View Full Version : Threads of Fate

07-07-2014, 04:41 AM
I rented this when I was little and I didn't get to play much because I only had it for a week and I was even worse at video games than I am now, but I remember loving it.

There's a girl in it whose name is Mint, right? Oh I loved her. I wanted to dress like her and everything and now I realize that might be a bit of an odd style but I was all about it!

And now I find it on the PSN for $10. THATS LIKE TEN DOLLARS LESS THAN TWENTY

Is it worth continuing? Is it a good game? Do you get more playable characters? WILL I EVER LOOK LIKE MINT?!?!!?

Discuss :monster:

07-07-2014, 05:32 AM
omg I love this game so much! Definitely pick it up. There are two playable characters to choose from, Mint and Rue. Rue transforms into monsters, Mint uses magic. Rue has the more serious story (and is probably the "canon" one if there is such a thing) and Mint's is very light-hearted and full of humor. Personally I like playing Mint more, her magic is way more fun because Rue can't even turn into most of the cool monsters :(

If you get it just don't do what some people do and play both at the same time. Pick one character, finish the game, and create a save file after the credits where you can start a new game with the other character. Otherwise you'll miss out on an extra ending scene.

Del Murder
07-07-2014, 06:02 AM
Jessweeeee speaks the truth about this game. It's pretty fun and often overlooked. Mint is one of the greatest video game characters of all time. Definitely play both stories separately and I would suggest playing her second since she has the more whimsical storyline and is more fun to play.

07-07-2014, 05:38 PM
I loved this game -- the style was adorable. I loved Rue's story the most, though I didn't necessarily dislike Mint. Maybe I enjoyed Rue more because I played his story first... plus changing into an animal was AWESOME. I also loved that little guy, what was his name? Prima Doll? He was ADORABLE.



I would totally buy a copy of it once I'm done with Legend of Legaia.