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View Full Version : Bethesda E3 Conference - June 14th

Night Fury
02-11-2015, 10:53 AM

What does everyone make of the news that Bethesda will be holding it's first ever E3 conference this year? Sounds like they might have something big to reveal....

02-11-2015, 11:03 AM
Interesting, I wonder if we'll get a glimpse of the next Fallout title.

02-11-2015, 11:07 AM

Though I've read in some internet comments - the most reliable gaming news source of course - that they want to release The Elder Scrolls VI before Fallout 4.

...is it greedy that I want them to announce both? :3:

02-11-2015, 11:38 AM
...is it greedy that I want them to announce both? :3:

Probably, but if you're going to have your first E3 Conference make it huge, and those announcements would be pretty huge.

02-11-2015, 11:58 AM
Most of us in the TES community have our money on Fallout 4. Not that we'd complain about that, of course.

It could also be one of Bethesda's other games, or a new IP, even! Or a mixture of the above!

02-11-2015, 01:02 PM
Fallout 4!!

Fallout 3 and New Vegas are possibly my favourite western developed games ever. Been waiting for years, it makes the most sense out of all the games Bethesda could announce.

I'm sure they'll probably announce some sequels to stuff they publish aswell tho, Dishonored 2 etc...

02-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Most of us in the TES community...

Well, hello there fellow TES community member :cool:

02-11-2015, 02:16 PM
Most of us in the TES community...

Well, hello there fellow TES community member :cool:

Hi! Wanna talk about CHIM, c0da and other assorted crazy MK / Morrowind lore? Because I am always up for that.

02-11-2015, 04:03 PM
Doom (4) is more or less guaranteed to get its official public rollout, since they unveiled quite a lot of stuff to attendees at last year's QuakeCon.

As far as what Bethesda Game Studios is working on, it sounds natural that they are alternating between TES and Fallout. But Skyrim selling over 20 million copies changed all that. It would just not be feasible for any company to wait 8 or 9 years to release the follow up. You could say TESO aimed to fill that gap but it has since failed to deliver critically or commercially.

A lot of people are hoping they passed Fallout off to Obsidian, given their pedigree and the reception of New Vegas. I don't know how big Obsidian is but they just shipped South Park last year and wrapped up Pillars of Eternity recently; Ron Perlman confirmed last year Fallout 4 is in development (and that he's not in it) so unless Obsidian has extra manpower, they might not be involved after all.

There's also Arkane. They are a two-team studio and one of their current projects is almost certainly Dishonored 2. The other was rumored to be Prey 2 but Bethesda confirmed the franchise was put on indefinite hold a while ago. They acquired Arkane based on what they did in Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, so a lot of people feel they were brought in to build on the first person combat in Bethesda Game Studio's RPGS. I could see them assisting on Fallout or even taking on a TES spinoff.

Tl;dr - we're likely to hear about Doom, Fallout, and even Dishonored but I would be surprised if there wasn't anything about some form of new Elder Scrolls entry. There's a chance it is in fact BGS' next game.

02-11-2015, 04:14 PM
Ron Perlman confirmed last year Fallout 4 is in development (and that he's not in it)What!

02-11-2015, 04:18 PM
Ron Perlman confirmed last year Fallout 4 is in development (and that he's not in it)What!

Trout just got real.

02-14-2015, 05:17 AM
But Skyrim selling over 20 million copies changed all that. It would just not be feasible for any company to wait 8 or 9 years to release the follow up.

A lot of people are hoping they passed Fallout off to Obsidian, given their pedigree and the reception of New Vegas.

I think Bethesda like Rockstar is one of those special companies that can get away with releasing new titles so infrequently. GTA V has made so much money they could easily afford to spend the next 20 years developing their next game if they wanted haha. I hope they never try and "Call of Duty" it.

I loved New Vegas, Obsidian had such a good base to work off tho with Fallout 3. Not sure I'd trust them to create Fallout 4 from scratch!

02-14-2015, 05:50 AM
I think Bethesda like Rockstar is one of those special companies that can get away with releasing new titles so infrequently. GTA V has made so much money they could easily afford to spend the next 20 years developing their next game if they wanted haha. I hope they never try and "Call of Duty" it.

That's a good comparison but Rockstar North released GTA V only 4 years after The Ballad of Gay Tony, in between which they assisted on Red Dead Redemption and collaborated on Max Payne 3. Assuming BGS release Fallout 4 in 2016 (games rarely release the same year as an E3 reveal) and adding their 3-year average turnaround for a game, that leaves the next BGS game at 2019. I just don't see any company leaving a blockbuster franchise on hold for 8 years; that's a couple of lifetimes in terms of software.

02-14-2015, 05:54 AM
I loved New Vegas, Obsidian had such a good base to work off tho with Fallout 3. Not sure I'd trust them to create Fallout 4 from scratch!
Obsidian is not new to the territory. It's comprised of many of the people who worked on the original Fallout titles. Them and inXile

I would hope they do give it to Obsidian again, since they're pretty much done with Pillars of Eternity, they should be free to go. Though THIS time I hope they don't screw them out of a bonus with weird restrictions like they did with New Vegas. And then they can focus on The Elder Scrolls, and everybody is happy

02-14-2015, 07:41 AM
I think Bethesda like Rockstar is one of those special companies that can get away with releasing new titles so infrequently. GTA V has made so much money they could easily afford to spend the next 20 years developing their next game if they wanted haha. I hope they never try and "Call of Duty" it.

That's a good comparison but Rockstar North released GTA V only 4 years after The Ballad of Gay Tony, in between which they assisted on Red Dead Redemption and collaborated on Max Payne 3. Assuming BGS release Fallout 4 in 2016 (games rarely release the same year as an E3 reveal) and adding their 3-year average turnaround for a game, that leaves the next BGS game at 2019. I just don't see any company leaving a blockbuster franchise on hold for 8 years; that's a couple of lifetimes in terms of software.

2018-19 sounds about right to me tho. There will most likely only be one single player ES game this hardware generation (just considering how long they take to create). So they'll want to launch as late in the gen as possible so there's the highest number of consoles out there (that's why Skyrim sold so well). Plus the series hasn't really been ''on hold'' as I'm sure they consider Elder Scrolls Online to be an entry in the series despite it's performance. I'd like to be wrong :S but I'm definitely not expecting another elder scrolls game anytime soon.

I loved New Vegas, Obsidian had such a good base to work off tho with Fallout 3. Not sure I'd trust them to create Fallout 4 from scratch!
Obsidian is not new to the territory. It's comprised of many of the people who worked on the original Fallout titles. Them and inXile

I know Obsidian has been around for a long time, there's a big difference between the original Fallouts and Fallout 3 tho, New Vegas was essentially a expansion pack to Fallout 3. Completely creating the games battle system, inventory system, skill system is another matter entirely......however thinking back to how many bugs Skyrim had at launch maybe Bethesda should give them a go haha.