View Full Version : EoFF Ranks Final Fantasy Final Vote - FFVII vs FFIX

Dat Matt
02-16-2015, 10:05 PM
Final Vote - Final Fantasy VII vs Final Fantasy IX




Dat Matt
02-16-2015, 10:08 PM



02-16-2015, 10:10 PM
IX :(

02-16-2015, 10:11 PM
Voted for FFVII. Not only is it better, it'll cause so much more drama if it wins. :bigsmile: Don't think this'll be as one-sided as most people believe.

02-16-2015, 10:12 PM
I don't think it'll be one-sided. I think they'll both put up a fair fight, and I honestly could see it going either way.

02-16-2015, 10:21 PM
VII, of course...it is the better game. I don't see why people think it will be so-one sided considering how much IX is liked around here.

02-16-2015, 10:39 PM
FFVII. It was pretty close, I rate it one above IX after I replayed them.

02-16-2015, 11:10 PM

02-16-2015, 11:16 PM
IX. VII has the better game mechanics, IX has the better everything else. And it's the everything else that matters most to me.

Ganbatte FFIX fans! Together we can achieve an unlikely and historic victory!


02-17-2015, 12:38 AM
I wouldn't even say FFVII had better game mechanics. Don't get me wrong; I like FFVII. But it's no FFIX.

02-17-2015, 12:39 AM
VII because I actually remember the characters and story and stuff. :kakapo: Basically I found the whole thing to be considerably more memorable than IX, which was just sort of "there". And it was just a fantastically solid game all around. Etc. etc. and so forth.

02-17-2015, 01:32 AM
Both games are deserving of their places in the final, but I hate that I have to choose between my two favourite FF games. If only I'd voted tactically in the FFIX vs FFX round, then I might not have put myself in such a darned predicament xD

But my mind is made up* and my vote goes to

* my mind isn't made up and I'm going to sleep on it

02-17-2015, 02:49 AM
Final Fantasy VII, There's no contest. One of my fav FF's versus one of my most hated so it was an easy choice for me :P

02-17-2015, 03:38 AM
FFIX. Both great games, and I could have voted either way to be honest.

I don't see FFIX having any real chance to win this. BoB owns EoFF, so BoB owns the vote. This contest is just a masquerade for BoB to wear a mask and have his giblets fondled.

02-17-2015, 03:41 AM
I don't see FFIX having any real chance to win this. BoB owns EoFF, so BoB owns the vote. This contest is just a masquerade for BoB to wear a mask and have his giblets fondled.

Hey no fair! There is a genuine 7th Brigade here! :p

02-17-2015, 05:02 AM
I can't vote, I like them both equally o:

02-17-2015, 08:43 AM
I can't vote, I like them both equally o:

If you like them both equally, you should vote for IX, as that will give them a more equal number of votes each. VII doesn't need any help, it's got such a huge legion of followers. But think of the joy that IX gave you - selflessly without thoughts of gratitude or reward - and now it stands alone in the ring with the all time heavyweight champion.

You owe​ it to FFIX to give it a hand here. VII wont resent you for it. VII knows you're just levelling the playing field a bit. Go on, give IX a vote. Consider it your good deed for the day!

02-17-2015, 09:06 AM
I can't vote, I like them both equally o:

If you like them both equally, you should vote for IX, as that will give them a more equal number of votes each. VII doesn't need any help, it's got such a huge legion of followers. But think of the joy that IX gave you - selflessly without thoughts of gratitude or reward - and now it stands alone in the ring with the all time heavyweight champion.

You owe​ it to FFIX to give it a hand here. VII wont resent you for it. VII knows you're just levelling the playing field a bit. Go on, give IX a vote. Consider it your good deed for the day!Vote FFVII because it's got Barret in a sailor suit.

02-17-2015, 12:36 PM
I wouldn't even say FFVII had better game mechanics.











































02-17-2015, 01:25 PM
I can't vote, I like them both equally o:

Well, in that case I'd say vote by taking other factors into consideration. Think about which was the most influential and better helped push the FF series forward. Which dared to try bold, new and radical ideas further pushing the envelope in and redefining what an jRPG should be. Consider which entry brought the series to a whole new mainstream audience that had never experienced it before, bringing over that same enjoyment and fun you got out of it not just to established FF fans, but to a whole new demographic and generation of gamers.


Go on, put one for the flower girl...it's only one gil and she'll love you for it and Cid will also serve you some of that goddamn TEA :p

Loony BoB
02-17-2015, 01:25 PM
VII. And if chionos were correct, a lot of games would probably have progressed further, notably VIII.

02-17-2015, 01:36 PM
FFIX. For me, it is really better than FFVII.

02-17-2015, 02:39 PM
On the contrary, I’d say that VII is a much better game all around. Gameplay is much better in it than it is in IX and the balance between story and gameplay is better handled as well. In IX you spend too much time watching stuff be it cutscenes, cinematic sequences, active time events and the like and it also has a lot of downtime, specially when you enter towns/cities for the first time. It is a case of the story taking over the gameplay as opposed to complementing it. During fights you do way too much waiting due to how slow (even at max battle speed and with hasted characters) the ATB implementation is and how long the transition from the field to when you can input commands in the the battle screen takes. Which makes each encounter a tad tedious especially as the random encounter rate in this game seems to be a bit higher than in previous titles.

In terms of narrative and pacing, right from the start IX gets off in the wrong foot with an overly complex and long introduction (which can amount to almost the first 2 hours of the game) and after that it practically meanders and plods during the first two discs to various locations seemingly at the whims of the scenario writers as opposed to the service of any greater plot. Everything from the battles to the plot progression feels slow in IX, even the battle theme itself takes a while to pick up the tempo and get going. A small part like the Midgar section of the first disc of VII is better written and paced than the entire first disc of IX.

The battle system and it's respective method of learning abilities is counterintuitive and not implemented all that well. While in VII you could buy new weapons and decide which one to use due to attack power, materia slots and growth it had, but you still had the ability to continue developing your materia and using it's abilities by transferring them to a new and more powerful weapon. IX basically makes it as if the materia were permanently attached to the weapons (and equipment) themselves, thus forcing you to stick to a low class weapon doing miserable damage to ever more powerful enemies or having low defence in the case of equipment if you wish to learn it's abilities (which take rather long to learn) or making you just go with the strongest weapon/equipment and let characters learn the abilities by chance (considering that most abilities are rather inconsequential, this is strangely the best option). In the case of characters like Vivi it leads to an imbalance, where you'll have Zidane doing, say, 400hp damage with his weapon whereas Vivi with his Fire spell does a measly 80hp damage because he has yet to learn a new level of the spell or because you just haven’t been able to buy the weapon that has it. The Trance skill is also a step backwards from what we had in VII and VIII (which X thankfully brought back) as it is very unreliable since once the gauge is full it activates and there is no way to save it up for later or any way to control it as you could in previous titles.

As far as characters goes, Zidane was so happy go lucky and one note as to be unrelatable and had practically no character growth or depth. Cloud was a far more intriguing and compelling protagonist with a better handled and fleshed out arc and he being an unreliable narrator was quite refreshing and further drew you into the story. As for the rest of the characters in IX, the only interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi but his arc is not really followed through once the bit about Zidane’s past comes in. Freya sort of got a bit of background during the part at Burmecia/Clerya but this line is basically shelved after that. Amarant’s arc is poorly paced with next to nothing happening for him for the most part and then some sort of rushed development happening at the last hour. Overall the game doesn’t really does a good job at tying up the characters stories.

If we think about what it is that has defined FF over the years and what has earned the series such a high reputation as a standard bearer of it's genre, it is not a checklist of things to include in each entry to the series (like crystals, chocobos, moogles, and the like); rather, the driving factor has always been about treading uncharted waters, trying bold new ideas, pushing the envelope and redefining the genre. Such was the case with IV, V, VI, VII and VIII. Each entry didn't seek to conform to some RPG formula or to return to some idea of the series "roots"; rather it went against those very notions, always building up from what came before with each entry progressively moving away from the accepted norms of jRPGs.

In that light, IX is a regressive title as it decides to play it safe in practically every aspect, undoing nearly every sort of advancement in things like character customisation and party formation that had been made in the series since IV. Back is the rigid leveling system with each character boxed, as it were, into their respective jobs with little to no customisation to be had. Back is the game not allowing you to switch your party members at will (until really late in the game) back is the 4 members party, which wouldn't be bad, but due to the lack of customisation, it suffers from the same thing that IV did (which allowed for 5 members) which is that there is in fact less room for strategy than in previous titles. It is like nearly every element of the game was put in simply for the sake of appeasing a false sense of nostalgia, even the slogan in the back of the CD case proudly proclaims “the crystal is back” (which only makes a last minute cameo appearance at the end of the game).

In the end, by trying so hard to be like what came before, IX simply ends up lacking a distinct voice and identity of it’s own; which is perhaps why it ends up falling into the background for most people when seen in light of other more daring entries into the franchise.

02-17-2015, 02:59 PM
Definitely Final Fantasy VII !!

Carl the Llama
02-17-2015, 03:10 PM


Agent Proto
02-17-2015, 04:51 PM
After heavy consideration between both games, which I both like, I have decided that I'm going with VII. I've not played very far into it, but I know that it's considered one of the best games, and plus I do enjoy the story and characters more than I do with IX.

02-17-2015, 04:56 PM
If we think about what it is that has defined FF over the years and what has earned the series such a high reputation as a standard bearer of it's genre, it is not a checklist of things to include in each entry to the series (like crystals, chocobos, moogles, and the like); rather, the driving factor has always been about treading uncharted waters, trying bold new ideas, pushing the envelope and redefining the genre. Such was the case with IV, V, VI, VII and VIII. Each entry didn't seek to conform to some RPG formula or to return to some idea of the series "roots"; rather it went against those very notions, always building up from what came before with each entry progressively moving away from the accepted norms of jRPGs.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we got FFXIII!

02-17-2015, 06:14 PM
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we got FFXIII!

The issue with XIII isn't the mere fact that it sought to try something new but rather that the things that it did didn't work. What it did was also regressive when seen in light of the titles that preceded it.

02-17-2015, 06:26 PM
On the contrary, I’d say that VII is a much better game all around. Gameplay is much better in it than it is in IX and the balance between story and gameplay is better handled as well. In IX you spend too much time watching stuff be it cutscenes, cinematic sequences, active time events and the like and it also has a lot of downtime, specially when you enter towns/cities for the first time. It is a case of the story taking over the gameplay as opposed to complementing it. During fights you do way too much waiting due to how slow (even at max battle speed and with hasted characters) the ATB implementation is and how long the transition from the field to when you can input commands in the the battle screen takes. Which makes each encounter a tad tedious especially as the random encounter rate in this game seems to be a bit higher than in previous titles.

In terms of narrative and pacing, right from the start IX gets off in the wrong foot with an overly complex and long introduction (which can amount to almost the first 2 hours of the game) and after that it practically meanders and plods during the first two discs to various locations seemingly at the whims of the scenario writers as opposed to the service of any greater plot. Everything from the battles to the plot progression feels slow in IX, even the battle theme itself takes a while to pick up the tempo and get going. A small part like the Midgar section of the first disc of VII is better written and paced than the entire first disc of IX.

The battle system and it's respective method of learning abilities is counterintuitive and not implemented all that well. While in VII you could buy new weapons and decide which one to use due to attack power, materia slots and growth it had, but you still had the ability to continue developing your materia and using it's abilities by transferring them to a new and more powerful weapon. IX basically makes it as if the materia were permanently attached to the weapons (and equipment) themselves, thus forcing you to stick to a low class weapon doing miserable damage to ever more powerful enemies or having low defence in the case of equipment if you wish to learn it's abilities (which take rather long to learn) or making you just go with the strongest weapon/equipment and let characters learn the abilities by chance (considering that most abilities are rather inconsequential, this is strangely the best option). In the case of characters like Vivi it leads to an imbalance, where you'll have Zidane doing, say, 400hp damage with his weapon whereas Vivi with his Fire spell does a measly 80hp damage because he has yet to learn a new level of the spell or because you just haven’t been able to buy the weapon that has it. The Trance skill is also a step backwards from what we had in VII and VIII (which X thankfully brought back) as it is very unreliable since once the gauge is full it activates and there is no way to save it up for later or any way to control it as you could in previous titles.

As far as characters goes, Zidane was so happy go lucky and one note as to be unrelatable and had practically no character growth or depth. Cloud was a far more intriguing and compelling protagonist with a better handled and fleshed out arc and he being an unreliable narrator was quite refreshing and further drew you into the story. As for the rest of the characters in IX, the only interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi but his arc is not really followed through once the bit about Zidane’s past comes in. Freya sort of got a bit of background during the part at Burmecia/Clerya but this line is basically shelved after that. Amarant’s arc is poorly paced with next to nothing happening for him for the most part and then some sort of rushed development happening at the last hour. Overall the game doesn’t really does a good job at tying up the characters stories.

If we think about what it is that has defined FF over the years and what has earned the series such a high reputation as a standard bearer of it's genre, it is not a checklist of things to include in each entry to the series (like crystals, chocobos, moogles, and the like); rather, the driving factor has always been about treading uncharted waters, trying bold new ideas, pushing the envelope and redefining the genre. Such was the case with IV, V, VI, VII and VIII. Each entry didn't seek to conform to some RPG formula or to return to some idea of the series "roots"; rather it went against those very notions, always building up from what came before with each entry progressively moving away from the accepted norms of jRPGs.

In that light, IX is a regressive title as it decides to play it safe in practically every aspect, undoing nearly every sort of advancement in things like character customisation and party formation that had been made in the series since IV. Back is the rigid leveling system with each character boxed, as it were, into their respective jobs with little to no customisation to be had. Back is the game not allowing you to switch your party members at will (until really late in the game) back is the 4 members party, which wouldn't be bad, but due to the lack of customisation, it suffers from the same thing that IV did (which allowed for 5 members) which is that there is in fact less room for strategy than in previous titles. It is like nearly every element of the game was put in simply for the sake of appeasing a false sense of nostalgia, even the slogan in the back of the CD case proudly proclaims “the crystal is back” (which only makes a last minute cameo appearance at the end of the game).

In the end, by trying so hard to be like what came before, IX simply ends up lacking a distinct voice and identity of it’s own; which is perhaps why it ends up falling into the background for most people when seen in light of other more daring entries into the franchise.


Del Murder
02-17-2015, 08:10 PM
Both are classics and some of the best FF experiences, but FFVII was something more than just a great FF game. It really defined an entire generation and changed the RPG landscape forever. It's a clear choice for me.

02-17-2015, 09:45 PM
As far as characters goes, Zidane was so happy go lucky and one note as to be unrelatable and had practically no character growth or depth. Cloud was a far more intriguing and compelling protagonist with a better handled and fleshed out arc and he being an unreliable narrator was quite refreshing and further drew you into the story. As for the rest of the characters in IX, the only interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi but his arc is not really followed through once the bit about Zidane’s past comes in. Freya sort of got a bit of background during the part at Burmecia/Clerya but this line is basically shelved after that. Amarant’s arc is poorly paced with next to nothing happening for him for the most part and then some sort of rushed development happening at the last hour. Overall the game doesn’t really does a good job at tying up the characters stories.

Putting aside the Cloud stuff...

"...interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi"

How about Dagger? Heir to the throne of a kingdom, a naive child struggling to prevent a war caused by her mother's sudden thirst for conquest. The mother she knew became lost to greed, and died tragically, forcing Dagger to rule a kingdom and immediately defend her people from a terrifying and unstoppable power. She fails at her duty, watched her people die and her country be all but destroyed, loses her voice to grief and is forced to overcome these and find the courage to face Kuja once again and rebuild her nation.

To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.

Also: Steiner and Beatrix! To suggest they didn't have interesting character arcs just seems silly to me.

02-17-2015, 10:00 PM
Final Fantasy VII is everything.

02-17-2015, 10:20 PM
To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.That's doing the character as much a disservice as if I said "Spunky princess gets bored of palace life, finds out her mum is evil and goes so emo after mummy dearest snuffs it that she has to cut her hair. Rules Alexandria; wears nice dress." and you know it :p

02-17-2015, 10:25 PM
Without considering the relatableness of an Everyman to that of a Noble, even!

02-17-2015, 10:26 PM
To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.That's doing the character as much a disservice as if I said "Spunky princess gets bored of palace life, finds out her mum is evil and goes so emo after mummy dearest snuffs it that she has to cut her hair. Rules Alexandria; wears nice dress." and you know it :p

Yeah, but that misses out huge chunks of Dagger's story so is unfair derision. Whereas my derision, on the other hand, is totally legitimate and only leaves out the stuff about Sephiroth.

And I think we can all agree he was a pretty inconsequential character.

02-17-2015, 10:32 PM
Anyone who is dissing IX for story and character archs makes me laugh when you take into account of the various characters of VII who had little archs.

Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

02-17-2015, 10:34 PM

02-17-2015, 10:35 PM
And it leaves out the parts of that unskilled kid managed to be a hero without realising it, how he starts off outright stating he doesn't give a smurf about the Planet to fighting for its very survival, and how the anti-social loner becomes a leader, mentor and friend to others. Nobody in FFIX develops as much as Cloud does. Leave off him. He's a top lad and looks good in a Silk Dress!
Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.The anti-VII fanbase is just as, if not more rabid as this entire tournament has demonstrated beautifully. Don't even make me bring up the IX vs X-2 debacle for IX fans...

02-17-2015, 10:40 PM
and how the anti-social loner becomes a leader, mentor and friend to others.

*sniff*. It is​ a beautiful story. I'm so happy for you, Squall!

02-17-2015, 10:41 PM
IX also has a lot of haters(anti-IXers) that regardless of what you say will always have to try to prove whatever game is against it is better :)

02-17-2015, 10:42 PM
...whatever. :cool:

The difference between the two is that Squall doesn't know how to interact with people. Cloud just has an unrelenting contempt for everyone.
IX also has a lot of haters(anti-IXers) that regardless of what you say will always have to try to prove whatever game is against it is better :)Wouldn't know, I voted IX in the Semi and also against XII. :tongue: I wouldn't make a campaign for, say, FFIV just to prove a point. ;)

02-17-2015, 10:47 PM
Just pointing out the type of voters/eoffers/fans. :D

02-17-2015, 11:04 PM
Anyway back on topic, I think it's fair to say both games have characters it develops well, but they also have their Cait Siths and Quinas. Interestingly though you also had non-party characters like the Turks or Beatrix getting some development.

I don't think it's mandatory for every character to receive in depth development. Some of them really are there just to make up the numbers and from a gameplay perspective, those numbers are necessary. You can't keep cramming and shoehorning big long story arcs for every character in. Though it's certainly something FF has done more of with time, and in my opinion FFXIII was the first one to truly develop every single character. But then, they kind of peaked, climaxed and resolved their character arcs with a third of the game remaining, and it was dull from there so :monster:

While I'd probably say protagonists are equal, FFVII's villains definitely stomp IX's. Shinra, for me, are the best villains in any FF with such a huge variety of characters, motives, and an ever present and powerful threat. You also naturally have Sephiroth and I think at times he's so overrated that he's underrated. If you put aside the OMG SO COOL ONE WINGED ANGEL ~*so beautiful*~ nonsense, most people don't remember that he had a fantastic and menacing presence. This is especially true in the early part of the game when you never see him, you just see the aftermath. Trail of blood, impaled Midgar zolom, smurfing intense. It's like, "Do I really want to catch up with this guy?" With IX, Black Waltz, Brahne and Beatrix were all fine antagonists although obviously none lasted the distance for various reasons. The likes of Garland and Kuja weren't that great for me though - I just couldn't be impressed or intimidated by or even like or loathe them.

Anyway, overall it's a close thing. In my opinion FFVII has better gameplay, story (IX was doing just fine, and then Terra happened...) and soundtrack. IX has better art direction and sidequests. And naturally its save points stomp the shit out of VII's question marks xD I struggled to think which world was better as you have the incredible oppressive hulk that is Midgar but then also the lovely swagger that is Treno. I'll call that one a rub.

02-17-2015, 11:19 PM
Regarding the Turks actually - if Cissnei had been in Final Fantasy VII... well, it wouldn't sway my vote but I'd like FFVII even more than I already do. The Turks were great and Cissnei was the best of them. Characters like her (and Zack of course who is a great protagonist) easily makes Crisis Core the best main franchise spin-off (including sequels but not stuff like FFT). SO yeah, the Turks were awesome, they had a cool theme, Rufus was pretty cool as well and Cissnei would have been the cherry on top. IX certainly lacked anything like them.

They were kinda like the Judges in XII. But more...sleazy.

02-17-2015, 11:21 PM
Dunno about the art direction. Sure IX was HQ+++ compared to VII, but too bad the PSX couldn't really show that.

02-18-2015, 05:55 AM
Shinra really is a fantastic antagonist conceptually. I'd say they were a fantastic antagonist in general, but it's been forever since I've played all of VII and can't remember how well it was pulled off. I do now kind of wish that Sephiroth had a lot less screen time though. Not that he had that much, but I did really like the opening stuff as you mentioned, Psychotic. There's something really menacing and exciting about an antagonist when you just keep seeing the aftermath but rarely if ever actually seeing the person that caused it.

02-18-2015, 07:03 AM
Final Fantasy 9 is not winning, but I am so proud that my baby is doing so well.

* proud tears roll down cheeks, like a proud mother *

02-18-2015, 10:44 AM
Time to cast my vote. I've thought long and hard about it but it's got to be FFIX.

FFVII was fantastic. It was my introduction to Final Fantasy, and without it I doubt I'd be here now voting at all. The game has so many memorable moments; the sector 7 plate collapsing, escaping from ShinRa HQ, the attack on Junon. Then you have the optional side quests of Yuffie and Vincent which also adds to the experience. Also, Yuffie is one of my favourite FF characters.

However I'm voting in terms of enjoyment and replayability. FFIX takes it there. Replaying FFVII is a bit of a chore, but I can easily jump back in to IX. It has a good story with a great cast of characters, and I love the games art style and fun nature. Plus Steiner loves Pickles, definitely a man of my own heart.

02-18-2015, 12:05 PM
VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

This sums me up perfectly.

I voted for FFVII

02-18-2015, 12:08 PM
VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

It wasn't my first RPG, my first 3D game, or even one of my top three FFs and I still voted for it


edit: If only FF IX was switched out for FF II. Then my top four FFs would be the top four in this event :D

Madame Adequate
02-18-2015, 03:06 PM
Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

My first RPGs were tabletop games, nerd :p On computer it was stuff like The Bard's Tale and HoMM, and I played some PSX JRPGs before FFVII came along too. Plus I don't know how many people would have it as their first 3D game given that the PSX and Saturn had been out for awhile before this, and even release games like Battle Arena Toshinden, Krazy Ivan, Destruction Derby, Wipeout, and Jumping Flash were full 3D. No doubt some did because they bought the console on the back of FFVII alone, but not that many.

02-18-2015, 03:14 PM
Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

It wasn't like that for me. I was heavy into RPGs during the SNES era (dabbed a bit on it on the NES days but not much) and my first FF was IV (but the first one I finished and which got me hooked into the series was VI). I was also playing 3D games on my Mac long before I had a Playstation.

02-18-2015, 05:15 PM
Most, not all. You Nerds.

02-18-2015, 06:48 PM
At least IX has put up a good fight. It's not like VII is winning by a landslide.

I'm happy with whichever wins though.

Carl the Llama
02-18-2015, 11:48 PM
At least IX has put up a good fight. It's not like VII is winning by a landslide.

I'm happy with whichever wins though.

You know, I thought this final would go something more like this:


02-19-2015, 12:12 PM
I thought there would have been a closer race here, but I am still not surprised by this result.

Dat Matt
02-19-2015, 10:34 PM
In a shock win surprising no one FFVII has beaten FFIX by IX votes and is crowned EoFF's favourite Final Fantasy. Post shocked gifs and disappointed faces below.

02-19-2015, 10:46 PM

Ah well. Nobody's perfect, I'm sure the rest of you will see sense eventually ;)

02-20-2015, 12:01 AM

Woot, sanity prevailed! Hehe...nah...GG Vivi! :p


02-20-2015, 12:28 AM
so guys


I guess

wait for it

I guess a Cloud and/or Squall did hinder them


02-20-2015, 12:42 AM
Final Fantasy IX was a worthy runner up.

A worthy runner up was Final Fantasy IX.

02-20-2015, 12:45 AM
Anyone who is dissing IX for story and character archs makes me laugh when you take into account of the various characters of VII who had little archs.

Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

Also incredibly untrue. My first 3D RPG and first FF game was FFIX. I voted for VII. ;)

All major and even some minor characters had incredibly in-depth arcs. FFVII is backstory for days. You know not what you speaketh.

This would've have been a tad harder for me if it were FFX vs FFVII.

02-20-2015, 08:33 AM
So FFVII won?


02-20-2015, 11:32 AM
Now we chew on the bones of our enemies, yes?

Loony BoB
02-20-2015, 12:12 PM
Too late, Quina ate them all.

02-20-2015, 12:21 PM
Congrats to VII! Awesome event :D

02-20-2015, 03:15 PM
A fitting final for a great event!

I'm glad we've at last settled that FFVII is the best Final Fantasy!

Dat Matt
02-20-2015, 08:56 PM
What I'm most happy about this event being over is I can go back to using awful anime sets for my avatar and signiture!

This week, anime teens make food and show it to walls for no good reason.

Forsaken Lover
02-20-2015, 09:31 PM
I will say this about Final Fantasy IX, the gallant loser.

It IS....a Final Fantasy Game. That's high praise when you get right down to it. Being a Final Fantasy game means that it is part of the same series that contains Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X, games which are vastly more popular and important than IX will ever be.

But don't worry FFIX, while you will always be the Fredo of the FF family, you're still part of the FF family.

The Man
02-20-2015, 11:10 PM
Final Fantasy X, games which are vastly more popular and important than IX will ever be.
Which is why Final Fantasy X won its matchup against Final Fantasy IX.

Wait. That didn't happen.

I'm glad we've at last settled that FFVII is the best most popular Final Fantasy!Fixed that for you.

02-21-2015, 12:23 AM
your just butthurt that youre fanboy passion got knocked out before even making the semis

also speaking of how 6 got knocked out, did anyone else notice how the votes are also multiples of the losing entry's number again

like wtf is this

02-21-2015, 12:31 AM
Rigged! I demand a recount!

The Man
02-21-2015, 02:31 AM
You're greatly overestimating how much I care about the results of a popularity contest on a message board I barely post on.

Del Murder
02-21-2015, 03:30 AM
Congrats FFVII! Your victory surprises no one but it's good to see you're still the king.

This was a fun tournament, but I think the seeding could have been better. It seemed pretty random.

02-21-2015, 06:32 AM
You're greatly overestimating how much I care about the results of a popularity contest on a message board I barely post on.

Nah I've completely accurately estimated the butthurt you feel whenever FF7 is even remotely implied to be better than 6, right down to the "i dont care its just a stupid poll" attitude afterwards

02-21-2015, 08:03 AM
You're greatly overestimating how much I care about the results of a popularity contest on a message board I barely post on.

Nah I've completely accurately estimated the butthurt you feel whenever FF7 is even remotely implied to be better than 6, right down to the "i dont care its just a stupid poll" attitude afterwards

Now, now, fellers, yer takin' all the fun outta makeBoBhappy funtime. Hurt each others' butts in private, please.

For me, though FFVI is my favoriter game, FF7 winning it all is a testament to the game's broad appeal, which hell, let's be honest, is as good a quantifier as anything else. I can say this, since I'm not a homer, but FFVII probably is the perfect Final Fantasy. If you were to make a checklist of what makes a Final Fantasy a Final Fantasy, VII would likely tally more ticks than any other. Even though FFVI (and a couple others) does a certain few things better (for me) than FFVII, FFVII does so many things right, and things it does wrong aren't so wrong that they're gamebreaking. FFVII might not be everyone's number 1 game, but it's in almost everyone's top 5, and that's exactly how you win one of these tourneys.

02-21-2015, 04:39 PM
This would've have been a tad harder for me if it were FFX vs FFVII.

My job here is done :cool:

Colonel Angus
02-21-2015, 09:13 PM
So when do we vote for FFXII to beat FFVII?

02-21-2015, 10:46 PM
When it can finally manage to make the trek to the final round. :p