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View Full Version : 2015 Goals and Resolutions

Night Fury
12-28-2014, 08:57 AM
I don't really do resolutions every year, but I like to set a few goals for myself. I don't really think I keep to them though... Oops.

For 2015 there are a few things I want to do

Finish my novel and self publish it
Continue writing for the sites that I write for
Continue podcasting

EOFF Goals

Host my Heroes and Villains event finally!
Get up to 10k posts
Give out more rep than I usually do

I hope in 2015 I get my visa sorted without any major bumps so I can get back into a job. I also hope to start saving properly once I'm more settled.

I think that's about it! :) What about you?

12-28-2014, 09:01 AM
Im planning on just being healthier and cutting back on stuff like soda.(I have a great Mt. Dew addiction) I'm also hoping to really beef up my portfolio and well get a job in my field. I really don't want to work call center stuff from home when I should be making games!

I also plan to start my mobile game development degree too.

12-28-2014, 10:56 AM
Not sure about IRL resolutions. Probably more vague sounding things about being a healthier individual just like last year (which I feel like we are making (small) strides in doing). Just need to get Matt to start buying fruit for snacks at work and we will be golden. Also something about working hard.

EoFF goals...
- Be the best Staffer EVER (totes gon' happen)
- Get that frickin' podcast started again
- See what can be done with the Events Committee
- Post a few times and engage with the community (this one can come or go, really ;) )
- Finish Harry Potter 2. IT WILL BE DONE

12-28-2014, 11:05 AM
Carry on what I'm doing.

12-28-2014, 12:29 PM
-Lose those damn two pounds so I can hit my goal weight.

-Up my game with freelance writing (make it a much higher percentage of my income than it currently is.)

-Somehow make enough money to get Huxley over here - not easy when I have to keep blowing my savings on emergencies.

-Maybe visit the UK again but on the other hand see previous point.

-Play more video games.

That's about it.

12-28-2014, 01:54 PM
I have none.

Because, like I put on Facebook, Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, my life is more insane than that, in that I do different things and get the same results. So, there's really no reason for me to commit to any goal because I know it'll be screwed over before I can get a chance to complete it (unless it's something like beating a game)

12-28-2014, 02:12 PM
I have successfully kept/completed resolutions before. All year, too. They work for some of us! :)

12-28-2014, 02:30 PM
Already started mine; be less of an asshole.

12-28-2014, 03:02 PM
-Lose weight. Cheesy resolution ever, I know, but I really need to commit. I'm already doing some daily jogging (that makes me feel like I'm dying), and I need to clean up my diet
-Continue writing my book. Aim to write 3x/week
-See a specialist about my work related anxiety, and see what budget medication is available to me
-If that one works out, get a job and keep it without wanting to die
-Convince my mom to have Michael visit so we can work towards moving him down slowly
-Figure out a plan for my life

12-28-2014, 05:13 PM
I actually have a few this year. Not sure they're 2015 specific but...

1) Keep my weight under control and become fitter. I'm running 8km per day at the moment. I want to increase that to at least 10.
2) Get good at piano. I've picked up some bad habits being self-taught for 10 years, so I'm investing in some lessons.
3) Learn French to a conversational level (goal of a 2015 holiday) and get started on basic Japanese (goal of a 2016 holiday).
4) At least one date. I've been single for a decade now and I turn 26 this year. I think at least one date will do wonders for the ol' self esteem, which has taken a bit of a beating.

Luckily, the one area I don't have to worry too much about is work. The rest of life may have been sacrificed for it, but assuming I get the contract I'm expecting in May I'll have officially ticked all the boxes in that regard.

Colonel Angus
12-29-2014, 01:02 AM
Work on my weight. I just have to finish the soda & junk I've got in the house. Not going to buy any more until I've got to my goal weight & maintained it.

Do more writing. Whether it's for EoFF or my novel, I need to start cracking down on it.

Get more sleep. 5 hrs. just isn't going to cut it on a worknight.

Get a better job. My job is very stressful & unsatisfying. I need to find something better fast.

12-29-2014, 01:15 AM
I'm not gonna make any New Years resolutions. I'm just gonna use 2015 to GET STUFF DONE.

12-29-2014, 01:38 AM
Grow my website. Write more.
Make progress on my novel.
Become a designer; learn to illustrate in Adobe/Illustrator.
Open an Etsy poster shop, and maybe an apparel shop. I may have to wait until 2016 to learn to screenprint.
Go running, tone up, blah blah blah.

I've spent years abandoning my creative aspirations, and I've been so happy indulging them these past few months. Doing so has helped to hold my depression at bay, and following creative pursuits helps me to generally feel happier with myself.

12-29-2014, 02:21 AM
2015 will be the year or acceptance.

The acceptance that there is nothing particularly special about myself, that I possess no hidden talents or impressive qualities. This will hopefully take the pressure off myself, reducing anxiety and self hatred by admitting to myself that I am just an average person.

Most of us never amount to very much anyway, so to take away the disappointment of never amounting to any dream, is to stop dreaming completely.

Here is to 2015.

12-29-2014, 02:46 AM
Read G-Senjou no Maou
Read the Muv-Luv trilogy
Read Da Capo I and II
Read Kanon
Read Air
Read Ever17
Read Saya no Uta
Read Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two
Read Katawa Shoujo
Read Little Busters! Ecstasy
Read Rewrite Harvest Festa
Read Angel Beats! 1st Beat

...should keep me busy for a while. Especially seeing as how something at the bottom of that list requires that I learn to read Japanese.

12-29-2014, 03:32 AM
Go on more travelling adventures; so hiking, camping and the like.
Be able to squat my body weight. So far my progress is good so I should be able to do this by the end of this year for sure.
Read a book a month.
Art once a month.
Bake a different type of bread every month.

12-29-2014, 08:38 AM
Well this past year I wad finally able to get myself drinking water. For way too many years I have only drank sodas and I have cut back, I am proud of myself for that at least.

Now for the next year I will try to get into working out and get rid of this gut so I can get a tattoo that won't look like it's on a billboard.

12-29-2014, 10:19 AM
2015 will be the year or acceptance.

The acceptance that there is nothing particularly special about myself, that I possess no hidden talents or impressive qualities. This will hopefully take the pressure off myself, reducing anxiety and self hatred by admitting to myself that I am just an average person.

Most of us never amount to very much anyway, so to take away the disappointment of never amounting to any dream, is to stop dreaming completely.

Here is to 2015.

A while ago I accepted that my life is going to consist of being poor and playing video games and you know what? I am A-OK with that. I'd rather be poor and have time for video games than have a lot of money but be busy with some sort of crazy 60 hour a week job or whatever.

(I mean preferably I'd be rich and retired but you know)

12-29-2014, 10:31 AM
2015 will be the year or acceptance.

The acceptance that there is nothing particularly special about myself, that I possess no hidden talents or impressive qualities. This will hopefully take the pressure off myself, reducing anxiety and self hatred by admitting to myself that I am just an average person.

Most of us never amount to very much anyway, so to take away the disappointment of never amounting to any dream, is to stop dreaming completely.

Here is to 2015.

A while ago I accepted that my life is going to consist of being poor and playing video games and you know what? I am A-OK with that. I'd rather be poor and have time for video games than have a lot of money but be busy with some sort of crazy 60 hour a week job or whatever.

(I mean preferably I'd be rich and retired but you know)

I think a lot of people, this generation, have it crammed down their throats that they are unique and have some sort of special purpose that they need to unleash on the world. This has not been particularly helpful to me personally. I am not very bright or smart, limited on the whole creativity spectrum, I'm pretty regular.

I believe that a new year passing doesn't make someone a new person. You are the same person on the 1st of January as you were on the 31st. If you meant to make a change in your life, you'd have done it already.

Adnittingly some people do need that list to check through, and I suppose a new year is as good as any milestone for assessing the self and any current developments.

But don't listen to me. I'm a severe pessimist with ADD problems!

12-29-2014, 02:41 PM
- Get my YouTube channel up and running, and hopefully make it at least semi-successful.

- Continue to improve at drums, guitar and song writing (maybe get a band going as well, it's not a priority but it wouldn't be unwelcome)

- Cook at least half the recipes in my new cook book and continue to try a bunch of new dishes that I never have before.

- Get out of debt

- Get Tara's visa sorted out asap

- Get a puppy to reward the both of us for completing the previous two goals.

12-29-2014, 06:59 PM
-Build more strength endurance
-excercise even more
-secure funds for post production for a movie I am working on
-work on the next movie and the next and the next lol
-eoff podcasts
-possibly doing a lets play
-continue building 401k and stock

12-29-2014, 08:39 PM
I've got a few:

- Take my French to the next level

- Lose the skinny-fat somehow

- My current job pays a shedload, but I feel it's a dead-end career wise, so I think I'm going to have to start looking for better opportunities in the middle of the year (once I hit my immediate savings target). Always fun :(

- This might seem a bit EEEEEHH, but at 22 my lack of experience with the opposite sex is really starting to show, so it's probably time I got into a relationship. Easier said than done, though...

- Visit the USA at some point

- Play more video games (this one's my favourite)

Night Fury
12-30-2014, 04:56 PM
-Lose weight. Cheesy resolution ever, I know, but I really need to commit. I'm already doing some daily jogging (that makes me feel like I'm dying), and I need to clean up my diet
-Continue writing my book. Aim to write 3x/week
-See a specialist about my work related anxiety, and see what budget medication is available to me
-If that one works out, get a job and keep it without wanting to die
-Convince my mom to have Michael visit so we can work towards moving him down slowly
-Figure out a plan for my life

sorry if this sounds blunt, but Michael is your son - just tell your mom you want him to visit, you shouldn't have to convince her or talk her around to it. Just be like 'yo mom Michaels coming to see me so there' or something. I've noticed that you have quite a lot of battles with her with regards to Michael, that's all.

12-30-2014, 04:57 PM
You're right, I shouldn't have to. But due to some circumstances, I do indeed have to get her to agree to it, which has been next to impossible

Night Fury
12-30-2014, 05:00 PM
Ahh well obviously there is some background I am missing so ignore me :p

black orb
12-30-2014, 06:04 PM
>>> I dont care anymore, all the new years goals and resolutions I have made never work out..:luca:

12-30-2014, 06:20 PM
My New Years resolution will be the same one I'v made for the last few years- to be kinder to myself. I want my baby to see that his/her Mum is confident and looks after herself so that they will hopefully become confident too.

Also, to help my Dad kick Leukaemia's butt.

12-31-2014, 06:01 AM
-Start a couple of studies I want to work on
-Lose 27 more pounds to get to my pre-baby weight (down 11 so far)
-Maybe have a table at a convention

That's it!

12-31-2014, 09:43 AM
The hardest part about working out for me, and probably most of us honestly, it's the motivation. That's why I had planned to have a buddy workout with me before he moved.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
12-31-2014, 08:49 PM
Get back to the gym. I exercise now, but I want to lift weights again.
Hike part of the Appallachian Trail. At least 30 miles of it. Preferably more. Maybe take a week.
Reach 60ft during a freedive.
Read all of the LoTR and Earthsea novels.
Learn more guitar.
Continue to look sexy as fuck naked.
Go to more concerts

12-31-2014, 09:51 PM
I have a new one thanks to Jinx:

Watch every star trek episode ever

12-31-2014, 09:56 PM
Other 2015 goals:

-Attend a Distant Worlds Concert. I got my ticket for January. Nobou Uematsu coming out will probably make me tear along with the music. Hearing it live is probably an amazing experience.
-Go to California. Also happening in January.
-Visit the Museum of Natural History -- I always wanted to go and there is really no reason I shouldn't have been. Washington D.C. is so cheap and easy to travel to. I've always wanted to do touristy stuff in D.C. anyway.
-Find a new job. My project at NBC is ending next month. I'm trying to coordinate with their HR department about any other possible jobs within their many syndicated networks, so we'll see.
-Attend and be in a different film festival. Last year was Cannes. This year I'm thinking Los Angeles, Tribeca and/or Sundance.

12-31-2014, 10:07 PM
I thought I'd answered this already.


Any who

- Lose weight. Should be easier since Jay has to go on a diet now to get his cholesterol under control. He's fine weight wise.

- Pay closer attention to our finances & start putting money in savings.

- Be less bitchy.

- Continue to work on improving my relationship with my sister. We've been doing much better over the last year. Just sucks that it took my mom passing away for that to happen.

12-31-2014, 11:43 PM
Hike part of the Appallachian Trail. At least 30 miles of it. Preferably more. Maybe take a week.

Where do you live?

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
01-01-2015, 12:47 AM
I am currently making my home in North Carolina. I haven't decided where on the trail I want to hike it though. I also haven't been backpacking in a while, so I'm gonna have to work up to it. Shouldn't be terribly hard though. The Appalachian's aren't as high and steep as the Cascade's from what I understand.

01-01-2015, 01:37 AM
Your not to far from me then, east Tennessee here.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
01-01-2015, 05:43 AM
Your not to far from me then, east Tennessee here.


01-01-2015, 07:45 PM
Buy a house!

Lone Wolf Leonhart
01-01-2015, 10:18 PM

01-01-2015, 10:39 PM

12-22-2015, 06:08 PM

This is different to Pike's newly created thread about resolutions. It just got me thinking about what I said at the end of 2014.

I'm not gonna make any New Years resolutions. I'm just gonna use 2015 to GET STUFF DONE.

Considering it's been probably the toughest twelve months of mine and MissH's life, I'm loving the situation we find ourselves in.

- Bought our first house back in March
- My son was born who is just incredible
- Driving and insured on a car
- Planning was delayed but realised I'll soon be marrying the best girl in the world

The only thing that didn't fall into place was the promotion I went for in November. Got down to the final two (out of 14) but missed out. Just need to stay positive that work stuff happens for me in 2016.

Other than that though I'm happy that I managed to GET STUFF DONE :D

12-22-2015, 06:43 PM
Go on more travelling adventures; so hiking, camping and the like.
Be able to squat my body weight. So far my progress is good so I should be able to do this by the end of this year for sure.
Read a book a month.
Art once a month.
Bake a different type of bread every month.

I have a new one thanks to Jinx:

Watch every star trek episode ever

I did go on a hiking adventure/adventure!
Can't squat my body weight :(
Did not read a book a month.
I didn't art once a month.
I'm not eating bread now so no bread a month.

I also got through TOS and partly into TNG. That's a lot of Star Trek. Still working on that one. Couldn't get it done in a year but I'm still trying to watch them!

So I did... okay. So it didn't go as planned but I did some of it! That's good right :D?

12-22-2015, 07:55 PM
Not sure about IRL resolutions. Probably more vague sounding things about being a healthier individual just like last year (which I feel like we are making (small) strides in doing). Just need to get Matt to start buying fruit for snacks at work and we will be golden. Also something about working hard.

Hahahaha, maybe next year.

- Be the best Staffer EVER (totes gon' happen)

Uh technically maybe because I got a fake internet award?

- Get that frickin' podcast started again

Uh technically maybe because we did start it again although it died again

- See what can be done with the Events Committee

Uh technically I didn't even try

- Post a few times and engage with the community (this one can come or go, really ;) )

Uh technically this is too vague for me to know

- Finish Harry Potter 2. IT WILL BE DONE

Yep, I did this one.

12-22-2015, 08:28 PM
-Lose weight. Cheesy resolution ever, I know, but I really need to commit. I'm already doing some daily jogging (that makes me feel like I'm dying), and I need to clean up my diet

Yep. Not as much as I would have liked but I did lose weight

-Continue writing my book. Aim to write 3x/week


-See a specialist about my work related anxiety, and see what budget medication is available to me


-If that one works out, get a job and keep it without wanting to die


-Convince my mom to have Michael visit so we can work towards moving him down slowly

Kind of getting there

-Figure out a plan for my life

Yes, actually!

12-22-2015, 10:27 PM
Carry on what I'm doing.

I actually failed at this haha.

This was mostly in regards to being healthy, which was going swimmingly until I got stress fractures in my feet and moved to another country, then the weight piled back on. :( Whoops!

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
12-22-2015, 11:16 PM
Get back to the gym. I exercise now, but I want to lift weights again.
Check. Lifting weights doesn't hurt my shoulder anymore! Whoot!

Hike part of the Appallachian Trail. At least 30 miles of it. Preferably more. Maybe take a week.
Check. I took four days and hiked 56ish miles, part of it along the Appalachian Trail.

Reach 60ft during a freedive.
Bah. Nope. While I've been freediving more this year, I haven't had a chance to get anywhere deep.

Read all of the LoTR and Earthsea novels.
I started LoTR again last January and only got halfway through Two Towers. And only like a half a book more into Earthsea. Other books happened.

Learn more guitar.
Failed this one spectacularly.

Continue to look sexy as smurf naked.
Check. :smug:

Go to more concerts

I did go to a few. So, check.

12-23-2015, 09:53 AM
Already started mine; be less of an asshole.

Well, if you don't count the Summer...