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View Full Version : What are you worried about?

07-28-2014, 04:46 PM
Whether you're like me and super pumped up :omgomg: for a new FF, or whether the series is on its last leg for you, what worries you about the upcoming Final Fantasy XV?

Are you worried it will disappoint you? Are you worried Lightning will be in it? Are you worried about Noctis' hairstyle?

I'm worried about the battle system because I'm not too good at that type of battle system. That and the huge summons and monsters. Also about the shortage of female characters

07-28-2014, 05:10 PM
I'm worried they'll have flat characters. From what they've shown already, I don't think that'll be the case but the biggest hangup on the XIII series was that the characters didn't have the same hook for me as the previous entries. They weren't complex enough.

Del Murder
07-28-2014, 05:44 PM
I'm worried I won't have time to play it once it comes out. And that it will only be half-polished like the first FFXIII game.

07-28-2014, 05:51 PM
I'm worried I won't have time to play it once it comes out. And that it will only be half-polished like the first FFXIII game.
It better not be for how long they are taking!

07-28-2014, 05:54 PM
I'm slightly worried it just won't come out at this point, haha. I keep expecting to wake up one day and just see a message from Square saying "Sorry, XV isn't coming out. We've decided we're done with the FF series."

07-28-2014, 08:12 PM
I'm not worried about it. I'll play it when it comes out, and I'll judge it on it's own merits then. I have no expectations of it, because if the changes from VII through XIII are anything to by - expect the unexpected is pretty much the motto to approach any new FF game with.

07-28-2014, 08:48 PM
I'm frightened it will be another duke nukem forever or Diablo 3. Neither game lived up to their expectations. I'm worried a lot of things will be broken/buggy, and I'm worried that the game will feel incomplete and patched together like you can tell it took 8 different directions during it's development cycle, and worried the game will also feel out of date/look old. I'm also worried about reading reviews about people giving it a 4 out of a 10 XD;

I'm also worried the game wont release till 2032. Or square tanks and cancels it completely.

But aside from those worries, I do have faith it will be really good and will blow people (who have been doubting it/bashing it) out of the water!

07-28-2014, 08:56 PM
I'm worried that I won't like it that much. I don't really like action RPGs or any battle system that involves too much button mashing. I'll still play it before I make any judgments though.

07-28-2014, 09:11 PM
I'm worried the combat system will be overly dumbed down in favor of making it more cinematic.

07-28-2014, 09:35 PM
At the moment, I'm not worried about it, because I don't have anywhere near enough information about it to make any kind of reasonable judgement. I forget how many years its been in development now, but Square Enix STILL haven't really released any substantial information about it. I don't really worry about games persay anyway...after all, if I don't like it, I'll just sell it and play something else.

If I'm worried about anything, its that the soundtrack will be as dismally sub-par as FFXIII's was. A JRPG just doesn't feel the same to me if it doesn't have an epic accompanying score.

07-28-2014, 09:45 PM
Yoko Shimomura will be the composer. They did Kingdom Hearts, which has an awesome soundtrack. So don't worry about the soundtrack!

07-28-2014, 09:53 PM
Even with a good composer, I still worry a bit about it. After all, Motoi Sakuraba is a fantastic composer, but his work across the Tales series is practically identical. It's like the whole four-chord thing going on with pop songs - it all sounds the same, at least to me. I'd hope for something a bit more...unique. Like NieR's soundtrack, for example. Something that doesn't make me wonder if I'm listening to another game's OST by mistake. I'd also prefer not to hear variations of a single song used for almost everything, as was the case with FFXIII. xD

07-28-2014, 11:52 PM
I'd also prefer not to hear variations of a single song used for almost everything, as was the case with FFXIII. xD

Pretty sure FFX did the same thing as well!

I really hope the world is fleshed out, and that there will be sidequests, things to do other than "whoa, big monster, kill it!". I'm worried that it will be all about "big scary monsters and summons" and forget about elements that make FF great. The small scale, character interactions, little easter eggs, side-quests. I worry for those elements.

I'm not so worried about the music, because Final Fantasies generally have a stellar soundtrack, and Somnus from this game is very good.

07-29-2014, 12:18 AM
I've given up on the FF soundtracks. I haven't liked any that much since X. Since then I've liked maybe one song in each game, if any.

07-29-2014, 12:35 AM
That it will suck and people will pay money to play it anyway and Square will just keep making games that suck.

Dat Matt
07-29-2014, 09:40 PM
I think the 13 soundtrack is the best in the series. I'm excited to see what XV has in store.

07-30-2014, 03:38 AM
Honestly? I'm less scared of what the final product will be like and more scared that I'm growing too old and jaded to be impressed by it.

I first heard about this game when I was 12, and Noctis looked like this tough, badass teen that I'd want to model myself after in High School, or something equally goofy. I'm 20 now, and I'm just praying that Noctis isn't the typical "insecure High School boy" type. Or, even if he is, there'll be another character in the game I can relate to.

Well, I guess we'll see.

07-30-2014, 03:39 AM
Was Noctis announced that long ago?

07-30-2014, 04:41 AM
Hmm well 2006 was when the first trailer was shown, and noctis was featured in it, not sure if we had a name for him then though, but yeah yooo it's been THAT long. I was 16 T_T.... now a 24 yr old who works in the game industry~~~ still waiting square T_T

07-30-2014, 07:54 AM
I'm worried that it'll suck and no newbies will want to come to EoFF to discuss it for years, as they have the older games!

Wolf Kanno
07-30-2014, 06:40 PM
I have pretty much resigned myself to the belief I will hate the plot. The Scenario Writer is Kazuhige Nojima and he's never written an FF or KH game that I have liked. In fact his games have this really annoying habit of having excellent premises and good characters that get choked and ruined by far-fetched "game changing" plot twists or ignoring swaths of the cast to focus on a few people. On the brightside, his track record is better than Motomu Toriyama who has yet to make a game I don't utterly hate.

On the other hand, I am not worried about it being a good game, as the KH crew are pretty damn good about making fun games, I just hope its not too easy cause the KH series is reaching the point where I have to play them all in Proud Mode or higher just to have real challenge.

07-30-2014, 06:41 PM
Which other FF games has he written?

Wolf Kanno
07-30-2014, 07:06 PM
VII, Compilation of VII, VIII, X, X-2, KH, and KH2.

He's also wrote the original concept for XIII and wrote the mythology of the entire FNC compilation. It's not like everything he touches is awful but if he is the sole writer, I tend not to like them and if he's teamed up with Kitase or Toriyama they do write absolutely awful scripts. He has strong points in his plots but they are always combined with I feel is bad writing. I mean I love his way of dealing with Squall and Tidus in their respective games but the other cast members and the actual plots of their games are terrible or just weak and often saddled with silly plot twists that detract from the overall narrative.

To go further with my issue of the writing, I am also basing this on the the issue that I just don't feel SE has put out a good story in the series in a long time. The quality of writing has diminished over the years and I feel this is largely why I have gravitated towards other franchises that are still putting out quality stuff. None of this is helped by Kitase's insistence of keeping the series in a demographic stasis (12-16) which is ironic since it was his introduction into a leading position in the franchise that most fans feel is when the series moved away from its previous demographic stasis to appeal to an older gamer.

07-30-2014, 07:10 PM
I like VIII, X, and KHII! I can see your point about some of it though. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. From what I can tell of the story so far I don't think I'll find it super interesting but who knows

07-30-2014, 09:52 PM
WolfKanno, I think Sakaguchi was the sole reason I liked the wiring for FFVII as much as I did.

Wolf Kanno
07-31-2014, 05:39 AM
WolfKanno, I think Sakaguchi was the sole reason I liked the wiring for FFVII as much as I did.

VII isn't as bad, but as I mention, it depends on who the man is teamed up with. I actually don't mind KH1's plot for instance but Nojima is one of several writers, same with VII. It's games like VIII, X, and KH2 specifically where he's mostly the only writer with input from bad people that bother me.

Its not like he can't write, as much as I feel that he tries too hard to be clever. He's basically the M. Night. Shaymalan of gaming where all of his plots have some lame ass plot twist somewhere between the halfway point towards the end. I feel the premise of XV is promising, I just expect him to pull a "everyone is dead fish people in a VR program being played on an alien space station... and we all grew up together" plot twist about 40 hours in, which will certainly take whatever joy I may have had out of the story.

07-31-2014, 06:22 AM
Huh, I didn't know that Nojima was the primary writer of those games, that kinda explains a lot actually. I was never too sure, but I thought KH2 was primarily written by Nomura, and I chalked not liking it as a result of the KH "mythos" as it were.

Wolf Kanno
07-31-2014, 06:47 AM
The big issue with KH2's plot is that it exists to basically open the door to more sequels and spin-offs and doesn't really do as much to really further the mythos of KH like the other games do. It was pretty much one plot twist after another that created more loose ends for sequels, prequels, and spin-offs to be produced to fill in the gaps. As a stand alone plot, KH2 leaves much to be desired compared to the rest of the franchise.

07-31-2014, 04:04 PM
I thought it KH2 was a good stand alone...

07-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Maintaining my own excitement/hype

Quindiana Jones
08-01-2014, 08:41 AM
I'm really worried it won't be what I want it to be. Everything I've seen looks amazing, but then it always looks amazing... :(

Wolf Kanno
08-01-2014, 08:19 PM
I thought it KH2 was a good stand alone...

Not when you have to rely on Jimminy's Journey as a crutch to understand what is going on. Playing KH1 to KH2 is a bit jarring without CoM considering half of Orgy XIII is dead by the time KH2 comes out (and no one asks why) and Axel feels really flat as a character without CoM or 358/2 to understand what is going on. Most of the plot twists come out of nowhere and are not fully understood until you play the other games as well. Not to mention that Sora's "linking the worlds together with Light" is a poorly developed concept to create an excuse to visit all the Disney worlds as opposed to the other games in the series that have better structure and logic for your actions. Maybe KH3 will touch on it but it won't change the fact it seems like a hand wave from the writers to justify game mechanics and it's relevance to the plot is better understood in other games.

08-02-2014, 05:59 AM
im worried that there will be a lot of cliche anime things
hehe ^.^V

i am actually not really worried at all

i wasn't for 13 either

im too old to care now

ill buy whatever they tell me to

and play thru it and platinum it because lets face it

these rpg's are essentially escaping into a totally new universe and i still can't get enough of that shiz at my old age

from what i've seen it is more set in realism/more down to earth (physics aside), so i think i'll be into it.