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View Full Version : FFIV vs. FFVI

06-29-2014, 12:31 PM
I have noticed a bit of a friendly rivalry between fans of these two games, and many FFIV fans feel their game has been overshadowed a bit by FFVI. Which side of the fence do you fall on?

06-29-2014, 01:15 PM
I prefer FFIV. I find it more fun than FFVI, and I don't like how FFVI has too many characters. FFVI is my 2nd favorite, though!

06-29-2014, 04:17 PM
Interestingly, while Final Fantasy VI is my favorite entry in the series, I think Final Fantasy IV is the better game. The smaller cast provides a more focused story, with more interesting events and locations, and characters and combat are more balanced, with several battles actually benefiting from more than a super basic strategy. The final area, I feel, is far superior as well. Those crystalline lower floors in the Lunar Sub-terrain = :excited:; the core components of Vector hidden under all the trash in VI were more . . . oh, look at that.

06-29-2014, 07:33 PM
FFVI is superior, but FFIV is my second-favorite game in the series.

The Man
06-29-2014, 08:43 PM
FFVI is superior. FFIV has a lot of excellent attributes to it, but portions of it haven't aged well and come off as rather clunky. Meanwhile, twenty years later, the only thing about FFVI that could really be improved is the battle system.

Wolf Kanno
06-30-2014, 07:01 AM
I feel VI is superior in most attributes though I will tip my hat to FFIV for being the most balanced game in the series.

06-30-2014, 07:35 AM
I like FFIV better, but also like FFVI a lot. I don't really feel any rivalry between the two games or whatever.

06-30-2014, 04:22 PM
I don't really feel any rivalry between the two games or whatever.

I haven't seen it on this website so much - I have seen it elsewhere, however!

06-30-2014, 11:41 PM
I don't really feel any rivalry between the two games or whatever.

I haven't seen it on this website so much - I have seen it elsewhere, however!

That's kind of...pointless, really. I can see why FFVI and FFVII people argue because there are many similarities with those games, but FFIV was made with a very different team and mindset.

07-01-2014, 02:01 AM
I haven't finished IV but I think I'll like it better

07-01-2014, 06:35 PM
I may be the only person who thinks 1) both are pretty equal in quality, and 2) neither is that great. I think they're ranked something like 11th and 12th in my FF power rankings. VI is somewhat better because it's easier, has a better storyline, and has more versatile combat. But IV has its own charm.

07-08-2014, 05:02 AM

IV all the way, because I am a nostalgia slave.

07-08-2014, 05:41 AM
VI on account of being the only one between the two that I played.

inb4 "Goddammit, ToriJ, play Final Fantasy IV! And while you're at it, play the rest of Final Fantasy VI!"

07-08-2014, 03:11 PM
There's rivalry? :confused:

We have a crazy ass clown for FF VI compared to some guy that kinda only appears as the end boss for FF IV. I would prefer a more developed character like the crazy ass clown rather than some moon guy who claims he has been manipulating everything from behind the scenes. :bigsmile:

07-08-2014, 09:08 PM
There's rivalry? :confused:

We have a crazy ass clown for FF VI compared to some guy that kinda only appears as the end boss for FF IV. I would prefer a more developed character like the crazy ass clown rather than some moon guy who claims he has been manipulating everything from behind the scenes. :bigsmile:

To be fair, Golbez has most of the spotlight. So if you were to compare villains, it would be more accurate to talk about Golbez and Kefka, despite the fact that Golbez makes a face turn at the end of the game.

But yeah, as I said in the thread before, I'm with you. I really don't understand the thought process behind any sort of rivalry between this one and VI.

07-14-2014, 10:34 AM
I guess to clarify I don't really see a rivalry so much as I've seen FFIV fans upset that FFVI overshadows their game as "the" FF on SNES.

(inb4 people say they have never seen this before; I'VE SEEN IT BEFORE OKAY :crying2:)

I should've phrased this whole thread better! :shobon:

07-16-2014, 11:11 AM
I kinda get the opposite impression, actually. A lot of people seem to think FFIV is where the series peaked and VI is too messy. I personally firmly stand in the FFVI camp. Sure, I love FFIV to bits, but you have to admit it's extremely corny - maybe a bit less so with the imrpoved script and direction in the DS remake, but still. FFVI, on the other hand, plays out like an opera. Yes, operas are cheesy in their own way, but I always found FFVI to be one of the more artistic games in the series, with a more well though-out theme, aim, feel. It's tied with XII for my number 1 spot.

Wolf Kanno
07-18-2014, 01:33 AM
I've seen the rivalry, hell my friend who introduced me to the series is an avid FFIV fanboy while I was the VI fanboy in middle school so we often had these debates though it was usually of a "which is number 1 and which is number 2" variety discussion cause we loved them both. I think once VII came around and brought the console war aspect to everything, the IV and VI fans largely had a truce. It's the FFV fans that whine the most about the SNES entries cause that entry got the shaft and isn't popular because of it.