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View Full Version : Great new show I just heard about!

12-09-2014, 11:15 AM
Premiering January 2015

Towns, Detective

Fifteen-year-old Daniel Towns lives with his father, Towns, a very successful detective with his own agency. Daniel hopes to one day follow in his fathers footsteps as a detective and eventually take over the family agency. One day as he's walking home from school, Daniel Towns sees his father get into a car with three men and never return. No one knows what's happened to his father, so it's up to young Daniel to use everything he knows to find out what happened to his missing dad, where he is, and bring him home.

Fifteen years later, and Towns (who has dropped the 'Daniel' both to emulate his father and to leave boyhood behind) is a full detective and business has never been better, but he has become jaded as what little information he has found out about his father has given him more questions than answers. His personal life is one of debauchery; he sleeps with a different woman every night--often his clients, in a breech of professionalism, has a cocaine problem, and often finds himself at the bottom of an empty bottle.

That is, until one day, when a mysterious and beautiful woman named Danielle shows up at is office and gives him a manila envelope with a picture of his father drinking a cup of coffee in his old favorite diner. Towns tells Danielle to leave before he realizes that in the picture there is a newspaper sitting next to his father that was dated three days ago.

Now, Towns must find this mysterious woman who knows where is father is. He must be a great detective by day, but an even better detective by night. Don't miss this must-see new mid-season show only on Fox!

Praise for Towns, Detective

Towns, Detective is something truly special. What I love about the show is that it's not only about a man named Daniel Towns, it's starring a man named Daniel Towns. That's right, the title character of Daniel Towns is played by Daniel Towns! And not only that, but he plays both fifteen-year-old Daniel and thirty-year-old Towns. They don't even use makeup or CGI to make him look younger! It's a very immersive experience that really gets you in touch with who Daniel Towns (the character, not the actual man Daniel Towns) is throughout his journey!

Wow, this show is really something, let me tell you! On the surface, it's just another played out crime drama. But scratch its thin and unprotected skin, and underneath you have a story of existential proportions. Watching this show has made me question what it is to be human and the human condition. I laughed when Towns found that $20 in his coat pocket from the previous winter and said "Hey, thanks past Towns!". I cried when Towns' Excel files were all deleted because he forgot to back up his computer before it crashed. I fell in love as I watched Towns stand outside Danielle's window with a giant boombox playing In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. This show has left me an emotional wreck and I LOVE IT!

This show is often lighthearted and fun. Towns, Detective is reminiscent of House, MD. Both because they are lovable curmudgeons and because their show titles are of their last names followed by a comma and then their job titles. But the greatest thing about this show--and the most surprising--is that it's not afraid to ask the hard questions. Why are we here? What lengths will we go to for our family? Is finding answers worth it if in the end you lose yourself? Is soup a drink?

It's a show. 2/10 stars.

12-09-2014, 12:32 PM
I caught the show too. Solid material. There was this one weird scene when kept insisting everyone refers to him as a newbie even though he was on the force for quite awhile at that point. He would also end his sentences in weird verbal ticks. Like, he would put down a bowl of soup he just drank and cough out something that sounded like, "WARK!" It didn't look like any of the actors were really prepared for him doing that, but I guess they kept it in since no one really broke character too much. I kind of felt that Towns was eye f***ing me while watching it, too. There might have been subliminal words on sceen too. I think I caught it all. They eventually spell: "Are you proud of what you've become?"

12-09-2014, 01:03 PM
Yeah... the sex scenes... I couldn't make it through.

Think I'll wait for the 'original odd couple' show coming out in the fall "Steve and Pauw." I can't wait to see how that wacky Pauw reacts when he sees that Steve bought them matching double denim outfits!

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-09-2014, 02:11 PM
It's a show. 2/10 stars.

I stand by this comment. Stay tuned for more insightful reviews from Beards Monthly.

Next week we challenge Vivi22 to take on the new slogan of "Manscaping: Avoid It".

12-09-2014, 02:17 PM
I will gladly be an emotional wreck again. This show gives me so many feels. It touches on so many normal human emotions that i'm in awe. I love it and hope it doesn't get cancelled, you know how fox is :(

Colonel Angus
12-09-2014, 04:20 PM
I guarantee this show will win a People's Choice Award.

12-09-2014, 04:37 PM
what the hell is wrong with you

any of you

all of you

12-09-2014, 04:42 PM
So far, my favorite episode has been the one where he breaks up that illegal Chocobo fighting ring and adopts the scrawny one that no one wanted at the end. Really tugged on the feels.

It's also pretty provocative. I like some of the minor characters Towns runs into on a regular basis, and how they try to take the typical background character tropes and turn them around. Like that douchey pimp named Wesley, and his working girl Amanda, where you find out she's the one slapping him around. She just keeps him around for accounting purposes. Total curveball, but when you see the characters over time, it makes total sense.

12-09-2014, 04:49 PM
Yeah... the sex scenes... I couldn't make it through.

Think I'll wait for the 'original odd couple' show coming out in the fall "Steve and Pauw." I can't wait to see how that wacky Pauw reacts when he sees that Steve bought them matching double denim outfits!

Speaking of denim, I heard they're going to have Jay Leno cameo as Steve's hard drinkin', amorous father. Should be zany!

12-09-2014, 08:53 PM
The colour of his New Zealand Rugby Team shirt is the same colour he leaves criminals in after he's beaten them to a pulp with his fists of justice, all black. This unusual method of dispensing justice has earned him the nickname, Loony BoB.

12-09-2014, 11:15 PM
You're all nuts! He keeps his socks with suspenders attached on the entire time he's bedding a new woman! I was trying not to puke.

12-10-2014, 01:34 AM
Wearing a belt and suspenders during coitus is his interpretation of safe sex.

It's just one of his quirks.

12-10-2014, 06:16 AM
Wearing a belt and suspenders during coitus is his interpretation of safe sex.

It's just one of his quirks.

I have to admit that I laughed when he snapped his suspender on the woman's clit, though. He then turned and looked sort of at the camera, but sort of not at the same and said, "That will keep you in SUSPENSE!" I think the boom mic barley picked up the director saying, "For f***s sake, stick to the script." Towns' head just shook wildly back and forth as if to excitedly say, "No." However, he then went motorboating, so to speak, and that could have been part of the plan.

CBS sure took a risk with this show.

Colonel Angus
12-10-2014, 03:29 PM
Fox, not CBS.

12-10-2014, 09:14 PM
another detective show? how suprising...
im just so done with cop shows. i can make an endless list by now :S

there is even a channel for cop shows that can run 24/7 without needles fillers

12-12-2014, 04:59 AM
the poster for first season is out


12-12-2014, 05:02 AM
The Tidus dude would be a more bearable character if he didn't laugh so damn much. Plus, if I were Towns, I would have demanded a different partner after all the times their cover was blown thanks to all the damn laughing and loud ass whistling!