View Full Version : It Tastes Like Purple!

06-24-2014, 12:33 PM
Have you ever eaten something that immediately makes you think, "This is what orange would taste like if it were a food" ?

And no, I'm not talking about fruits and veggies that are already associated with colors- like oranges.

Like last night, I was making tiramisu and had some kind of bittersweet baking chocolate to grate on top of it. Even though it'd been sitting in the freezer, it still melted really quickly and got all over my hand.

Anywho. So I tried some of it and it made me think of the color purple. That's the first thought that hit me.

I've only thought this one other time and it was when I'd bought chocolate mousse from an organic health food store in Chicago many years ago.

So yeah there's that. hehe

06-30-2014, 07:38 PM
That makes me think of synesthesia. :p

When I was younger, I'd associate a feeling of breathlessness with the color black because it would kind of feel like my throat was burning. That carries over to especially spicy foods, which always seem "black" to me.

06-30-2014, 08:04 PM
In before Jinx posts :p

Personally, no, not really.