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01-22-2015, 02:43 AM
If yall ain't gonna use EoFF chat, why spend the money on bandwidth?

T_T I'm sick of dead chat

01-22-2015, 02:47 AM
I was just there and Aexoden spammed lyrics and someone explained them to me and that was that. I miss chat :C

I usually show up too late for my posts in the forum to be relevant, so I really like chat.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
01-22-2015, 03:25 AM
You literally only ever come in during momentary lulls and only stay around long enough to ask where everyone is.

Colonel Angus
01-22-2015, 04:12 AM
Chat can get very boring. I only pop in to visit the people for a bit.

01-22-2015, 04:15 AM
*open chat*



"Chat has been dead for 4 hours and 53 minutes"


"The last user to speak was [name]: Man, no one ever chats here anymore."

*closes chat*

01-22-2015, 04:21 AM
I used to go in chat because I had a crush on sharky and we would talk for like 12 hours until we both had to go to work

Then I would go on at night because of living arrangements to talk to him for a while before bed

Now we see each other all the time so I don't really go in to chat that often anymore

01-22-2015, 04:26 AM
I used to go in chat because I had a crush on sharky and we would talk for like 12 hours until we both had to go to work

Then I would go on at night because of living arrangements to talk to him for a while before bed

Now we see each other all the time so I don't really go in to chat that often anymore

Wait there is an way to talk to people without a computer screen? What's the app called?

01-22-2015, 04:29 AM

Overall its pretty good, but it also comes with stuff like fart smell so its not for everyone

01-22-2015, 04:33 AM

Overall its pretty good, but it also comes with stuff like fart smell so its not for everyone

I read up on it. Apparently all buy 1% of users grind and grind and they barley make any money! And it has billions of users?! Man, the developer sure suckered everyone pretty hard!

01-22-2015, 04:35 AM
Yeah we're all hoping the sequel will work out some of the kinks

01-22-2015, 04:39 AM
Yeah we're all hoping the sequel will work out some of the kinks

Well, not many people know if there is a sequel coming out. Some people think there is, but a lot of people think once the game is completed that's about it. There are even those who think a sequel can be pure bliss or a terrible experience, really.

01-22-2015, 04:58 AM
Well, not many people know if there is a sequel coming out. Some people think there is, but a lot of people think once the game is completed that's about it. There are even those who think a sequel can be pure bliss or a terrible experience, really.There's no sequel but I've heard there's a New Game+ mode where you can start over, but you have to play as a completely different character.

Quindiana Jones
01-22-2015, 05:02 AM
You guys are the best. :)

01-22-2015, 05:34 AM
I honestly prefer their side project, Dreams. It's much more interesting and anything is possible. Unfortunately, it still functions in connection with Life, and sometimes some of the things that happen in that app can affect what is happening in the other one. It's really pretty different for everyone though.

Night Fury
01-22-2015, 05:42 AM
I encountered a glitch in Dreams, where I woke up in Life paralysed and terrified because there was a monster in my room. Has anyone else experienced that glitch?

01-22-2015, 05:47 AM
I've experienced part of that glitch. I was just paralyzed though. It was so scary that I had to reboot the system and just jump back into Dreams.

01-22-2015, 06:02 AM
I've experienced part of that glitch. I was just paralyzed though. It was so scary that I had to reboot the system and just jump back into Dreams.

There's also a really stupid glitch from that expansion that they really need to patch. If you fall from a great height the patch just closes and you are booted back to the main game. I thought the point of the expansion was to do things you couldn't do in the main game!

01-22-2015, 06:04 AM
Oh, did you not get the patch? If I fall from a great height, I just hit the ground and die and end up moving to another level instead.

01-22-2015, 06:38 AM
Wait, you mean you don't just kick up at your last location when you die? That patch blows. My glitch allowed me to die in Life and respawn in the same spot without losing any experience after a four minute cooldown.

01-22-2015, 06:39 AM
Apparently the expansion is based on what your character experiences in the main game. My character had a stressful week and the expansion had weird and disturbing events happen. After a week of some good main game events the expansion was more relaxed. Also, according to the developer the expansion was also used to analyze things the character experiences in the main game, so that's why the sleep command is essential for a good daily grind. Interesting stuff!

01-22-2015, 06:56 AM
Good lord

Way meta EoFF

I'm impressed

01-22-2015, 10:19 AM
Biggest problem with Life is the lack of support for world PvP. You can do it if you want but then the GMs come down hard on your character. It's really dumb.

01-22-2015, 10:30 AM
Biggest problem with Life is the lack of support for world PvP. You can do it if you want but then the GMs come down hard on your character. It's really dumb.

You can join guild that allows it, but you might just get a boring post in the guild instead of seeing some action. Plus, a lot of the storylines for conflicts are lame and have a lot of inconsistencies. Oh, and the rules are strickt unless you want to be stuck in a server where that's ALL you do. Yeah, they need to fix this.

01-22-2015, 10:43 AM
spooniest. all you need to do is say 1 word and i flood the chat. lol im always there. even you should know that

01-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Yeah, it has been dead the last few times I was in there. Rather disappointing.

01-22-2015, 11:40 AM
Biggest problem with Life is the lack of support for world PvP. You can do it if you want but then the GMs come down hard on your character. It's really dumb.

You can join guild that allows it, but you might just get a boring post in the guild instead of seeing some action. Plus, a lot of the storylines for conflicts are lame and have a lot of inconsistencies. Oh, and the rules are strickt unless you want to be stuck in a server where that's ALL you do. Yeah, they need to fix this.

The first rule of Fight Guild is you do not talk about Fight Guild.

01-22-2015, 11:53 AM
Biggest problem with Life is the lack of support for world PvP. You can do it if you want but then the GMs come down hard on your character. It's really dumb.

You can join guild that allows it, but you might just get a boring post in the guild instead of seeing some action. Plus, a lot of the storylines for conflicts are lame and have a lot of inconsistencies. Oh, and the rules are strickt unless you want to be stuck in a server where that's ALL you do. Yeah, they need to fix this.

The first rule of Fight Guild is you do not talk about Fight Guild.
