View Full Version : Aliens and Predaotrs and Bad Sequels Oh My!

Forsaken Lover
03-17-2015, 09:17 PM
So I've been on a Predator film binge of late. Why? 'cuz I'm a goddam sexual Tyrannosaurus.

See the thing is, I'm a bit of an odd duck.

For one, I don't think the original Predator film was that good. In fact it was kinda hokey in a lot of ways. It doesn't help Arnold just ruins everything he's in, unless it's a comedy.
Secondly, I think Predator 2 was an awesome frickin' movie. I've always thought the Predator in it was way better than "Jungle Hunter" in 1.
Three, I love Alien vs. Predator: Requiem and hate the first AVP. First AVP was entirely too human-centric. AVP:R was the film we actually deserved with an awesome Predator killing a ton of Aliens.
Finally, the worst movie in the franchise is Predators. It was a soul-crushing disappointment to me. For one thing, it introduced the completely unnecessary concept of "Super Predators." What's so super about them? The fact they are super-crappy compared to the original?

I mean seriously, one of them got killed by a random gang guy with a sword. You know what happens when random gang guys with blades fight Predators? This is what happens. (https://youtu.be/AxvRCR0pb1E?t=47m36s)

Because Predators are several times stronger, faster and tougher than any human being alive ever could be.

And this was a "Super Predator." Give me a break.

So my ranking would be something like...
Predator 2
AVP: Requiem

God that movie was bad. It was just as full of horrible cliches and stupid violence as AVP:R but it had none of the awesome Predator goodness that "Wolf" in Requiem gave us.

03-18-2015, 01:13 PM
Oooohhh yeeeeeah. They did make another Predator movie. I completely forgot.

Well with Topher Grace and and a director named Nimrod I'm sure it was in good hands. I'll have to force the missus to watch it with me.

03-18-2015, 01:20 PM
Never saw Predator 2 or Requiem, but the original is a damn classic. Excellent game of cat and mouse between Arnie and the Predator. AvP was shit, and Predators felt like an excellent sequel to the original if you ask me. Plus Robert Rodriguez produced it so you know it's pure class.

03-18-2015, 02:03 PM
Vivi, you should see Predator 2. IT really is awesome. It's dated now, but still great. Danny Glover is kickass.

03-18-2015, 02:29 PM
I do like Danny Glover.

03-18-2015, 05:38 PM
It gives the Predator series a dash of Lethal Weapon, but not in a bad way.

03-18-2015, 05:58 PM
I can't take anyone who thinks arnold ruins everything seriously

Forsaken Lover
03-18-2015, 10:39 PM
And nobody can take Arnold's acting seriously so it evens out.

03-18-2015, 11:40 PM
It doesn't help Arnold just ruins everything he's in, unless it's a comedy.

What? Arnold Schwarzenegger is fantastic. His movies do exactly what they say on the tin and do it well, not only that but the guy freaking owns the movies he's in.

Terminator 1, 2
Total Recall
The 6th Day
True Lies
The Running Man
Conan the Barbarian

All awesome films, how can you say he ruins them? Not to mention his classic comedies such as Kindergarten Cop, Twins, Junior and Last Action Hero.

Arnold can get a lot of stick for his acting for some reason, but when you get down to the brass tacks, the guy rocks. And c'mon, is there anyone more quotable?


Also, I can't take your opinion seriously when you like AvP:R, it was complete and utter trash. So, so bad.

Forsaken Lover
03-19-2015, 12:40 AM
Requiem had an awesome Predator. That's all that matters. Requiem isn't really a good movie compared to Alien or Predator but it was good, harmless fun.

I'll never understand how people can like AVP1 more than Requiem. At least Requiem understood the basic concept of "this is a movie about ALIENS AND PREDATORS KILLING EACH OTHER!" AVP1 was more about the humans than the aliens or predators. That plus the godawful backstory with the Xenos just made the movie utter trash.

Still better than Alien Resurrection though, so that's something.

Well...actually I need to rewatch Resurrection. I'm gonna get a bunch of BRs next month, the Alien Quadrilogy among them. My opinion on Resurrection might have softened over the years.

My overall ranking would be:

Predator 2
Aliens 3

My opinion might change on the last two upon a rewatch. I have so many people saying they loved Predators so maybe I missed something. I'll give it another shot too.

Also for your Arnie comedies you forgot the best one - Jingle All the Way.

03-19-2015, 12:44 AM
I can't remember anything about AVP: R, yet I can still remember AVP 1 so that probably tells you what I thought. Didn't really care for either.

I don't remember anything about Predators, either. I didn't even remember that was a movie until now.

05-02-2015, 07:27 PM
Predator 2 , Alien 3, and Aliens vs Predator; Requim all got horrible to shit reviews and bombed the box office. Which is why Fox won't be crapping out a third AVP movie.