View Full Version : Nintendo Powerglove!

Wolf Kanno
07-18-2014, 08:08 AM
While cleaning my place I found the instruction manual for Super Glove Ball which was basically the game to make use for Nintendo's infamous power glove peripheral, so who here actually grew up owning one of these bad boys. Sadly, I did not... :(

07-18-2014, 08:36 AM
I didn't even hear about the Power Glove until the Angry Video Game Nerd episode. I live under a rock. I had the Nintendo Zapper, though.

Dr Unne
07-18-2014, 10:43 AM
I had one. It was impossible to play any games with it. It didn't work worth a crap. You'd stand there flailing around like a moron while Mario ran into a pit. Good thing it had a d-pad and buttons on the back.

Still the greatest thing ever invented.


07-18-2014, 10:45 AM
I borrowed one from a next door neighbor as a kid. I was quickly let down at how hard it was to control the games I had that would work with it.

That being said, I still felt like a total badass when wearing one.