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View Full Version : New Skill Acquired!

07-19-2014, 04:59 PM
So I've recently learnt how to solve a Rubik's Cube. I've always wanted to know how to do it, so one boring Saturday afternoon, I sat down in front of the computer with one and YouTubed a beginner's method and did it (after about 6 hours). In the weeks that've followed since, I've gotten faster, bought a speedcube (they turn a lot faster and smoother and lock-up less) and have started to experiment with a faster method. I still haven't quite got my head around it though, but I can solve with the beginner's method in a little over a minute.

I am surprised though at how little intuition is actually involved though. It's not really 'solving', more like remembering heaps of algorithms and knowing when to use them.

What new skill have you learnt recently?

07-19-2014, 05:41 PM
Rubik's Cubes upset my brain :(

07-19-2014, 06:13 PM
Oh gosh Rubik's cubes are just the worst!

Anyway, what new skills have I learned? Erm....... :confused:

07-22-2014, 08:09 AM
You should have some "Cube" off competitions! Those things are amazing! A little over a min is better than most people!

07-22-2014, 04:11 PM
I know how to fix a printer now! :bigsmile:

Recently before this, I only know how to destroy one. :bigsmile:

Loony BoB
07-23-2014, 02:22 PM
I was just thinking the a day or two ago that I really want to learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube.

A new skill? Hmm... I'm not sure. I'll have to think on how long it's been since I learned a new skill. :( I learn how to do things all the time, but I wouldn't really call them skills so much as just knowledge of how to do something. And most of them are work related, or basic tasks that make up part of video games or something.

07-23-2014, 03:01 PM
I was just thinking the a day or two ago that I really want to learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube.

A new skill? Hmm... I'm not sure. I'll have to think on how long it's been since I learned a new skill. :( I learn how to do things all the time, but I wouldn't really call them skills so much as just knowledge of how to do something. And most of them are work related, or basic tasks that make up part of video games or something.

I'm pretty sure your online game characters attained tons of new skills though.

Loony BoB
07-23-2014, 03:15 PM
Ha xD They learned how to desynth and how to access a few dungeons. Other than that... nah, just a lot of gilmaking and bouncing around in the early Coils.

07-23-2014, 04:15 PM
Recently, I've had several occasions to learn how to do things on cars from the 60's. Rebuilding and synching carbs, and replacing/refurbishing shifter linkage for example.

I'm sure that will come in handy with all the cars from the 1960's I see here all the time. :roll2