices, I'm making the rounds for appointments now so thanks for the reminder to include injections!

Loony BoB
06-06-2014, 04:44 PM
i hope you got a corn beef pasty or the day wasnt worth it
Steak Bake and a Sausage, Beans & Egg pasty. Not a massive fan of the corn beef ones.

I'm not too bad with needles, though I've not had injections in quite a while. Do you still get a lolly after getting poked by the Dr?
No :( But the doc saved me like £135 I would have otherwise had to spend by doing me a favour and slotting me in the moment she got a cancellation, so I can't hold a grudge to her on that one.

06-06-2014, 05:30 PM
Eh, it stings for a second but then I get over it. Especially when they give me candy.

Taking blood though. Gosh I hate that. I had to get like 9 viles of blood taken when I was pregnant with twins and it always makes me uncomfortable. I get dizzy and faint and the sight of blood or injury so seeing my blood leaving my body, especially so much of it, was very disturbing.

Also made it hard to be polite and converse with the nurse

06-06-2014, 05:32 PM
Injections don't bother me, but I hate needles when you start taking my blood. The last time it wasn't so bad, but I usually get woozy.

I think you could inject me with Mountain Dew or Windex and I'd probably handle it better than getting a blood sample taken. Apparently my instincts like to scream "Once it's in my body, it is MINE."

I am all that is hardcore and tough. :roll2

Lonely Paper Star
06-06-2014, 05:53 PM
My job requires that I have all my shots, so I have everything updated now. I had 3 shots in a week, 2 of which were at the same appointment. XD

I don't mind the pain or needles. The areas get a little sore for a few days, but nothing a little massage couldn't handle.

06-06-2014, 07:09 PM
I have to have trimonthly injections as I have pernicious anaemia (B12) and I also have to have my blood taken for tests at least once a year, so yeah, I'm pretty used to being stabbed in the arm now! :jess:

When I was first diagnosed I had to be loaded with B12 and had to have 6 injections in the space of 2 weeks, so I got over any worry I had about needles very quickly!

06-06-2014, 07:14 PM
They are fine. I get a bit apprehensive about it beforehand, but it's usually not such a big deal.

06-07-2014, 02:04 AM
Had one. Almost died. Decided to give it a miss from then on in.

Colonel Angus
06-07-2014, 02:12 AM
I have to give myself a shot every other week. Fortunately, I get to use the pen instead of the standard needle. It barely hurts unless my hand moves a little, but any pain generally comes from feeling the medicine go in as opposed to the needle itself. Icing the area helps.

However, I can't watch someone else give me a shot or take blood. I always close my eyes, because if I see them, it hurts.

Madame Adequate
06-07-2014, 02:16 AM
Never minded shots very much. I don't mind getting blood drawn either, needles don't bother me.

06-07-2014, 03:10 AM
I had to have some blood taken for lab tests today and my co-worker/tech (I work in a doctor's office so I just had our techs draw it) said I was weird because I watch the whole thing. I watch the needle go in, I watch the blood go out, I watch the needle go back out. It fascinates me. I'm like "There is metal in me now, and there goes my life force in little sips."

I also watch people give me injections. I have to get the flu vaccine every year and I think it's intramuscular, so that's neat to look at too.

I've never had an IV. I am told they're pretty annoying so hopefully I never have one.

Did you get tetanus? That will be sore for a few days. Don't let people hit that arm!

Miss Mae
06-07-2014, 03:29 AM
I used to get injections fortnightly/monthly because of a blood condition. I've had the last few months off, but I will probably have to go back on them eventually. I've gotten used to them.

06-07-2014, 04:59 AM
I am terrified of needles. :( I get through it though. :p

Loony BoB
06-07-2014, 08:11 AM
Did you get tetanus? That will be sore for a few days. Don't let people hit that arm!
Tetanus/Diptheria/Polio on my right arm. That was and is fine. Obviously if you whack it it'll probably hurt but it's not bad. I can lie down on it etc.

Typhoid and Hep A on my left arm. One of those two is a bitch. Much sorer than the other two shots. No idea which, though... it's the one that's a little higher than the other.

I also find it amusing how quickly they just whack 'em in. I mean, it was all done in something like 20-30 seconds. Doink, doink, doink.

06-07-2014, 12:33 PM
The only place I find it weird getting injections is the back of my hand. It doesn't feel right! :nonono:

06-10-2014, 12:17 PM
The only place I find it weird getting injections is the back of my hand. It doesn't feel right! :nonono:

Do you have to get these regularly? What kind of injections are they? This is an odd place for injections!

06-10-2014, 04:41 PM
Phew I'm glad you're okay now!

I actually don't mind injections, I have a lot more problems with blood samples, just can't watch it...Still, my body thinks I don't like injections, so I half-faint every time. They always say it's because my body tensed up a little and then the blood rushes to the limbs, which makes the brain shut down or something like that. I never feel nervous but the docs always look at me like I'm a poor little nervous girl who goes to the doctor for the first time <.<' Guess I'm always subconciously nervous.

I don't want to imagine a needle in the back of my hand :x

06-10-2014, 05:58 PM
The only place I find it weird getting injections is the back of my hand. It doesn't feel right! :nonono:

Do you have to get these regularly? What kind of injections are they? This is an odd place for injections!

Not reguarly! Maybe once or twice. I know when I was little. And a few years ago, I was in the hospital, for some reason they did that. I don't know why! It bruised and everything. Maybe I was really abducted by aliens and have repressed the memory? :(

06-13-2014, 03:40 AM

06-13-2014, 03:44 AM
I really don't mind shots from the doctor or vaccinations or anything like that. I guess, going into my body, I'm fine with. GIVING however, tat kinda freaks me out. When the doctor has to draw blood or when I go to donate, I can't watch. I don't like seeing my blood come from my body. I don't get light-headed or faint or anything, but it just kinda makes me cringe.

Give me a shot all day though. Except the Small Pox vaccination. That and its effects blew for 3 weeks.

06-13-2014, 05:16 PM
I don't care. Although, I haven't had in in well over a decade.

06-14-2014, 01:01 AM
I have to give myself injections of my medication every 2 weeks (it's subcutaneous, so injected into fatty tissue, not directly into a blood vein), and those hurt a lot more than anything a doctor's/nurse's needle has done. That has been for the past few years, so I've long gotten over any fear of needles. :p

Miss Mae
06-14-2014, 03:03 AM
I had an injection yesterday. Hurt more than usual - the nurse clearly wanted to bruise me - but it's kind of strange how relaxed I am about them now. They've reduced mine down to three months though, which is rad, so no more blood tests and or needles until September.

06-14-2014, 04:24 AM
needles, nooooooo :bounce:

06-14-2014, 09:19 AM
Best not get your shots confused.

How are you with injections? I'm going to be getting six diseases injected into my body soon. It's been ages since I last had one so I can't remember how bad they are, but I remember hating them intensely as a kid and getting better with them when I got to my teens. I'm a little worried but strangely intrigued at the experience given how long it's been.

You're not getting six diseases injected into you.

06-14-2014, 05:33 PM
Because I work in a hospital I'm actually allowed and recommended to get all these shots, but I just haven't bothered, like, I just forget I can get them and don't have time or effort to arrange getting them. It's okay, I work in the heart building and you can't catch those, so I don't think I will contract something.