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07-04-2014, 06:10 AM
For some reason this seems like a really fun thread idea right now, but it probably won't soon enough. Oh well. :p

Basically, just list works in various forms that made/make you cry. For me, it'd be...

TV: The "How I Met Your Mother" finale I watched just now. I teared up a bit when the Mom died. :cry:

Movie: The first time I watched "Ed Wood" it made me cry when Bela Lugosi gave the "I have no home" speech, specifically because he said he'd have no trouble with it even though it was introduced into the script late. He's so alone!! :cry::cry: Alternatively there's also Les Mis, although I've started to be a bit of a snob about it so I can't appreciate the 2012 film as much as I used to. :P

Music: Jacque Brel's "Ne Me Quitte Pas" gets me almost every time.

Book: Fault in Our Stars. Just, all of it.

How about you guys? Are there any works that make you cry, or not so much? (I'm a bit of a wimp, I guess!)

07-04-2014, 06:46 AM
Wallace & Gromit when the moon robot gets left behind ;____;

Jurassic Park when they're leaving on the helicopter, and Dr Hammond has to leave his dream and all of his hard work and the dinosaur babies ;________________________;

Mr Bean when his fiancee leaves him, or when he sends himself Christmas cards ;_; ;_; ;_;

Police Academy when Hightower gets kicked out of the Police Academy, omg ;_____;

The Planet Earth documentary when the baby elephant is following its mother's footsteps through the desert, and it turns out he is following them IN THE WRONG DIRECTION and will never ever be reunited with its mother

Any time things aren't going the way that Pingu wants them to ;___;

Ugh I think I'm going to cry right now :(

07-04-2014, 08:17 AM
How to train your dragon 2

My big fat hairy Viking (http://howtotrainyourdragon.wikia.com/wiki/Stoick_the_Vast)died. :(

07-04-2014, 10:31 AM
I used to be a stone-cold emotionless thing as a kid. Never cried at anything. Mufasa died? Pssh. Fox and the Hound? lol not a tear! But then I got older and I am pretty sure my hormones ruined it and now I can cry at pretty much anything.

07-04-2014, 10:33 AM
I used to be a stone-cold emotionless thing as a kid. Never cried at anything. Mufasa died? Pssh. Fox and the Hound? lol not a tear! But then I got older and I am pretty sure my hormones ruined it and now I can cry at pretty much anything.

Oh man this happened to me too. The older I get, the more I cry at the drop of a hat. :(

Okay let's get some Toy Story 3 ending up in here ;____;

07-04-2014, 10:41 AM
I could not possibly begin to compile a list for this. Everything makes me tear up. Everything. Ever.

Movies, books, songs, poems. If somebody tells me a really nice story.

I love the movie Spirited Away so much that most of the time around 5 minutes in when the theme music starts playing and 'Spirited Away' comes up on the screen I will tear up. I once tried to watch a making of Spirited Away documentary one night after Lambrini, I couldn't watch it without tearing up and had to stop. The Lambrini probably had something to do with that, I could usually watch a making of documentary.

Sometimes I make up stories in my head when I'm bored at work and play them out and I often tear up because of them.

Books are the worst of all.

It's unavoidabe!

07-04-2014, 02:00 PM
I used to be a stone-cold emotionless thing as a kid. Never cried at anything. Mufasa died? Pssh. Fox and the Hound? lol not a tear! But then I got older and I am pretty sure my hormones ruined it and now I can cry at pretty much anything.

Oh man this happened to me too. The older I get, the more I cry at the drop of a hat. :(

Okay let's get some Toy Story 3 ending up in here ;____;

I've always cried at things. That one episode of Pokemon where Ash lets his butterfree go made me sob so much when I was a kid for some reason! And speaking of Toy Story 3, I started crying when the bear shared his story. I couldn't even finish the ending. My Mom and I both had to vacate the room. :shobon:

I guess it's more of a short story than a video game thing, so Hannah's Departure (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPn0T4ZpLKE). Gosh, just, :cry:. (It's from Lost Odyssey, but it doesn't have any spoilers.)

07-04-2014, 03:42 PM
I used to be a stone-cold emotionless thing as a kid. Never cried at anything. Mufasa died? Pssh. Fox and the Hound? lol not a tear! But then I got older and I am pretty sure my hormones ruined it and now I can cry at pretty much anything.

Oh man this happened to me too. The older I get, the more I cry at the drop of a hat. :(

Okay let's get some Toy Story 3 ending up in here ;____;

We watched this the other day. I was ready for it. I knew what was coming. lol still many tears all over the place. This time in the comfort of my own home instead of in a cinema.

07-04-2014, 03:54 PM
I cry at everything. If its sad just assume I cried.

The Other Woman my goodness I cried that entire movie. For anyone who doesn't know, its a movie about a second wife who lost her baby, thinking she killed her by accident, and its showing her struggle moving on. She's depressed, but not in that movie depressed way but in an actual unlikeable kind of way. She gets selfish, short tempered, moody, sad. Her family tries to help and she pushes them away. It shows how it negatively affects her relationship. Her husband is sad but tries to put on a strong face for her and he eventually just can't anymore. It made me see a lot of what I've struggled with (not losing a child thank goodness, but with depression in general) and it was a very good but very sad movie

07-04-2014, 04:08 PM
I cry with everything. Stuff that normal people don't see as sad or tear jerking I cry on. The last thing that made me like, bawl and sob? Eh... Last thing I remember that made me really cry that hard was Gears of War 3 (if you played it you know when).

07-04-2014, 04:38 PM
My Girl :cry:

07-04-2014, 05:01 PM
Advent children

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
07-04-2014, 05:05 PM
I cried while watching Brave last night.

07-04-2014, 05:09 PM

07-04-2014, 05:55 PM
Mr Bean when his fiancee leaves him, or when he sends himself Christmas cards ;_; ;_; ;_;

oh my god i forgot about how much this affected me as a kiddiewink my word :'((

07-04-2014, 05:57 PM

Damn right! :cry:


07-05-2014, 01:41 AM
One word: Key.


Many, many tears were shed. This storyline made me realize that, yeah, I can actually cry quite a lot. In fact, after I saw this, for a while I felt emotionally numb. Like every time I saw something sad (I saw 12 Years A Slave in this time period) I just could not get into it. I could not feel sad.

That is until I saw this:


Which just so happens to be by Key as well. It broke that void I felt. And many more tears were shed. Little Busters! Refrain is one of my all-time favorites, right next to After Story. The emotions are very strong with this one.

Big D
07-05-2014, 08:16 AM
As a general rule, I don't cry about things and haven't shed tears in sadness since I was a child. Some stories do hit me hard, though, and can make my eyes get misty even if I don't actually weep as a result:

Perrin Aybara learns that his entire family has been murdered.

Gandalf's apparent death while fighting alone against the house-sized Balrog. Even knowing that he'd be back, this scene is done so well it got me right in the feels, and still does every time.
Boromir dies like a true BAMF: refusing to stay down while protecting those who aren't able to protect themselves.

At Helm's Deep, just before dawn, when the Rohirrim are exhausted, beaten and truly believe they've got no chance.

Gandalf drives off the Nazgul harrying the surviving soldiers fleeing Osgiliath
The Rohirrim arrive at Pelennor Fields and make their charge
The Eagles join the final fray

Wolverine and Cyclops react to Jean's death, and Nightcrawler recites the Lord's Prayer.

The end of Doomsday. You know the one I mean. Even Russel T. Davies' later terrible writing and retconning didn't manage to mar the raw emotional impact of that one scene.

Hiccup and Toothless make their first successul flight together
Stoick disowns his son, and the two are later reconciled
The pair confront the 'Green Death' dragon

Magda Goebbels murders her children. A genuinely harrowing scene, unflinching and almost documentary-like in its presentation, made all the more disturbing since it depicts how the real-life murders of these children may actually have been carried out.

George Kirk makes the ultimate final stand, dying moments after hearing his son being born.

Nanaki learns Seto's true story
Aerith dies
The Lifestream emerges to obliterate the meteor

The ending reveals that Squall actually survived his ordeal. While this doesn't elicit much response beyond a smile these days, the first time it was a huge relief that the game actually showed him alive, rather than leaving it ambiguous as I'd feared it might do.

Tidus and Jecht high-five: reunion and reconciliation in the afterlife, after years of bitterness and separation, summed up in one tiny gesture in one tiny moment.

Shuyin and Lenne's story, as told by Lenne's own memories during the '1000 Words' scene.

Wolf explains her life in her final minutes
Snake tells Naomi about Frank's sacrifice.

Snake and EVA confront Volgin in the Shagohod after destroying the bridge.
Learning how The Boss and Naked Snake have been utterly betrayed and used by everything they believed in.

Sarah's death
Discovering the words 'THEY DIDN'T SUFFER' on the floor in the underground home, where one of the last surviving adults apparently killed the community's children when the enclave was overrun by infected
Ellie breaks down after killing David

The journeyer completes their trek, arriving at the ancient Nirvana before returning to where their story began.

07-05-2014, 02:59 PM
The ending of The Notebook. I cried, in public, in the theater.

The scene in Chrono Cross where Serge goes back in time and rescues Kid from the burning orphanage, but then when they're safe he disappears and Kid's left behind all alone and confused :( "Star-Stealing Girl" makes me think of this scene and therefore also makes me cry

The scene in The Fountain (best movie of all time) where Tommy tattoos his wedding ring back on...having lost a girlfriend to cancer, I relate to this scene so much. Also, losing a girlfriend to cancer will definitely make you cry. I don't recommend it.

And, the one that's gotten me since I was a kid and still does to this day, the song "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw. Too much feels.

07-05-2014, 08:33 PM
I use to cry at the regular prompts like someone dying a tragic death but for some reason I dont really cry when someone dies in a movie or a game anymore (I'll still tell people I did because I dont want them to think im a robot). However I do still cry during scenes where:

One person sacrifices themselves for a bunch of people (especially strangers).
A lot of people (especially strangers) band together to help one person.
Something from years ago in a past season/movie resurfaces unexpectedly but in a way that makes perfect sense.
Emotionless robots/clones/aliens learn to feel.
Love and/or friendship spans beyond conventional time and space.

07-05-2014, 08:59 PM
I already mentioned this in chat and the video is on my FB.

The USO Show Troupe had a lengthy concert yesterday for 4th of July. It was really cutesy and really awesome, but I kind of stopped paying attention at one point cuz my girl was talking to me. Then I heard it. My mom's favorite song. "Proud To Be An American" by Lee Greenwood. That song was my mom's ringtone -&- ring back tone both, and then it was played on repeat at her funeral.

It caught me so off guard, I completely lost it. I couldn't watch, didn't want to hear it. It took me a good minute to even be able to tell Jay to record it on his phone for me. And then I was pretty much upset the rest of the day.

07-06-2014, 01:42 AM
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Appa

A few minutes before the ending of: The Mist

And most recently, was a reuniting episode of Attack on Titan, of all things

I'm with Big D though. I don't blubber. I get misty eyed, or even failing that, I can feel the sensation in my chest or throat sometimes. I've never been really embarrassed to cry, though people make a big deal about it, which is ridiculous and I hate it. But mostly I just try not to cry because it's messy. But I'm not afraid to feel for certain movies and things. They're generally just not powerful enough or relateable enough for me to get much more than misty eyed

Nausicaa's ending makes me tear up too, I believe. It's been a few years though. But I think it probably still would

I don't know if the Toy Storys really do it to me, but Wall-E and How to Train Your Dragon sure do for some reason

The beginning of Xenoblade Chronicles did as well, I believe.

07-07-2014, 03:37 AM
Off the top of my head: Passion of the Christ, Toy Story 3, and The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe and Final Fantasy IX made me tear up a little but not outright cry. It takes a lot for a piece of media to get me to cry. I can usually make myself cry by myself if I think of something sad long enough.

07-07-2014, 04:14 AM
Same as Shauna and Pike. Somehow in the last few years I have become ridiculously sensitive to emotional moments and material and some crazy floodgates have opened and I cry at everything. I teared up at the end of the Alcatraz prison audio tour, for god's sake. The Michael and Holly proposal in The Office? Lost my smurfing mind. Jim and Pam's wedding? Watched it three times over so I could keep crying. :stare: The Lost in Translation ending will get me every single time. Reading the Two Towers for the first time as a kid had me crying when Sam was in Shelob's lair and thought he was all alone. Anytime on TV or in movies where there's some swelling emotional moment, either positive or depressing, I cry. :(

Oddly enough, I did not cry at Up. I am generally ostracized because of this fact.

Colonel Angus
07-07-2014, 04:17 AM
Oddly enough, I did not cry at Up. I am generally ostracized because of this fact.

07-07-2014, 04:18 AM
I don't even care. I kept hearing about this movie making everyone cry so I kept looking for that moment and waited for it to happen and it never did for me!

07-07-2014, 04:19 AM

The entire movie , Everybody's Fine. With Robert DeNiro, Kate Beckinsale, Drew Barrymore, and some other people. I literally cried through the entire thing the first time I watched it.

It's so close to the dynamics of my family it's ridiculous. Especially now since my mom's passed away. I tried to get my dad to watch Tim but he picked up the hint very quickly and told me to turn it off.

"Say Something" by that band and Christina Aguilera causes me to have a meltdown whenever I hear it. For many reasons.

and "Forever Young" from th Care Bears Movie II ... omg.

07-07-2014, 04:25 AM
Oh I just remembered Marley & Me


07-07-2014, 05:32 AM
I am a cold hearted American. I do not cry unless I see my flag being folded the wrong way at the end of the day.

07-07-2014, 08:03 PM
I cried pretty hard during the end of The Green Mile and after Mufasa's death. I actually cried a bit during Click too must admit. Didn't cry during the beginning of Up, but I did get teary. I've also gotten teary at FF7, FF8, and FF10. Cried at the end of Snake Eater even though I was sure I wasn't going to. Can't think of anything else I cried during though.

Oh wait, for books, I cried at the end of Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons.

07-07-2014, 08:11 PM
I cry when I really stop and think about shion's sig pic for too long :cry:

07-07-2014, 08:13 PM

07-07-2014, 08:49 PM

"Is this all I was to you? Just a vehicle to be used and cast aside when you needed to move on?"

Poor Yoshi :'(

07-09-2014, 09:52 AM
There are a few answers to this, but at the same time there is only one true answer for me.


07-11-2014, 04:51 AM
I've seen the episode The Job from The Office a million, million times, and I'm watching it right now for the million and first time and sobbing my stupid eyes out at the end ;______________________;

Lone Wolf Leonhart
07-11-2014, 05:15 AM
Haven't you heard?


07-11-2014, 07:20 AM
That reminds me, I totally cried at the ending of Boys Don't Cry. Such a fucked up story.

07-11-2014, 07:42 AM
Up. :(
The Green Mile. :(
Marley and Me. :(

I tear up every time I watch a vet show or a nature show on tv and one of the animals die. I don't know why I still watch them, they're devastating!

07-11-2014, 12:49 PM
Basically if I'm alone (too many years of "crying is undignified, especially if you're a man" being etched into my brain) I am like a fountain with TV and games.

A few examples off the top of my head:

Lost Odyssey, especially the dreams... I basically worked my way through that entire game wiping tears away

Many, many heart-warming endings to MLP episodes (starting with the first with Luna)

Lots of Trek moments, such as Picard's passion in defending Data's rights as a sentient being in ST:TNG

FF7 Aeris's funeral of course, Cloud effectively pouring his heart out to Tifa to recover from his mental illness / mako poisoning, and with the general pride and intensity of the ending and lots of FF moments besides

I have like a 10 year gap in my watching of Pokemon but it seems just as emotional as ever - in addition to what @KentaRawr! said I remember from the old days Snow Way Out, where they're all huddled together and Ash is moved to tears by the friendship from his Pokemon, that quickly sets me off as well.
Then there's Pikachu's Goodbye, the really emotional farewell where he tries to let the lil guy go free and he comes running after him, with that really sweet song
And that time when Misty leaves gets me all... misty eyed (sorry :P)

Doctor Who - Rose getting stranded, the loss of Donna's memory, the departure of the 10th, the "death" of the Ponds

Frankly the list is endless :blush:

07-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Oh god yeah, the Pikachu's Goodbye episode ;-;

07-12-2014, 02:40 PM
The only thing I can think of is Patch Adams.

07-12-2014, 06:45 PM
Everything makes me cry! It's ridiculous! I'm definately a "wear my heart on my sleeve" kinda girl and because of that I can't disguise my emotions at all! I hate the crying you do where you can't catch you breath and it makes you sound like a dying donkey *what I assume a dying donkey would sound like*

It makes me sad when people don't consider your feelings. I'd like to think I'm a very kind considerate person. I come way wayyy down at the bottom on my list of priorities and I always try my best to 'be perfect' for everybody and make everyone happy. And it's bloody devastating when people then go and treat you like dirt!

Sorry! *mini-rant over*

07-12-2014, 06:46 PM
Also- "The Notebook"- that film should come with a health warning!

07-12-2014, 06:54 PM
Doctor Who and Avatar: The Last Airbender always gets me.

07-13-2014, 02:25 AM
Everything makes me cry! It's ridiculous! I'm definately a "wear my heart on my sleeve" kinda girl and because of that I can't disguise my emotions at all! I hate the crying you do where you can't catch you breath and it makes you sound like a dying donkey *what I assume a dying donkey would sound like*

It makes me sad when people don't consider your feelings. I'd like to think I'm a very kind considerate person. I come way wayyy down at the bottom on my list of priorities and I always try my best to 'be perfect' for everybody and make everyone happy. And it's bloody devastating when people then go and treat you like dirt!

Sorry! *mini-rant over*

I'm always like terrified when I go to movies with my friends, just cause I usually end up bawling and then they tease you for it. :/

07-13-2014, 05:46 AM

No, stop it.

Then there's Pikachu's Goodbye, the really emotional farewell where he tries to let the lil guy go free and he comes running after him, with that really sweet song

FFFFFFFFFFF-! I've gone YEARS never thinking about that episode and now I have the song running through my head!

07-13-2014, 02:10 PM
FFFFFFFFFFF-! I've gone YEARS never thinking about that episode and now I have the song running through my head!

Somehow, someway, we'd have to say goodbye. ;~;