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View Full Version : Deus Ex

06-25-2014, 02:12 PM
A lot of people were introduced to this series via Human Revolution. That's pretty great because that game was really good. Who here has played it? And who has played the glorious original? Because the original Deus Ex is friggin fantastic. I beat it without killing anyone except for a couple of necessary deaths for the storyline.

Has anyone played Invisible War? I wanted to but I couldn't get it working on my computer. :(

06-25-2014, 02:38 PM
Has anyone played Invisible War? I wanted to but I couldn't get it working on my computer. :(

You missed out on nothing. I bought it for $2.50 in a Steam summer sale figuring it couldn't possibly be so bad that I wouldn't get $2.50 worth of fun out of it.

I was wrong. I was so terribly wrong.

Wolf Kanno
06-25-2014, 04:22 PM
I have the original on my Steam account but still unplayed. Considering how much I enjoy cyberpunk I should probably play it soon but I still have other things on my play list.