View Full Version : [Art] FanArt Friday! Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #111

Loony BoB
03-13-2015, 11:44 PM
It's FanArt Friday! Welcome to another edition of Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week, where we show the best of the best from DeviantArt! Last week (http://home.eyesonff.com/content.php/3517-FanArt-Friday!-Final-Fantasy-Fan-Art-Showcase-of-the-Week-110) we showed off some incredible works of the imagination, and this week we'll see another set of artists with their creations on display. But you're not here for the text... let's get on with the art!

http://img01.deviantart.net/1815/i/2015/064/7/a/final_fantasy_type_0___ace_by_anneeys-d8khlmh.png (http://anneeys.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-Type-0-Ace-518142905)
Final Fantasy Type 0 - Ace by Anneeys (http://anneeys.deviantart.com)

Let's kick things off with the big release this week - Final Fantasy Type-0! Artist Sophie has been waiting a long time for this game to come out and she's pretty excited about it! If you like her artwork, you can check out a video of her speedpainting it here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsQ8isnQ298)! Gotta say, those videos really make you appreciate the amount of work that goes into these masterpieces.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/060/9/2/arcanis_maxwell_lr_by_fooray-d8jz3g6.jpg (http://fooray.deviantart.com/art/Arcanis-Maxwell-517279542)
Arcanis Maxwell by FooRay (http://fooray.deviantart.com)

Next up we're moving from Type-0 to A Realm Reborn, and this is one monk you don't want to mess around with! She may be utterly beautiful, but she's fierce, too! This is a commission art piece, so if you're interested in this kind of style, be sure to catch up with FooRay by heading over to his DeviantArt journal (http://fooray.deviantart.com/journal/) for details. :)

http://img05.deviantart.net/0fc9/i/2015/064/6/e/you_are_in_my_dreams___adrianwolve_by_adrianwolve-d8ki87r.jpg (http://adrianwolve.deviantart.com/art/You-are-in-my-dreams-AdrianWolve-518172183)
You are in my dreams - AdrianWolve by AdrianWolve (http://adrianwolve.deviantart.com)

Time for something less dramatic, but equally beautiful. This artwork of AdrianWolve was a tough choice to add in ahead of a Tifa art piece in the same design (http://adrianwolve.deviantart.com/art/Tifa-Lockhart-Adrian-Wolve-519038604), by the same artist! Sometimes artists are so damned good that they're competing with themselves! I particularly like the pose and shading used in this lovely design.

http://img10.deviantart.net/7988/i/2015/063/5/0/ffix_dagger_by_midorisa-d8k5xrw.jpg (http://midorisa.deviantart.com/art/FFIX-Dagger-517598780)
FFIX Dagger by Midorisa (http://midorisa.deviantart.com)

We all love us some Midorisa artwork in this showcase, we do! The talented Fin is back to dazzle us with her Dagger art, complete with atmospheric lights and a winning smile! The princess is looking warm and cozy in her White Mage garb. And those eyes! Another deserving place in the showcase for one of our favourite artists.

http://img13.deviantart.net/88c5/i/2015/066/8/b/spring_is_coming_by_lyra_kotto-d8kqqqo.jpg (http://lyra-kotto.deviantart.com/art/Spring-Is-Coming-518569440)
Spring is Coming by Lyra-Kotto (http://lyra-kotto.deviantart.com)

Let's finish this off with a bit more Final Fantasy XIV art - in this case, a Lalafell enjoying the fact that Spring is most definitely coming! It's been Little Ladies Day at Eorzea for some time recently, and clearly it has left Lyra truly inspired. If it means we get to see more art of such incredible quality, I think we can only hope that such inspiration continues to appear in all kinds of places!

http://orig14.deviantart.net/e917/f/2015/062/2/f/tifa_the_kaigan_1_by_rachel_nycole-d8kbnsp.jpg (http://rachel-nycole.deviantart.com/art/Tifa-Lockhart-517865785)
Tifa Lockhart by RACHEL-NYCOLE (http://rachel-nycole.deviantart.com/) (cosplay) and The Kaigan (http://thekaigan.com) (photography)

Finally, it's time for our much-loved Cosplay of the Week! Tifa may not have made the cut when it came to the battle of AdrianWolve's designs, but it most certainly won out in the cosplay arena. Rachel took this look to GottaCon 2015 and it was there that she stumbled into talented photographer The Kaigan (https://www.facebook.com/thekaigan) and the outcome is, as you can see above, immaculate. To check out more of Rachel's cosplays, have a click over to her Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/officialRachelNycole)!

What do you think of all these wonderful pieces? Are you on DeviantArt? Do you have any favourite artists there? Let us know by leaving comments on this article and, of course, click the photos to be taken to the respective DA pages so you can leave comments for them, too! Finally, if you're registered on DeviantArt, be sure to follow the EyesonFF DA Group (http://eyesonff.deviantart.com/)!

03-15-2015, 04:14 AM
That Aeris is awesome