View Full Version : All-Nighters

03-24-2015, 06:03 AM
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Do you still? Getting too old for it?

Lately I have been, but not by choice.

03-24-2015, 06:12 AM
I had to do it a number of times during my senior year of college. They were not fun. Usually it was because of circumstances causing me to have to do the bulk (if not all) of my biggest assignments the day before they were due. The biggest of those (about 100 pages worth of stuff) took me about 23 hours to do, and then another couple of hours to work out the presentation I had to give over it. After the presentation, all I wanted was sleep, but my classmates forced me to go out to eat with them to celebrate getting through student teaching. It was like 10pm before I got home.

My last one was when I had to be up at the mall at like 4am to work (for black friday), and I could not for the life of me fall asleep the night before. I gave up the sleeping thing at 2:30am and just made food and drove to work a bit early to wander around.

I Took the Red Pill
03-24-2015, 07:41 AM
I did twice in college, both times during Finals Week, once during my Junior Year, once during Senior Year.

Junior Year I really smurfed myself in the ass hardcore. I was in a Cryptography course which had a Take-Home Final Exam and a Final Project due on the same day as the In-Class Final Exam. Now, I will digress for a second to say that this is really, even if I make an attempt at being unbiased, a load of horse-trout. Most classes have one of these three things, Professor decided to throw all three of them at us. This didn't jive well with my serial procrastination. I think I got to the library at around 5 PM, finished the Take-Home Final around 7 A.M., had the in-class final around 8 or 8:30 A.M., had to go back to the library to essentially start and finish the Final Project which was due at 5 P.M. I nearly smurfing lost my sanity going through that one. I trudged through all that bulltrout and somehow came out with a B+, which is probably higher a grade than I deserved. So Professor Rogers, I know you're working for the NSA now and that you're probably reading this post, so smurf you for that insane workload but thanks for the B+.

Senior Year I spent an all-nighter writing a treatment of the relationship between Complete Metric Spaces and Space-Filling Curves. This paper was the Final Project for an honors course in Topology. This thread made me go back and dig up the file for a quick perusal and Jesus Christ, it is almost pure gibberish to me now. Which is fine because topology is a lot of abstract nonsense anyways.

I believe that in both of these instances, each of these things was the last thing I had to do before finishing for summer vacation. Which meant that after finishing it all I would have gone home, rolled and enjoyed an enormous spliff, slept for 14 hours, and gotten blindly drunk immediately upon waking. Those were fun, chaotic times. Seems so far away from life as it is now.

03-24-2015, 10:25 AM
Nope. I'm not built for all-nighters. I need sleep or I just lose it completely.

I certainly tried a couple of times during finals in college when I had major projects but I always ended up falling asleep. :shobon:

03-24-2015, 11:06 AM
I technically do it every night at my job since I work an overnight type shift, but I also get plenty of sleep, so I suppose that nullifies that term a bit. So yeah. Technically. I will go with that winner word.

03-24-2015, 11:24 AM
I used to do it a lot when I wasn't working, but now it would just ruin me throughout the day after 12pm or so. i simply cannot function without sleep now.

03-24-2015, 12:34 PM
Very, very rarely anymore. Much more frequently when I was in my early 20s.

Old Manus
03-24-2015, 12:48 PM
Funnily enough with the amount I slacked off during my time at university, I never once did an all-nighter. I'd set myself up for them but would usually finish by the early hours (or at least justify to myself that I'd done enough) and go to bed. I did all-dayers instead. All worked out in the end.

03-24-2015, 02:16 PM
Basically, I pulled all-nighters throughout my last year in college. I also lost weight by going down to 80-something pounds and got arthritis in that same year. Thanks college. If I do it now it is because I am obsessively working on something creative and/or geeky and my mind won't allow me to go to sleep until I complete it.

03-24-2015, 03:17 PM
I tend to do an all-nighter when I'm on Night Shift (11pm-10am), which is usually once a year or so.

An all-nighter going onto the shift, and all-nighter coming off of it.

Don't particularly enjoy doing it though, usually feel like trout on both of those days.

03-24-2015, 06:59 PM
I haven't pulled an all-nighter since my early 20's when I was breakfast manager at Macdonalds. I used to open the store at 6am Saturday and Sunday so had to be there for 5:30am. I'd go out on a Friday and Saturday night clubbing in Oldham till about 3am. Head straight to the restaurant, have a couple of hours kip on the bench outside then open up. Sometimes I did it both nights on a weekend.

Not a chance in hell I could do that now.

03-24-2015, 10:10 PM
I suppose I have pulled an all-nighter. If by that you count going to bed at 8am as an all-nighter. I mean, I technically stayed up all night. But then I went to bed in the morning, so...

03-25-2015, 12:43 AM
Oh I guess if we're getting technical then yeah, I have worked the overnight shift. More than once. (10pm - 6am)

I would sleep during the day, though, so it wasn't like I was going inordinately long without sleep.

Thinking about it I did go 26(?) hours without sleep a few years back; it was my flight to the UK and for some reason I couldn't sleep on the plane at all. All told it was like 20 hours of flights and layovers, plus all the fuss with the luggage and airport afterwards, followed by riding the bus from London to Leicester. I think I got there at some point in the afternoon but I basically just crashed as soon as I arrived and slept until the next morning. :shobon:

03-25-2015, 03:55 AM
Last summer I would get home from work around 7:30pm, shower and maybe nap for an hour or two, and then spend most of the night trolling the forums/#eoff and talking to Shorty. I'd get a bit more sleep in just after sunrise before getting up around 11:30am to head to work again.

Last summer I managed to live a nocturnal lifestyle yet work a dayshift continuously. Last week I came home from one my band's shows at 2:30am complaining that my knees were aching. I'M NOT EVEN A YEAR OLDER WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME.

03-25-2015, 05:15 AM
I did a lot a few months ago when I became obsessed with graphic design. I would stay up for the lamest reasons: watching tutorials online and taking notes like a ridiculously boring person. And yes, Kalevala and I stayed up many nights last summer! Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Mostly, though, I'm too programmed to my normal schedule, which does not include staying up until the wee hours of the morning. I can do it once in a while, but only when I'm not expected to function at all on any level the following day.

03-25-2015, 09:45 AM
I used to do several days straight when I was a teenager. Can't stay awake for much more than 24 hours now, even if I really try.

03-25-2015, 12:15 PM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Don't :stare: me when you don't even #eoff anymore! It can't be kicking if people aren't there. :colbert:

03-25-2015, 01:35 PM
If it's not kicking, it's whoever isn't there's fault.

03-26-2015, 03:39 AM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

I've been in there the past two nights!

03-26-2015, 04:09 AM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Don't :stare: me when you don't even #eoff anymore! It can't be kicking if people aren't there. :colbert:

I was just in there the other night and I assumed everyone had been massacred because all iI ccould see were the tumbleweeds. :colbert:

03-26-2015, 04:43 AM
I did some recreational all-nighters with friends as a kid, including one time staying up over 40 hours. I have no idea how, as there's no way I could do that now -- or even be willing to try. I did another only because I couldn't sleep on the plane to France, so effectively lost a night.

I never was forced to pull an all-nighter for school/work until law school, where I did it twice for different projects/assignments. It is unlikely to ever happen again.

03-26-2015, 04:57 AM
When I discovered eoff, no joke, I was once up for 3 days.

:I Then I got banned and went to sleep

black orb
03-26-2015, 06:08 AM
>>> I go to sleep at 6:00 am..:luca:

03-26-2015, 11:27 AM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Don't :stare: me when you don't even #eoff anymore! It can't be kicking if people aren't there. :colbert:

I was just in there the other night and I assumed everyone had been massacred because all iI ccould see were the tumbleweeds. :colbert:

I was asleep then. No wonder it was dead. :shifty:

03-26-2015, 04:11 PM
Depends how technical you want to get. I have stayed up all night a few times (in fact quite recently in my third-of-a-life crisis reliving my late teens & early 20s with a bunch of students on Brony sites :p) but ended up sleeping for much of the day afterwards so.... depends how you look at it. Similarly, I've caught some early flights for holidays and ended up pulling an all-nighter that way but ended up crashing out in the apartment for a good few hours at the other end.

03-26-2015, 04:17 PM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Don't :stare: me when you don't even #eoff anymore! It can't be kicking if people aren't there. :colbert:

I was just in there the other night and I assumed everyone had been massacred because all iI ccould see were the tumbleweeds. :colbert:

I was asleep then. No wonder it was dead. :shifty:

If people would listen to me when I say it's time for a party then maybe it wouldn't be!!!

03-26-2015, 05:44 PM
Back when #eoff was kicking. :stare:

Don't :stare: me when you don't even #eoff anymore! It can't be kicking if people aren't there. :colbert:

I was just in there the other night and I assumed everyone had been massacred because all iI ccould see were the tumbleweeds. :colbert:

I was asleep then. No wonder it was dead. :shifty:

If people would listen to me when I say it's time for a party then maybe it wouldn't be!!!

How about this Saturday at 11:00PM (GMT). We all mass gather like it's 1996; Internet Relay-stylee. Anyone who is anyone will still be awake after 11pm in Europe :p, and those in the Americas...you're just over the time threshold to start the consumption of alcohol without having group therapy mentioned to you by a family member in earnest concern. :lol:

03-26-2015, 06:59 PM
thats 4pm central for muricans

I will be available i think

03-26-2015, 11:15 PM
11pm on Saturday sounds good. If you want an extra incentive to make an appearance, I'm going to be making a big reveal on Chat!

03-26-2015, 11:45 PM
Curses! That timing. I'll be at an Elite meetup getting drunk and stuff :p

Ahhh I remember the long and lively IRC sessions back in 2000 or so, it used to get really busy! It's hard to get that kind of number together in one live thingy these days, even on Skype groups.

03-27-2015, 01:35 AM
11pm on Saturday sounds good. If you want an extra incentive to make an appearance, I'm going to be making a big reveal on Chat!

You might as well come to my house, since you're like literately just down the road. Well...motorway road! :lol: