View Full Version : Submit questions for our interview with Orion Acaba, the voice of Nine in Type-0 HD!

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-06-2015, 01:41 AM
Eyes on Final Fantasy is fortunate enough to have the opportunity to interview Orion Acaba, the voice of Nine in Final Fantasy Type-0 HD! Ask any questions you have for him in the comments below, and I'll pass them on! This thread will remain open until late Sunday night at 10:00pm CST.

Please check out his imdb (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1039206/) page for a full list of games he's been in! I'd also implore you to check out this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JluhcKE8Vso) interview he did recently with Final Fantasy Union. As it turns out, he's been a HUGE Final Fantasy fan since childhood and being able to voice Nine was a dream come true! What would you like to ask? We're eager to send your questions!


03-06-2015, 02:34 AM
What strings did you have to pull to land an interview? You're not holding him against his will, are you?! D:

Anyway, I'll ask:

If you could have chosen to voice any other character in Type-0 who would it have been, and why?

Loony BoB
03-06-2015, 12:14 PM
As someone completely new to how voice acting works, I'm curious as to whether or not you spend much time with the other voice actors you interact with or if you simply all do your own recording and it's pieced together later on. How does that all work?

Have you played many Final Fantasy games? Who would you have liked to do voice acting for?

What have you seen of Type-0 so far?

Do you play the games you do voice acting in? What's it like hearing your own voice like that?

03-06-2015, 05:47 PM
Will Square Enix release PC version of Type-0 HD? :p

63496 but well I would like to know

If not... in his opinion, should SE release the PC vers or not? hahaha I'm just repeating the same question :lol:

but now to the Type-0 questions....

What's his favourite moment Type-0 HD?

What's his opinion about the Final Fantasy XV?

Will he play Final Fantasy XV?

If he could guess, when will it release?

Well I think that's all I guess...

Edit : extra question which I already know the answer : will Final Fantasy XV by any chance release for PC?

it's never........63497

03-06-2015, 07:16 PM
He is a voice actor, not a publisher or developer. I doubt he has inside information about release schedules.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-09-2015, 04:20 AM
Thanks guys. I'm sending it out right now!

Note that if you don't see your question worded the exact way as you wrote it, it's possible someone asked a similar question outside of this thread and it will be edited in a way to get the best mix of a question.

Look out for the article in a few days!