View Full Version : Do you enjoy healer/support characters?

07-25-2014, 10:47 AM
For me it depends from game to game. On Ragnarok Online mine most favorite and played character was Priest/High Priest, because I enjoyed saving stupid people, but in single players I usually find these kinds of characters kind of boring. I don't mind having them in my team but I don't like them being my main character.

What about you?

07-25-2014, 03:21 PM
In MMOs I definitely love playing healers. It's easily my favorite role.

In single player games though, they're just... meh. They're usually a really boring character so I don't care much for them.

07-25-2014, 03:29 PM
I don't enjoy being the healer, but I always enjoy them. Very handy

07-25-2014, 04:09 PM
Depends, I loved Healers Boon in Guild Wars 1. Made healing super fun. Otherwise I'm not big on healing. I play combat support very well. In mmos I'm usually a thief/ranger type character. In Guild Wars 2 I was a beast with my shout Guardian. I still get people hitting me up to come back play with their guild.

07-25-2014, 04:51 PM
They're okay.

07-25-2014, 05:12 PM


07-25-2014, 05:40 PM
Seriously! I don't know how many hours I've sat saying "GLF monk" or something of that sort just to accept the first one we find and they suck horribly and just quit.

07-25-2014, 06:01 PM


This is why I play healer in MMOs.

I wouldn't mind playing a healer in a single player RPG either, but the problem is that they are often a lot more boring to play there, and because AI front line characters aren't as good at that stuff as I am.

Dat Matt
07-25-2014, 07:20 PM
My favourite character archetype is Support/Healer. In tales of Xillia I have assume the white mage as my main player.

Why? I like to have control of the battle. Sure you're tank and DPS may be necessary for any battle, but in the tough fights, they can't last forever and that's where a healer is needed. A well timed Protect/Bravery spell can turn the tides of a hopeless battle, and the clutch heals at the last second are so satisfying.

I get the idea behind being the burly tank taking all the hits and why people prefer roles like that, but support class is for me.

07-25-2014, 07:22 PM
My favourite character archetype is Support/Healer. In tales of Xillia I have assume the white mage as my main player.

Why? I like to have control of the battle. Sure you're tank and DPS may be necessary for any battle, but in the tough fights, they can't last forever and that's where a healer is needed. A well timed Protect/Bravery spell can turn the tides of a hopeless battle, and the clutch heals at the last second are so satisfying.

I get the idea behind being the burly tank taking all the hits and why people prefer roles like that, but support class is for me.

One of the reasons I don't enjoy being a healer is because I feel like its too much pressure. I'll do it in traditional turn battles like FFIX obviously, but in games like Tales and Xillia and Xenoblade, I'm just too worried about falling behind on such an important role. I find healers to be very necessary to the battle

So I mostly prefer either upclose and quick attackers (Leia in Xillia) or further away black mage types

Wolf Kanno
07-25-2014, 08:41 PM
I like support characters like Time Mages and Green Mages but I don't care for healers as much, I've noticed that I tend to weed them out of my party like in IX where Quina is my healer mostly and it's version of White Wind is not even the best version in the series.

07-25-2014, 08:44 PM
If it weren't for healers in some RPGs I played I'd be a dead man, they are a woefully unappreciated class. I also like the vintage White Mage outfits in Final Fantasy.

Wolf Kanno
07-25-2014, 09:32 PM
If it weren't for healers in some RPGs I played I'd be a dead man, they are a woefully unappreciated class. I also like the vintage White Mage outfits in Final Fantasy.

I wouldn't say they are unappreciated, they are just boring, but practical (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoringButPractical) but not unappreciated, healers are usually one of the default positions in a team for most RPG players.

07-31-2014, 04:24 PM
I play healers in MMOs endgame because I don't trust those other motherfuckers to keep me alive. If i'm healing at least I know someone is doing a decent job at it. And if we die it isn't my fault for not healing, it's others for not killing or keeping aggro off me. Often times I pull it cause i'm a Healing beast. HoT HoT HoTs!

07-31-2014, 04:50 PM
Yeah, in basically every MMO I've ever played I've been a healer. It's crazy pressure sometimes but also very exhilarating and fun. It was the best in Star Wars: the Old Republic as I could solo all the 2 man instances because your follower could be geared as a tank, it was great not having to rely on finding a group all the time.

07-31-2014, 06:32 PM
I get bored with it cause, with my mods on WoW, i'm just watching boxes. It's a game in a game. Make sure the boxes don't deplete. It's why I like PvP healing more, I have to move around so I don't die. In PvE I usually have a few things I have to move around with but they are timed and in a certain order. So I get bored.

In PvE, I use to play bejeweled when I was Raid healing.... Now I don't PvE much so :gator:

I didn't like GW2 cause they don't have a specific healer class.

08-02-2014, 03:34 PM
I like to think my approach to RPG battling would be like Jeremy Clarkson's:


FFXII might be the only exception, because it's pretty handy to set up Gambits so that your Tank/s pretty much operate independently. It doesn't leave me with much else to do but control the healing and buffing.

08-03-2014, 01:00 AM
leveling cnj/whm in ff14 as i am writing this, lol

05-05-2022, 11:18 AM
Provided I get all the loot. :bigsmile: