View Full Version : Worst Job Class

Wolf Kanno
09-06-2014, 06:57 AM
So which of the universal classes did you feel was the worst in this game, the humble Squire, solemn Oracle, the spooney Bard, or perhaps some other class?

Colonel Angus
09-06-2014, 07:10 AM
Calculator. I know their ability can break the game, but trying to get enough JP to gain them is a nightmare.

12-22-2014, 04:23 AM
I actually never had any luck with the Dancer Class so I lost any kind of motivation to ever really give it a shot. After having them dance their random dances it just seemed like a really ineffective class. Like wow, I learned ALL these other job skills just to do...this?! *throws random sparkly things over the map, 50% of them miss*

p.s. I loved maxing out my magic-using characters to have them become Calculators, then switching them back to a black mage class with Math Skill to make them RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL XD