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View Full Version : The Year Was 1999...

03-20-2015, 04:13 AM
The summer of '99, to be specific.

Anyone hang around at FFO, Eyes on Final Fantasy, or the FF-related ezboards during that period?

It's fun to connect with your past every now and again.

03-20-2015, 05:08 AM
I can name a couple of people who would have been around back then who are still active here. I am not one of them, but the topic comes up frequently enough for me to be aware of it :) So yeah. No guarantee they'll see this thread, but if you were there, you're not alone here

03-20-2015, 06:01 AM
Hi Vyk.

Cool to hear, thanks.

03-20-2015, 08:14 AM
i probably joined FFLegends in 2000, while it was still on ezboard. That place is gone now.

03-20-2015, 08:30 AM
This is the only FF community I ever been apart of, but I arrived sort of early for it in 2001. I knew about it before hand for about a year before my join date since I have a friend who was posting before that (edczxcvbnm). He sent me emails of conversations he had been having about the then new Chrono Cross and it got me interested.

03-20-2015, 11:41 AM
I believe in the summers of 99', I was convinced that the world was going to end, due to all the media coverage of the Notradamus prediction back then. I spent my summer in abject fear. P,us, I didn't have a PC until December 99, so I couldn't chillax with you guys too provide sanctuary for my crazy thoughts.

Thought I'd share that with you. ^^;

Incidentally, I joined FFOnline back in 2000, under the screen name 'PresidentShinra', violating the forum policy of having to be over 13 years old. :p I miss the old FFO days, but they just ran out of steam to update the site post Final Fantasy IX.

03-20-2015, 03:33 PM
I joined a forum called Final Fantasy Addicts in 2002 or so. I had been on forums and message boards before that, but FFA was the first Final Fantasy related one I joined. I posted there quite a bit for a good year or two.

I didn't join EoFF until 2005. That makes me kind of a latecomer compared to a lot of the interwebs veterans 'round these parts.

Agent Proto
03-20-2015, 04:03 PM
I joined EoFF sometimes a year later than you did JadenX, back in 2000, around the same time Shlup also joined.

Loony BoB
03-20-2015, 04:41 PM
Members with a join date of 2000 or earlier that have posted in March (some older usernames in brackets):

black orb
Bravely Proto (Agent Proto)
DK (Majin-Squall, Kyono)
krissy (Not At All Reno)
Loony BoB
Shlup (ShlupQuack)
Shoeberto (Zell 007, Hsu)

Also active this year: Dr Unne, Endless (Master Vivi), Wyllius. I should probably go on an oldbie-binge again someday and get them all posting again.

03-20-2015, 05:24 PM
I remember coming around here before 2001, but I wasn't particularly active. I think there was some great purge or something, because I remember having to sign back up in '01.

Then I continued to be mostly inactive.

03-20-2015, 07:44 PM
There were a couple of purges. I remember having to sign up a second time in 2003, and then a third time in 2004.

03-20-2015, 08:42 PM
What a buncha old people

03-20-2015, 09:37 PM
I used FFOnline around 2000-2001, but I wasn't foruming yet.

I joined here in 2011

03-20-2015, 11:30 PM
Members with a join date of 2000 or earlier that have posted in March (some older usernames in brackets):

black orb
Bravely Proto (Agent Proto)
DK (Majin-Squall, Kyono)
krissy (Not At All Reno)
Loony BoB
Shlup (ShlupQuack)
Shoeberto (Zell 007, Hsu)

Also active this year: Dr Unne, Endless (Master Vivi), Wyllius. I should probably go on an oldbie-binge again someday and get them all posting again.


03-20-2015, 11:33 PM
Neat to see you folks! I wasn't a main cast member at FFO or EoFF, just a recurring guest star. My domain was much more the smaller Ezboards. But I definitely remember posting on EoFF for several months when it had the dark blue colour scheme. I think, in overly dramatic youthfulness, I left in a huff.

Members with a join date of 2000 or earlier that have posted in March (some older usernames in brackets):

black orb
Bravely Proto (Agent Proto)
DK (Majin-Squall, Kyono)
krissy (Not At All Reno)
Loony BoB
Shlup (ShlupQuack)
Shoeberto (Zell 007, Hsu)

Also active this year: Dr Unne, Endless (Master Vivi), Wyllius. I should probably go on an oldbie-binge again someday and get them all posting again.
The names Agent Proto, Calliope, Raistlin, Dr Unne, and of course you, BoB, ring a bell.

From my crosspost (http://www.ffonline.com/forums/f10/The_Year_Was_1999_1447/#49570) at Final Fantasy Society, some other folks I knew or at least remember reading:

Emerald Aeris
Princess Usa (not U.S.A.) and her brother... I want to say Tera something... Teraphor? It wasn't Terrapin. :)
Edge (He did something with the capitalization... eDgE? EdGe?)
Rinoa (There were many of them of course... but she a member of our goup. I forget other names she used.)
Never Is A Promise
Lilly Rinoa Landois
Britt (Short for Britton :P)
Some guy who lived in the California desert and called programs "frogs" and called testers "froggers".

03-21-2015, 12:59 AM
I registered at FFO in early '99 but rarely posted. I didn't become an active poster until that summer at FFWA, which obviously continued to later that year after the EoFF Ezboard was started.

I have to admit that I do not recall your user name, but it's been so damn long that I've forgotten many people.

From my crosspost (http://www.ffonline.com/forums/f10/The_Year_Was_1999_1447/#49570) at Final Fantasy Society, some other folks I knew or at least remember reading:

Emerald Aeris
Princess Usa (not U.S.A.) and her brother... I want to say Tera something... Teraphor? It wasn't Terrapin. :)
Edge (He did something with the capitalization... eDgE? EdGe?)
Rinoa (There were many of them of course... but she a member of our goup. I forget other names she used.)
Never Is A Promise
Lilly Rinoa Landois
Britt (Short for Britton :P)
Some guy who lived in the California desert and called programs "frogs" and called testers "froggers".

Wow, nostalgia overload. I have no idea who Tiara, Pixie, Lilly Rinoa, or Magic are (and there have been many Rinoas and Kains). Arvy, Emerald Aeris, and Britt were all active at one point but are long gone. Erika (Usa) has appeared randomly before, but I didn't even know her brother posted. clOuD I haven't even heard of since his EzBoard (FF:ID) and my FFWA days. NIAP was great, though I don't even know where else he posted outside of tGA. And if we're thinking of the same Edge (although the one I'm thinking of Used raNdom Capitalization in His typing), I haven't seen or heard of him at all since 2000.

Some of those people I haven't talked to in 15 years.

EDIT: Also, krissy's real old name used to be Reno Leonhart.

03-21-2015, 01:02 AM
People around 2002 prior love talking about the 'good ol days' so you'll probably end up getting some fine responses.

If you take of your nostalgia goggles though, everyone knows 05 was when the best years began.

03-21-2015, 01:24 AM
In 1999 I was on AOL chat and an NYSNC forum. I had no interest in and wasn't even aware Final Fantasy existed until a year later, but didn't join this site until five years after that.

03-21-2015, 02:08 AM
It is interesting how '05 had such a large influx of active and loyal members

03-21-2015, 04:40 AM
I registered at FFO in early '99 but rarely posted. I didn't become an active poster until that summer at FFWA, which obviously continued to later that year after the EoFF Ezboard was started.

I have to admit that I do not recall your user name, but it's been so damn long that I've forgotten many people.


Wow, nostalgia overload. I have no idea who Tiara, Pixie, Lilly Rinoa, or Magic are (and there have been many Rinoas and Kains). Arvy, Emerald Aeris, and Britt were all active at one point but are long gone. Erika (Usa) has appeared randomly before, but I didn't even know her brother posted. clOuD I haven't even heard of since his EzBoard (FF:ID) and my FFWA days. NIAP was great, though I don't even know where else he posted outside of tGA. And if we're thinking of the same Edge (although the one I'm thinking of Used raNdom Capitalization in His typing), I haven't seen or heard of him at all since 2000.

Some of those people I haven't talked to in 15 years.

EDIT: Also, krissy's real old name used to be Reno Leonhart.
Eh, no worries. Like I say I didn't stick around the big communities for too long. :) I also went through handles like socks back then, so while Jaden was how I was initially known on Ezboard, I could have registered at EoFF under anything. Off the top of my head, Martyr, Verloran, Shattered Glass, prot, and Montgomery Wick were all used by me for a time at different forums.

I begged for a moderator position (and eventually admin) near the beginning of FF:ID and got it, but I don't think we were ever super active with the exception of a short-lived UBB clOuD set up that served as one of the splinter boards people migrated to after Tifa's 7th Heaven was shut down.

Tiara and Pixie were Ezboard handles, I'm not sure if they went by the same names elsewhere. I think Tiara did originally, at FFO. Lilly Rinoa Landois definitely posted at EoFF under that name. I looked up Arvynia and NIAP just yesterday on Facebook and shot them messages, but haven't heard back yet. Yes, random capitalization Edge! He was one of the admins at FF:ID before he and clOuD had a falling out. He started his own Ezboard before disappearing quite early into that era, as you mentioned. Part of me wants to say Magic and Britt were the same person, but that could be very wrong. I think one of the two got into amateur voice acting early in the decade.

clOuD created and tore down communities fairly often. His last used Ezboard account I know of was under the name Tooya in 2008, at his FF:ID Ezboard successor, Anime: In Depth. The last ten or so members of FF:ID posted there regularly until the same year. clOuD would disappear for long stretches before popping up again. I think the Ezboard hack that destroyed most of the old threads, as well as the transition to Yuku, contributed to killing off the community for good. The board still exists at http://animeid.yuku.com, though you have to be logged into a Yuku profile to see it. (At least initially, there was a way to migrate Ezboard accounts to the Yuku platform.)

Wow, yeah. Nostalgia overload. :p

03-21-2015, 05:21 AM
In 1999 I was frequenting Tomb Raider forums and chatrooms. I was ten/eleven and had yet to discover Final Fantasy.

03-21-2015, 07:08 AM
Wait. I've been hanging around here for over fifteen years? I feel sick.

I mean, hi! There's a bunch of great people around here, eh?

Loony BoB
03-21-2015, 05:09 PM
Alas, my understanding is that Lilly Rinoa Landois passed away.

Agent Proto
03-21-2015, 05:23 PM
Britt used BrittK 007 before changing to Britt.

There was also Kefkathethird, but he hasn't stuck around since I joined EoFF.

03-22-2015, 03:33 AM
Kefka was the lovable loon, wasn't he? Definitely remember him from FFO, if he was one and the same.

Alas, my understanding is that Lilly Rinoa Landois passed away.
I've been quite devastated since reading this earlier today. Lilly and I had a brief online relationship (or whatever passes for one as a lonely, emotionally inept teenager who's just discovered the internet) that I handled quite poorly. I remember she was very sweet.

Agent Proto
03-22-2015, 03:40 AM
Yeah I think that might be the same. He, Britt, and I were part of some Nintendo forum on ezboard that was owned by a friend I knew from earlier. We formed somewhat of a kinship there and teamed up with two others to create a "Fearsome Five" based on the characters of Gundam Wing. It was awesome. When I found out that Britt and Kefka were at EoFF, I followed suit and joined. I guess the rest was history. :)

You know who I miss? NeX. He was a really great artist!

03-22-2015, 08:18 AM
Members with a join date of 2000 or earlier that have posted in March (some older usernames in brackets):

black orb
Bravely Proto (Agent Proto)
DK (Majin-Squall, Kyono)
krissy (Not At All Reno)
Loony BoB
Shlup (ShlupQuack)
Shoeberto (Zell 007, Hsu)

Also active this year: Dr Unne, Endless (Master Vivi), Wyllius. I should probably go on an oldbie-binge again someday and get them all posting again.


inorite Those are not brackets. :mad2:

Loony BoB
03-22-2015, 08:21 AM
A parenthesis is just a type of bracket. ;) And Bert, your join date says 2001!

03-22-2015, 03:51 PM
A parenthesis is just a type of bracket. ;) And Bert, your join date says 2001!

LIES :mad2: and RSL can't remember shit. I joined when I was in 8th grade which was 1999. The EZboard went down, I was banished from the interwebs for bad grades by my mother and I rejoined when I was allowed to use the internet again in 2001 :mad2:

03-22-2015, 06:15 PM
Daniel, didn't we join in 99?

Loony BoB
03-22-2015, 08:27 PM
Nope. 2000.

03-23-2015, 05:12 AM
The EzBoard only existed for less than 30 days in '99 (26, to be exact), and I doubt reached more than 100 registered members in that time.

black orb
03-23-2015, 06:06 AM
>>> Before Eoff I used to post at some anime related forums, all those places disappeared long ago of course..:luca:

03-23-2015, 12:49 PM
Nope ! I was way too young, and I don't think that I was even into FF until a couple of years later :/

03-23-2015, 01:07 PM
Let's see, around the 2000s I joined:


Mid 2000s:


Also a few Zelda places in the early 2000s:

Zelda64 Planet
Zelda Universe
Zelda Central HQ/SpiraOnline/The Sacred Realm
Zelda Connection

03-24-2015, 03:57 AM
The EzBoard only existed for less than 30 days in '99 (26, to be exact), and I doubt reached more than 100 registered members in that time.
I should clarify that it was FFO and FF:ID I joined in 1999. It's possible I didn't come upon EoFF until a year or two afterward. On the other hand, I may very well have visited the Ezboard as there were a million of them popping up at the time.

It's a ton of fun to reminisce with you guys. Though looking back is bittersweet, as I left or faded away from most of these communities on poor terms. I was a pretty emo kid.

03-24-2015, 05:19 AM
The EzBoard only existed for less than 30 days in '99 (26, to be exact), and I doubt reached more than 100 registered members in that time.
I should clarify that it was FFO and FF:ID I joined in 1999. It's possible I didn't come upon EoFF until a year or two afterward. On the other hand, I may very well have visited the Ezboard as there were a million of them popping up at the time.

If you ever saw the EoFF EzBoard, it would have had to have been between the end of '99 and the first half of 2000, because after that we moved to UBB (which is what FFO and FFWA used back then). There were zillions of FF EzBoards between 1999-2000, and all of them were relatively tiny by today's standards. In a few months, EoFF had become "the largest FF-related EzBoard" (or so we called ourselves), and while I have no real recollection of the specifics, I don't think we had much more than a couple hundred members.


I begged for a moderator position (and eventually admin) near the beginning of FF:ID and got it, but I don't think we were ever super active with the exception of a short-lived UBB clOuD set up that served as one of the splinter boards people migrated to after Tifa's 7th Heaven was shut down.

Are you talking about the FFO forum? Because ahaha that place was great. It was the emo, 12-year-old dating advice forum, which, for those of you who were unfortunate enough to have missed FFO in 1999, was exactly like it sounds.

(in all fairness, I actually lurked in there a fair amount when I first discovered FFO, but in my defense I was like 11-years-old)

03-24-2015, 06:07 AM
I didn't join any FF message boards until EoFF a couple years ago. My first forum I joined (I think) was the Legendary Frog forums, but I can't remember when that was. I just know my cousin introduced me to his final fantasy flash cartoons, so I got obsessed for a little bit. I found the forum tabs, and I'd never really seen anything like that. I don't remember much except for when a friend of mine made an account while he was hanging out at my house and decided to see how quickly he could get banned for being annoying. A few hours later, I was IP banned because of him and it was a sad time.

I wish I would have found this place back then. I feel like I would have loved it here back when people were more excited about the series.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-25-2015, 02:10 AM
I wish I would have found this place back then. I feel like I would have loved it here back when people were more excited about the series.

I think we're seeing a return to form with the string of new releases we've had recently. I've found myself checking out the XV and Type-0 forums before hitting up the usual spots of General Chat and Lounge recently :up:

03-27-2015, 04:53 AM

I begged for a moderator position (and eventually admin) near the beginning of FF:ID and got it, but I don't think we were ever super active with the exception of a short-lived UBB clOuD set up that served as one of the splinter boards people migrated to after Tifa's 7th Heaven was shut down.

Are you talking about the FFO forum? Because ahaha that place was great. It was the emo, 12-year-old dating advice forum, which, for those of you who were unfortunate enough to have missed FFO in 1999, was exactly like it sounds.
The one and only! I wasn't around for long before it was shut down, but was there with the rest of the forlorn teens looking for love. Somewhere in the bowels of my hard drive lurks the farewell elegy I posted.

If memory serves, when FFO went to 5.0, not only 7th Heaven but General Chat was eliminated as well. This resulted in a mass exodus of FFO members to, among other places, a UBB iteration of FF:ID. We were poised as one of the primary destinations for refugees before clOuD burned the UBB to the ground for unknown reasons. Bear in mind my memories of that period aren't complete, and in retrospect I was surely as fickle.

black orb
03-27-2015, 05:35 AM
>>> 2000 was the FF forums golden age right?..:luca:

03-27-2015, 05:54 AM
I was five/ six and had never even heard of ff or used the internet, so no.

03-27-2015, 12:46 PM
I was five/ six and had never even heard of ff or used the internet, so no.

wow... I feel old now. :(

03-27-2015, 03:15 PM
I was five/ six and had never even heard of ff or used the internet, so no.

wow... I feel old now. :(

Sweet Jesus. My life in 2000 was weekend free dial-up internet, flittering between FFO Forums, and chatting with random saddo's on Worlds 3D Chat.

I miss early 21st century internet. Now the world is all self-serving narcissism. The internet was mostly friend anons back then, just trying to help each other out - the social phobics of the world.

06-17-2020, 02:14 AM
Bump for 20 years. And covid-19. And FF7 Remake. And all that....

I found a couple of the old Final Fantasy: In Depth (and then Anime: In Depth) members on Facebook, but that was all. The old EZBoard community, which became Yuku, has now migrated to Tapatalk, but it still exists. I suspect some of the other boards may still be there as well, but the ring/links shortcut is long gone so I can't locate them.

06-17-2020, 02:25 AM
It's like that with a lot of them. I was registered at FFRepublic, FFshrine, and a few others that are gone and it's been so long I don't know when they finally shuttered. I joined well after you, 2006/2007. It's a shame that their age has come to an end.

06-17-2020, 05:59 AM
Hey, I remember this thread. Rereading some of those names brings back a lot of memories. Fuck I'm old.

06-17-2020, 06:08 AM
This thread is five years old! It deserves a thread to commemorate itself. "The Year Was 2015..." :lol: