View Full Version : [Art] FanArt Friday! Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #115

Agent Proto
04-10-2015, 04:10 PM
Hello again! It's time for FanArt Friday! Welcome to this week's edition of Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week, where we show the best of the best from DeviantArt! Last week we showed off some excellent artwork, and this week we'll see another set of artists show off their skills. But you're not here for the text... let's get on with the art!

http://orig05.deviantart.net/a487/f/2015/095/a/a/_26_kweh__by_koru_xypress-d8oimtz.jpg (http://koru-xypress.deviantart.com/art/26-Kweh-524909591)
#26 Kweh! by Koru-Xypress (http://koru-xypress.deviantart.com/)

Happy belated Easter everyone! Yes, I'm aware that Easter was last Sunday, but that doesn't mean I can't feature some Easter art. Nevertheless, that's what this art is all about. An adorable baby chocobo hatched from a decorated egg. This picture has been posted on Easter, and is now being featured for this week's FanArt Friday showcase! Certainly a festive picture indeed.

http://img06.deviantart.net/2745/i/2015/096/7/f/the_record_keeper_by_longjunt-d8omjpu.jpg (http://longjunt.deviantart.com/art/The-Record-Keeper-525092178)
The Record Keeper by longjunt (http://longjunt.deviantart.com/)

So there's this game out for smartphones called Final Fantasy Record Keeper where players can participate in various battles from the FF series. It's been released just last month, so you can get it for free on your smart phones! Besides the point, that was the inspiration for this amazing artwork of the Final Fantasy IX cast along with the main character of FFRK, Tyro! He's behind Vivi in case you're not familiar with him yet. Amazing coloring job with this art, and I love how Steiner is lagging behind in the background. So like him.

http://pre06.deviantart.net/9676/th/pre/i/2015/095/e/c/final_fantasy_type_0_by_frandy4122-d8oi16q.png (http://frandy4122.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-Type-0-524881538)
Final Fantasy Type-0 by frandy4122 (http://frandy4122.deviantart.com/)

Is Queen one of your favorite characters from Type-0? If she happens to be, then this fan art was made just for you! I really do like the design of the uniforms for this game, and it looks really great on Queen!

http://pre15.deviantart.net/ef15/th/pre/i/2015/095/4/d/final_fantasy_xv__lunafreya_nox_fleuret_by_dagga19-d8oj4gj.jpg (http://dagga19.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-XV-Lunafreya-Nox-Fleuret-524932435)
Final Fantasy XV: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret by dagga19 (http://dagga19.deviantart.com/)

We're featuring another great fan art from the very talented dagga19! Her art has been featured many times in the past, so it's sort of expected to see another artwork of hers to show up again, and I no doubt believe her art will appear again in the future at some point. She has some amazing art, and this one is no exception! It's Luna from XV, who's looking really nice. Her hair and dress flowing from the gentle breeze coming from the open window. I really like how dagga has done the folds on the curtain and dress. And the violin! Such detail!

http://img05.deviantart.net/54a4/i/2015/097/9/1/final_fantasy_viii_by_bluneve-d8otl68.jpg (http://bluneve.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-VIII-525420656)
Final Fantasy VIII by Bluneve (http://bluneve.deviantart.com/)
Featuring: ange-lady-yunashe (http://ange-lady-yunashe.deviantart.com/) as Selphie, Meryl-sama (http://meryl-sama.deviantart.com/) as Rinoa, Taskmc (http://taskmc.deviantart.com/) as Squall, and Alexcloudsquall (http://alexcloudsquall.deviantart.com/) as Zell.

This week's Final Fantasy Cosplay of the Week is this wonderful photo of the cadets of Balamb Garden from Bluneve. It features four wonderful cosplayers, all of whom I've credited, and each of their costumes are really great and look exactly like their characters! I'm not so sure why Zell is still wearing his school uniform, but I just dig his hair and tattoo. I'm really impressed with the cosplays, and wonderful job to Bluneve for taking this picture as well. Kudos to her!

What do you think of all these wonderful pieces? Are you on DeviantArt? Do you have any favourite artists there? Let us know by leaving comments on this article and, of course, click the photos to be taken to the respective DA pages so you can leave comments for them, too! Finally, if you're registered on DeviantArt, be sure to follow the EyesonFF DA Group (http://eyesonff.deviantart.com/)!

04-10-2015, 05:28 PM
Love the little Easter chocobo!

Depression Moon
04-13-2015, 06:29 PM