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Rin Heartilly
10-03-2014, 05:57 PM
Hi everyone!! :D

My name is Rin (yes, my actual name! Unfortunately 'Heartilly' isn't though haha) and I'm so excited to join a forum full of awesome FF fans that I talk to! ^^ Unfortunately I don't have many friends that are into gaming let alone FF so sometimes its hard to contain myself hence I am here! :mwahaha:

So anyway, as you can tell Final fantasy VIII is my favorite :love:. It's the first FF I've ever played and owned and also the first JRPG I ever played too (if you don't count things like pokemon, zelda, kirby...etc). After VIII its a toss up over IX, VII and VI. I've played FF's IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XII-2, XIII's, XIV, tactics 1 & 2 along with most spin off titles like Crisis core, dissidia, Itadaki street special, crystal chronicles, theatrhythm....etc But there isn't any FF game off the top of my head that I dislike actually hehe :D

As for my interests, when I'm not playing JRPGS (FF, Tales, Persona, VC, Fire emblem, EO, Disgaea...etc) I enjoying drawing, painting, writing, martial arts, petting fluffy puppies and eating!

I hope I haven't bored you to death by now :eep:

*phoenix down*

Okay good, you're back! :D Anyway, I hope I can be kupos with you all! Cya!

10-03-2014, 06:01 PM
So anyway, as you can tell Final fantasy VIII is my favorite :love:. It's the first FF I've ever played and owned and also the first JRPG I ever played too (if you don't count things like pokemon, zelda, kirby...etc). After VIII its a toss up over IX, VII and VI. I've played FF's IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIV, Crisis core, dissidia, crystal chronicles


*gets down on one knee and open jewelry box* Will you marry me?

I mean... Welcome to EoFF. I'm Tori, Resident Critic. Nice to meet you.

10-03-2014, 06:03 PM
Hello Rin! Welcome to our forum! Good to have you aboard! :moogle:

Rin Heartilly
10-03-2014, 06:08 PM

*gets down on one knee and open jewelry box* Will you marry me?

I mean... Welcome to EoFF. I'm Tori, Resident Critic. Nice to meet you.

Haha! Ohhhh stahp it you :3:

Thankyou Tori! That's awesome! Nice to meet you too! :D

Rin Heartilly
10-03-2014, 06:09 PM
Hello Rin! Welcome to our forum! Good to have you aboard! :moogle:

Good to be here! Thanks Psychotic!! ^^

10-03-2014, 06:22 PM
welcome! How'd you stumble upon us?

I see you've played almost all of them! What's your thoughts on the upcoming XV?

10-03-2014, 06:22 PM
I'll be a kupo with you, kupo! :D here, take this kupo nut *passes kupo nut*

Hope you have a good time here! There are a lot of topics and discussions to delve in to ^^

10-03-2014, 06:26 PM
Hi Rin! We're so happy to have you! :jess:

Rin Heartilly
10-03-2014, 07:00 PM
welcome! How'd you stumble upon us?

I see you've played almost all of them! What's your thoughts on the upcoming XV?

Thanks Freya! I was looking up FF forums and this one seemed so lively, it made me excited to join ^^

Yes I'm a bit of an addict xD I'm excited for XV, it seems like square took quite a different route with this one. I was a bit apprehensive at first considering Noctis is the only playable character I think(?) but I really enjoyed Crisis Core playing as Zack so I don't mind anymore xD I'm also curious about the whole road trip aspect of the story, looks interesting!

I'll be a kupo with you, kupo! :D here, take this kupo nut *passes kupo nut*

Hope you have a good time here! There are a lot of topics and discussions to delve in to ^^

Thank you Kupo!! ^^ *noms on Kupo nut and starts flying around*

Thanks again Kupo, can't wait! :D

Hi Rin! We're so happy to have you! :jess:

Aww Thankyou! I'm happy to be here too :D

10-03-2014, 07:52 PM
Welcome! Hope you enjoy our totally awesome corner of the internet! :)

What kind of stuff do you draw? You should show it off in the art forum (Relm's Studio) if you're not too shy about it! :p

10-04-2014, 11:40 PM
Welcome to Eyes on Petting Fluffy Puppies... I mean, Eyes on Final Fantasy. Do you play XIV right now? I'm probably starting that game back up pretty soon. I haven't played since the free trial I had when I bought the game.

Wolf Kanno
10-05-2014, 12:07 AM

10-05-2014, 12:45 AM
I don't need your pheonix down. I already had auto-life equiped....... i could use a potion tho.

10-05-2014, 01:45 AM
Hi Rin. You are hardily welcome to Izon. (hahaha, puns are funny, yes? No? Oh, ok. :G)

Although, I don't believe your name is Rin. For one, that's be just too cool. For two, isn't Rin a Japanese name that means like "frigid" or "severe"? And you seem warm and friendly, at least so far. So your name clearly can't be Rin.

Luckily you can be whoever you want here at EoFF.

If you're still playing FFXIV you should get your character on Sargatanas server (when it's open, it stays closed a lot of the time).

Don't be on the fence. While FFIX might be acceptable as your #2 FF, the clear choice is FFVI. And while you're at it, go ahead and drop FFVIII down to #2, and make FFVI your #1, because it's clearly superior. You might want to change your forum name to Ter Branford while you're at it. Cause, you know, nothing's cooler than hybrid Terra.


Ok, fine. I believe you. Your real name is Rin. Can't very well call you a liar as a way to welcome you.

Welcome Rin. Stay as long as you like (you can never leave).

Rin Heartilly
10-06-2014, 09:48 AM
Welcome! Hope you enjoy our totally awesome corner of the internet! :)

What kind of stuff do you draw? You should show it off in the art forum (Relm's Studio) if you're not too shy about it! :p

Thankyou!! ^^

I draw manga style fanart mainly but when I'm not feeling lazy sometimes I get the watercolour out and paint some still life, although I'm no Monet or anything xD Maybe I'll submit some of my stuff, even though its not amazing haha ^^

Welcome to Eyes on Petting Fluffy Puppies... I mean, Eyes on Final Fantasy. Do you play XIV right now? I'm probably starting that game back up pretty soon. I haven't played since the free trial I had when I bought the game.

Yay for puppies-I mean FF!! And thankyou! :D
I started FFXIV again recently, only have two low level chars (a mage around level 16 and a lancer around 20ish?) because I havent played since the free trial either! xD But, I'll be on University break in a month so I'll probably play a lot more then! I think I have one toon on Behemoth and the other on Phoenix.


Puahaha! I love this! Darn those trolling GF's :3:

I don't need your pheonix down. I already had auto-life equiped....... i could use a potion tho.

Awright how much gil you got? JK :D *throws X-potion*

Hi Rin. You are hardily welcome to Izon. (hahaha, puns are funny, yes? No? Oh, ok. :G)

Although, I don't believe your name is Rin. For one, that's be just too cool. For two, isn't Rin a Japanese name that means like "frigid" or "severe"? And you seem warm and friendly, at least so far. So your name clearly can't be Rin.

Luckily you can be whoever you want here at EoFF.

If you're still playing FFXIV you should get your character on Sargatanas server (when it's open, it stays closed a lot of the time).

Don't be on the fence. While FFIX might be acceptable as your #2 FF, the clear choice is FFVI. And while you're at it, go ahead and drop FFVIII down to #2, and make FFVI your #1, because it's clearly superior. You might want to change your forum name to Ter Branford while you're at it. Cause, you know, nothing's cooler than hybrid Terra.

Ok, fine. I believe you. Your real name is Rin. Can't very well call you a liar as a way to welcome you.

Welcome Rin. Stay as long as you like (you can never leave).

Thankyou! Hahaha Don't worry puns are cool! I didn't know Rin meant that in Japanese +___+ I'm wondering if it has some kind of meaning in Burmese, considering I'm half and my mom named me xD Ooooh I have toons on both Behemoth and Phoenix, why is Sargatanas closed most of the time? :O

I don't think I could drop FFVIII as my #1 because of all the feels (my first FF and nostalgia and whatnot) >.<" Although now that you mention it, I really feel like playing VI again now xD Terra is awesome, but Celes is my favorite hehe ^^ Although I did use Terra more than Celes gameplay-wise. That picture is awesome btw, love the art!!

10-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Welcome! Poast lots and stay! No one ever stays. They join, say "Hi!" , and quit.

Jk. They do.sometimes.

I'm replaying VIII at the moment, but I've never beaten in. I'm on disc 3 and struggling with getting the extra gfs and stuff..

10-06-2014, 05:11 PM
Sargatanas is just one of the busier servers I guess. You just have to keep checking until it opens. I just made a character on Gilgamesh, and it's the same thing. I had to keep checking throughout last night until it was open. I'll probably switch between these two servers as i have friends on both!

While I haven't had much experience since the trial, leveling goes so fast that if you want a good group of people to play with, getting on Sargatanas would be worth it. The Fat Chocobos are all pretty great. That being said, I think the Linkshell might be full? I'm not sure how all of that works.

10-06-2014, 05:44 PM
Welcome! Glad to see you around, I've been enjoying your posts

VIII is awesome possum and I recently got in to XIV as well (very low level, only played for like a week because I left on vacation and just got back)

Hope you stick around :omghey:

Rin Heartilly
10-07-2014, 06:21 AM
Welcome! Poast lots and stay! No one ever stays. They join, say "Hi!" , and quit.

Jk. They do.sometimes.

I'm replaying VIII at the moment, but I've never beaten in. I'm on disc 3 and struggling with getting the extra gfs and stuff..

Thanx for the welcome ^^ When I'm not doing assignments I have sooo much time on my hands I think I'll have no choice but to stay muahaha

Oooh that's awesome! Yeah the first time I played FFVIII I didn't even get half the GF's =___= But there's so many cool ones in FFVIII :D
Although *spoilerish* I think there's a few GF's you can draw from the bosses in Ultimecias castle in disk 4 if you missed some from the main story, although I cant really remember which ones.

Sargatanas is just one of the busier servers I guess. You just have to keep checking until it opens. I just made a character on Gilgamesh, and it's the same thing. I had to keep checking throughout last night until it was open. I'll probably switch between these two servers as i have friends on both!

While I haven't had much experience since the trial, leveling goes so fast that if you want a good group of people to play with, getting on Sargatanas would be worth it. The Fat Chocobos are all pretty great. That being said, I think the Linkshell might be full? I'm not sure how all of that works.

Oh true! I might as well make one on Sargatanas too, I noticed many users here have characters on there too! I live in Australia and I don't think there's an oceanic server is there? :S So I have toons strewn across different American ones xD At first I thought leveling was slow but after lvl5 I got to lvl20 in around 6 hours, it's pretty fast! Much faster than WoW =___=

I really wanted a Fat chocobo mount D: But i didn't get the collectors edition :< They look so awesome! I'm still a nub though in FFXIV so other than questing I'm not sure about how a lot of things work too xD

Welcome! Glad to see you around, I've been enjoying your posts

VIII is awesome possum and I recently got in to XIV as well (very low level, only played for like a week because I left on vacation and just got back)

Hope you stick around :omghey:

Thankyou Shion n___n

Yay for FFVIII and yay for XIV! ^^ Haha I'm low level too! My highest lvl is around 21 I think..? i can wait for my University break so I can play some moar :D

I think I will stick around, everyone is so friendly :D

Night Fury
10-07-2014, 06:24 AM
Welcome to EoFF Rin!


Rin Heartilly
10-10-2014, 09:05 AM
Welcome to EoFF Rin!


Thankyou! n____n

10-10-2014, 09:53 AM
OH EM GEEE!! You're an Aussie too!!! I am so glad I popped in to the forums today \o/ Im in SA - and I play on Hyperion server ;) If you want help with how the mechanics work with stuff like crafting/gathering or how hunt parties work (and the currency for gears and stuffs) ask meeeee! I still have lots to learn too but I spend most of my free time in-game and I do enjoy it - when I am not drawing :D

Please post some art works \o/ Or do you have a Deviant Art account?? I just finished working on a Miqote for friend that I will be uploading soon! Oh that reminds what race did you choose?

You seem like a really sweet person and I am glad you have joined this forum :3 Kupo-po!

Night Fury
10-10-2014, 10:08 AM
Us Aussie ladies should stick together!

Rin Heartilly
10-16-2014, 12:09 PM
OH EM GEEE!! You're an Aussie too!!! I am so glad I popped in to the forums today \o/ Im in SA - and I play on Hyperion server ;) If you want help with how the mechanics work with stuff like crafting/gathering or how hunt parties work (and the currency for gears and stuffs) ask meeeee! I still have lots to learn too but I spend most of my free time in-game and I do enjoy it - when I am not drawing :D

Please post some art works \o/ Or do you have a Deviant Art account?? I just finished working on a Miqote for friend that I will be uploading soon! Oh that reminds what race did you choose?

You seem like a really sweet person and I am glad you have joined this forum :3 Kupo-po!

OH EM GEEE INDEEEED!! >w< You live in SA? Awesome! I live in Perth :D Yay for fellow Aussies hahaha!! I'm off Uni in 3 weeks so I will probably be asking you for all sorts of nooby questions when I start playing ARR again xDD

You draw too? That's so cool, have you posted some of yours up? I wanna see your Miqote!!!! :D My printer/scanner at home is really crummy, I may have to use the library scanner to upload some of my stuff haha! I have a lancer Miqote and a human black mage :3 Both low level of course puahaha, wbu?

Aww Thanx kupo ^^ You're really sweet too! Good to be here kupo-po-po!!

Us Aussie ladies should stick together!

Yay another Aussie Kupo! Yes!! >:D We should!