View Full Version : Shark Week

08-11-2014, 03:19 AM
I love Shark Week- even if it -is- largely just a bunch of fear mongering.

This docudrama about Submarine is fascinating. And the one before about Colossus was great.

Every year, I wind up spending hours on Google reading about "mega sharks" like Megalodon, Colossus, and Submarine.

And as afraid of sharks as I am.. I want to go scuba diving in shark infested waters. Very much. I snorkeled with sharks at Disney World, but they were smaller, very docile types and it was in a confined pool/aquarium.

I didn't know whether to put this here or in General. heh.

08-11-2014, 03:19 PM
...why did my mind immediately jump to the release of Sharknado 2?

That aside, I love sharks. I've only even seen basking sharks in the wild from a distance, but I'd love to see at least blue sharks somewhen in the future too. It comes from growing up watching David Attenborough. xD