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Night Fury
01-05-2015, 01:36 PM
When you're growing your hair out and you see a really nice short cut.

Yeah, Evangeline Lilly's new hair just... urgh, so gorgeous.


I want it so bad but I'm growing out these locks.

What is your dream hairstyle?

Night Fury
01-05-2015, 02:39 PM
I love Kim K's long dark hair.... I like all of the Kardashian's hair actually! :p

Also, Emma Stone frickin looks amazing with any hair. Fact.


01-05-2015, 02:40 PM
Mermaid hair.




01-05-2015, 03:03 PM
I have an insane amount of hair envy, and it'll just get stronger as i lose more and more hair

It's actually really really depressing. I am very serious now.

01-05-2015, 05:49 PM
I wish I could grow it that long and still have it be that thick.

No, you really don't. D:

01-05-2015, 05:55 PM
I really want Emma Stone's blonde hair... it's so nice.

Also Taylor Swift and Alli Hillis.

Oh and Nicola Roberts during the Girls Aloud's Ten Tour.

Oh and Blake Lively...

...I envy a lot of hair lol.

01-05-2015, 05:56 PM
Something like this:

I have accepted that my hair is going to be wavy, but I would like it to be nice wavy and not looks like I haven't brushed my hair in a month despite having brushed it 10 minutes ago wavy

01-05-2015, 06:10 PM
Hair envy is like, my life. I hate my hair no matter how I do it. Whenever I get it cut, I look back on an old picture and think "My goodness, why did I ever cut my hair", but before cuts, I hate it so much that I'm like "okay it'll look way better if I cut it let's just do this."

Oh well. ^^;

01-05-2015, 06:19 PM
More envy:

Michelle Monaghan


Jennifer Aniston has been my hair role model since I first saw Friends in the 90's. Her style is always classic and gorgeous.


Lena Headey has freaking perf dark hair and I want it. Bob or long.



I've also been a fan of Pink's style for a long time and I am freaking in love with her undercut and wish I had the look or the confidence to pull it off.


01-05-2015, 07:42 PM
You don't think after 10 years of awful hair I haven't tried that

Then it looks even worse my gosh does it look even worse

I'm convinced my hair just hates me and will do its best to look ugly no matter what :cry:

01-05-2015, 07:49 PM
I actually think product would help more with frizzy hair. They have tons of stuff to control frizz now. A tiny bit of pomade goes a freaking long way and should last you the rest of your life if you use it properly. That's what I would recommend to control fizz. Use anti-frizz product or any kind of silicone serum and straighten your hair.

I like to apply moroccan hair oil to the tips of my hair, but you could also work a tiny but of it through your hair to help control. It's also suggested to only wash your hair every three days or so, but I don't know if you want to go that route.

01-05-2015, 07:52 PM
I really want Emma Stone's blonde hair... it's so nice.


Also Taylor Swift and Alli Hillis.



Oh and Nicola Roberts during the Girls Aloud's Ten Tour.


Oh and Blake Lively...


...I envy a lot of hair lol.

Also my Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/ashliiful/hair/ ><

01-05-2015, 08:04 PM
Oh also, a once a week hot oil treatment! Just yeah, grab a tub of coconut oil at the store like Jinx says, heat it up in the microwave and oil up, then put on a shower cap and let it sit while you do laundry or something. A+ treatment.

01-05-2015, 08:06 PM
What is your dream hairstyle?hair

01-05-2015, 08:06 PM
Oh also, a once a week hot oil treatment! Just yeah, grab a tub of coconut oil at the store like Jinx says, heat it up in the microwave and oil up, then put on a shower cap and let it sit while you do laundry or something. A+ treatment.


01-05-2015, 09:21 PM
Mermaid hair.




Oh my, this is literally the most attractive hairstyle I've ever seen. I so want to see this on someone in real life.

01-05-2015, 09:23 PM
I will have this hairstyle within the next year and a half of my life, and I will post pictures when I have it!

01-05-2015, 10:33 PM
Call me a hipster but I really like Alan Palomo's hairstyle:


Does anyone know what it's called? I want to try it at least once before my hair loss accelerates...

01-05-2015, 10:46 PM
I get hair envy all the freaking time. But then I think it would be odd to randomly tell all the women I see that i think their hair is gorgeous.

I have curls. Even with the proper product, sometimes they just don't work right. I've recently switched shampoos. I was using this other curly hair type but now i'm using this other other type and it seems to be better for my hair and not weigh it down so much. I still have to put leave in conditioner or it'll frizz. Maybe you should look into that, pumpkin? I put it in when damp and it holds pretty well for the frizz

01-05-2015, 10:48 PM
One time a girl ran up to me while I was pumping gas and asked if she could take a picture of my hair because it was exactly what she wanted to do, so I let her.

Have no shame! People will probably love it, and maybe you'll get compliments yourself.

Night Fury
01-06-2015, 01:50 AM
No baby no... They just wanted a picture of you for their wank bank

01-06-2015, 02:03 AM


It's awful and I hate it :nonono: So I appreciate the tips :jess:

Night Fury
01-06-2015, 02:05 AM
Your hair is fine dude

01-06-2015, 02:05 AM
Sometimes I am so mad that hair doesn't just grow at will. I love hairstyles of all lengths and I wish I could switch it up like every day. Hair extensions help but then you can't go pixie and still do 'em.

So here I am growing out my pixie hiding my pseudo-mullet with bobby pins underneath the top layer of my hair to make this shaggy bob until it's long enough to pull into a pony tail which I can someday make into a long braid that I will look totally hot with probably we'll see in a year. The bob is looking p good though, I think I'm past the unavoidable hair awkwardness stage of pixie growing.

01-06-2015, 02:07 AM
Blake Lively's hair is perfection to me.

But I'm not really jealous of hers or any other celebrities' hair.

I wish my hair would hold a curl better, but I love it the way it is. It's the one thing I love most about me.

01-06-2015, 02:25 AM
No baby no... They just wanted a picture of you for their wank bank

She was perfectly genuine and it was a lovely interaction :colbert:

Night Fury
01-06-2015, 02:51 AM
No baby no... They just wanted a picture of you for their wank bank

She was perfectly genuine and it was a lovely interaction :colbert:

Yeah until she got home and had a fabulous fap. :jess:

Night Fury
01-06-2015, 06:10 AM
Pumpkin your hair actually really reminds me of

for real.

If it's frizzing chances are it's too thick and you should cut out some of that around the bottom, get a few layers put in and try oil treatments once a week to keep it sleek. I have super thick hair that doesn't frizz but will knot up and become unmanageable sometimes - oil treatments will work wonders. Also, try blow drying it once a week and just not washing it as often as you are already. You could also have a lot of split ends there so maybe trim off like a half inch too.

What shampoo/conditioner do you use?

I highly recommend you use something that is coconut/almond/macadamia based as opposed to something citrusy/floral!

01-06-2015, 06:34 AM
What is your dream hairstyle?hairWanna borrow some of mine? I've got more than enough to go around.

01-06-2015, 03:53 PM
I change what shampoo I use pretty regularly. I think it is something fruity right now, so I will try one of those next time. I know I have before but I wasn't paying attention to if it made a difference or not

Thank you!

01-06-2015, 08:26 PM


It's awful and I hate it :nonono: So I appreciate the tips :jess:

Your hair is lovely.

Do you know how many women would literally kill to have natural waves like that?

01-06-2015, 08:27 PM
My boyfriend tells me most women want hair they don't have and hate hair they do have

His theory seems true :P

01-06-2015, 09:35 PM
Yeah, don't worry ladies. (and I'm sure some men, I've just seen much less of it personally).

Even if you had that other girl's hair, I believe in time you'd grow to hate it. I don't know how many times I've heard women talking about how they want each other's hair.

Also this desire of other people's hair, I'm surprised Lonny Boob isn't behind it.

01-06-2015, 10:01 PM
I have a big ole widow's peak which is a pain in the ass to style - it's harder than you might think to keep it from falling down in my face which looks incredibly stupid, and if I do get it to stay up (HEH) it makes the whole front of my hair look a little flat. It's hard to explain well! Additionally, my hair grows in really thickly, really fast, which makes it hard to maintain a nice haircut for more than 2-3 weeks after my last hairdresser visit.

I don't know about hair envy but I've always liked David Beckham's hair.


On the longer side I would certainly not mind the hair of either Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) or Sawyer (Josh Holloway). Those guys :heart:

61697 61698

01-06-2015, 11:38 PM
Ugh what do you guys know about hair envy?! My hairstyle is limited to essentially 'a carpet on my head' because I'm chocolate flavored. Any other hairstyles (that take forever to do) would be and have always been ruined in seconds since the, well, non-chocolates can't keep their hands to themselves!!! Not to mention how obvious hairline deformities are only 5 days after getting a haircut!

No I'm not frustrated about my hair at all why do you ask.

01-07-2015, 02:28 PM
My current hair envy person is Emma on Once Upon a Time


I'm even considering going blonde because of the envy

Loony BoB
01-07-2015, 05:05 PM
I don't really get hair envy - I have no real interest in doing anything of note with my hair, it's just not something I care about because I generally can't see it and don't worry about it.

I have massive appreciation for people who put a lot of effort into making their hair look nice, though, and I really like the hairstyles being shown off in this thread. My favourite ones are the ones that look rather natural (ie, not twisted up and bunned and spiked or whatever) but are still really nice, which apparently is a rather hard look to pull off these days for some reason.

For guy hair, Rantz has pretty good taste. I would never want any of those hairstyles on me because of my dislike for doing anything of note with my hair, but I can definitely appreciate that those styles (Beckham in particular) are pretty great.

01-07-2015, 05:35 PM
Speaking of hair envy and Loony BoB.

I'm kind of glad Danielle doesn't post pictures here anymore, she's been my hair envy crush for years now. I'm always like "I WANT IT" and I can't have it so out of sight out of hair crush envy mind. Her hair is so gorgeous. /envy

Loony BoB
01-07-2015, 05:42 PM

Don't worry, I balance out her amazing hair with whatever the hell that thing is that grows out of my head.

01-07-2015, 06:25 PM
Seriously. She has the perfect color, length and she styles it great. ugh /envy

01-07-2015, 07:09 PM
Danyell & MissH look like they could be sisters.

Electroshock Therapy
01-07-2015, 09:22 PM
I have fascination with Robert Smitherhands style hair. Not that I would style it that way myself as I prefer a cleaner look, but I do like it... a lot!

01-08-2015, 04:11 AM
One day I'll go short again:


01-08-2015, 05:42 AM
I hate my hair (so I wear hats/boggins all the time) because I have a terrible cowlick and a double double crown that makes styling my hair in any way simply impossible.

I would like to grow my hair out long, (I did it once before in high school), but I don't know if I can handle the process and I'm old now and I don't know if it would still work. I just can't stand the half-grown-out thing. I'll have to be shaggy for a long time and I hate that.

01-08-2015, 06:00 AM
Once the chin strap part of my facial hair grows properly and isn't patchy then I'm going to try this, but my ears always seemed a little big when I get any kind of clipper shave on the side of my head, haven't tried it since I was about 13 though and my face kinda grew into them a bit since then.


That guy is who I took a picture of into my hairdresser when I chopped off my longer hair, but since then I've kinda adapted it into my own style of combover.

01-10-2015, 07:40 PM


It's awful and I hate it :nonono: So I appreciate the tips :jess:

The type of brush you use matters too. Boar bristle will give you frizzies. A paddle brush may help you get more of the style you want. I like your hair.

I don't really have hair envy. My hair is nice enough and I don't do much to it. That's a win for me.

01-11-2015, 12:07 AM
I don't care about the hair on my head. I'd shave it off if my girlfriend would let me. But, I wish my beard would grow thicker :(

01-12-2015, 08:00 PM
I just want my hair to lie straight instead of being all curly and crazy at the ends.

Here's the most recent reasonable-looking picture of me, in which I am surreptitiously flipping off my wife for beating me in Sequence:


But, I wish my beard would grow thicker http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies/frown.gif

Yes. This. My stupid beard, aside from the chin part, just refuses to be a real thing.

01-12-2015, 09:49 PM
I just want my hair to lie straight instead of being all curly and crazy at the ends.

Here's the most recent reasonable-looking picture of me, in which I am surreptitiously flipping off my wife for beating me in Sequence:


But, I wish my beard would grow thicker http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies/frown.gif

Yes. This. My stupid beard, aside from the chin part, just refuses to be a real thing.

I've got a super thick and dark neckbeard but my cheeks get lighter in color and less thick My mustache, goatee and sideburns all grow well but it's all the in betweens and cheeks that wont grow nicely. It used to grow in perfectly Joe Dirt style when I was in my early 20's.

01-12-2015, 11:58 PM
I've got a super thick and dark neckbeard but my cheeks get lighter in color and less thick My mustache, goatee and sideburns all grow well but it's all the in betweens and cheeks that wont grow nicely. It used to grow in perfectly Joe Dirt style when I was in my early 20's.

"Now, you're telling me you were so ingrained with white trash DNA, your facial hair actually grows in on its own all white trashy like that?" hehe

My beard grows pretty evenly except for a small patch under my chin. Damn annoying that lil patch is....

I'm actually really scared of my hair thinning in the front. My older brother has a pretty good widows peak goin on. And My younger brother's(by 1yr) hair has started to thin a bit too. I actually just cut mine pretty short today, just so i could compare my hairline to older pics. Didn't see anything different, but i know its coming...:(


spoiler is the pic is blurry. pity me.

01-13-2015, 07:23 AM
All you complaining about your hair woes have no idea how easy you have it. When you have to deal with black people hair then come talk to me. There are some days where my hair just decides to super Saiyan and there's nothing I can do about except put a hat on. The only plus to having super thick hair is being able to style it in to anything but even that is not without effort.

Since I don't relax/perm my hair, if it gets wet it turns in to a chia pet. I remember I was at a pool and my friends and bf were all shocked when my hair dried how poofy it was. It's like "duh guys I'm black".

For a hefty fee per week my hair stylist works her witchcraft magic with her deep conditioner and flat iron to make it presentable but I reallr envy people who can just step out the shower, air dry and have on point hair. I'm super lazy when it comes to my hair and really hate washing it myself as it's always a feat to then get it looking just okay.

01-13-2015, 02:05 PM
All you complaining about your hair woes have no idea how easy you have it. When you have to deal with black people hair then come talk to me. There are some days where my hair just decides to super Saiyan and there's nothing I can do about except put a hat on. The only plus to having super thick hair is being able to style it in to anything but even that is not without effort.

Since I don't relax/perm my hair, if it gets wet it turns in to a chia pet. I remember I was at a pool and my friends and bf were all shocked when my hair dried how poofy it was. It's like "duh guys I'm black".

For a hefty fee per week my hair stylist works her witchcraft magic with her deep conditioner and flat iron to make it presentable but I reallr envy people who can just step out the shower, air dry and have on point hair. I'm super lazy when it comes to my hair and really hate washing it myself as it's always a feat to then get it looking just okay.

I love how black people think they're the only ones with hair that doesn't cooperate. :roll2

01-13-2015, 05:14 PM
Following Shiny's post.

I have no personal experience obviously, but I find this phenomenon (and other ones like it in Korea or India for example) to be interesting/concerning. (http://madamenoire.com/57134/what-spending-a-half-a-trillion-dollars-on-hair-care-and-weaves-says-about-us/)

Things like this help remind me that I'm pretty lucky to feel largely accepting of myself and my appearance.

01-14-2015, 06:35 AM
All you complaining about your hair woes have no idea how easy you have it. When you have to deal with black people hair then come talk to me. There are some days where my hair just decides to super Saiyan and there's nothing I can do about except put a hat on. The only plus to having super thick hair is being able to style it in to anything but even that is not without effort.

Since I don't relax/perm my hair, if it gets wet it turns in to a chia pet. I remember I was at a pool and my friends and bf were all shocked when my hair dried how poofy it was. It's like "duh guys I'm black".

For a hefty fee per week my hair stylist works her witchcraft magic with her deep conditioner and flat iron to make it presentable but I reallr envy people who can just step out the shower, air dry and have on point hair. I'm super lazy when it comes to my hair and really hate washing it myself as it's always a feat to then get it looking just okay.

I love how black people think they're the only ones with hair that doesn't cooperate. :roll2

I love how you think what I put means black people are the only ones with hair problems but not surprised as this isn't the first time you misinterpreted something.

Black hair is tougher to deal with than Caucasian hair. This does not mean that people with thinner hair don't have their slew of issues too but it's no where as near as hard to deal with unless you too have super thick and coarse hair. I'm okay with my natural hair and I don't believe in relaxing it, but I'm not okay with the time it takes for my hair to look not like a chia pet.

Also that article is a crock a trout. No one is paying $10,000 for a weave. The most they are is more likely around $500 which is also ridiculous. Some women I understand wear wigs or weaves because they have alpacea but a lot of them get it from damaging their hair over the years with chemicals and tight braids. Though I know they can go as low as $100 which is how much it cost me when I got one for prom. My hair in total costs me like $50 every other week for deep condition and styling. Trimming is like an extra $5 and it's usually a 2-3 hour process. ;__;

01-14-2015, 08:09 AM
Hey Shiny, wanna trade hair? :excited:

Loony BoB
01-14-2015, 12:49 PM
Useful information for anyone who wants to investigate further into hair genetics and race influence, notably hair thickness/curliness of African Americans. (http://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask107)

Beyond that, best get back to the topic of hair envy. :)

01-14-2015, 01:19 PM
...............I envy Jeff Bridges hair.


01-14-2015, 07:50 PM
Hey Shiny, wanna trade hair? :excited:

I would if you had any. :colbert:

Unless you mean your beard. I always wanted one for like 1 day.

01-14-2015, 08:12 PM
Also that article is a crock a trout. No one is paying $10,000 for a weave. The most they are is more likely around $500 which is also ridiculous. Some women I understand wear wigs or weaves because they have alpacea but a lot of them get it from damaging their hair over the years with chemicals and tight braids. Though I know they can go as low as $100 which is how much it cost me when I got one for prom. My hair in total costs me like $50 every other week for deep condition and styling. Trimming is like an extra $5 and it's usually a 2-3 hour process. ;__;

Maybe I misread, but I thought that price was compounded over a year. I believed it because around the Atlanta area, which has a pretty good amount of wealth, I saw weaves priced at 700-900 regularly. I think that was the sew-in style with price of hair included. The fusion kind ( I don't even know how that works) was even more expensive, I think. Once I choked down all the blood I coughed up from seeing that, I also learned it was a monthly thing for some women (Seriously). I saw women discussing hair care costs on a regular basis, who it seemed pretty clear couldn't afford it, still trying to afford it.

Which is my basic point. The fact that they feel the need to relax their hair, or spend such a significant amount to do it is concerning. If they want to do it because they like the look, sure fine, but I think the real reason why they think they like that look is usually more insidious. Not always, but often.

01-14-2015, 11:37 PM
I've seen Good Hair, the documentary by Chris Rock and it touches perfectly on African American women's envy of Caucausion or Asian hair. Atlanta is pretty known for making millions of millions of dollars in the hair industry alone. There are some women I know that actual travel to India and get their own hair and sell it. Most women don't get their weaves put in every month -- that makes no sense as weaves can last up to 4 months and if you're paying $500-$600 it's definitely more cost effective to leave it in for 4 months, which most people who have weaves do.

Depression Moon
01-15-2015, 03:30 AM
I was watching that documentary for the first time during the Summer of last year and to my surprise this dude was down the street from my house while I was probably playing video games or watching TV. I hope black women can ease away from the self hatrid applications. Black men have moved away from that in hair back in the 60's. A lot of people seem to only focus on the women, but it was just as prevalent in the men decades ago.

Night Fury
01-15-2015, 03:33 AM
Little story:

I saw on buzzfeed once a tag for an article on 'the best things about natural hair' so I figured it was about like, people who don't dye their hair or use chemicals and stuff, but it was about black girls hair and that's how I learned about what 'natural' meant!

01-20-2015, 07:15 AM
Proof that my hair is at times unruly:


I didn't sleep with my silk cap one day and I woke up to find one side of my hair completely sticking up. Throughout the day I tried to get it to go down, but it wouldn't even with flat ironing. Only salon magic can fix. I don't have a pic of it when it's wet and then dries, but I'm pretty sure it looks like Large Marge. It would be nice to not have to wear a silk cap like white people, but that would require me then having to get my hair done every day. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Night Fury
01-20-2015, 10:09 AM
I dunno Shiny, I still think your hair is fit. :p

01-20-2015, 06:26 PM
I wish I could pull off a man bun. I so wish I could.