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View Full Version : This Week In Social Media: Week 12!

04-23-2015, 04:17 PM

Welcome to another Social Media Showcase, where Dat Matt and I... showcase... social media. Really it's all there in the title. We've now reached a dozen updates, and only good things come in dozens. Like doughnuts. And... yep that's about it. Enjoy!

Google+ -


Let's start out with some Y,R,P action in this excellent piece of fanart found on Google+. There's worse ways to start the showcase than with some beautiful, heroic ladies.

Source - Google+ user Alessandro Lucci (https://plus.google.com/103709801652756077928/posts/AfWQkAgME5J)


Facebook -


Ah, Red XIII! What are you doing out and about at what appears to maybe be a mall or a building of some sort. Anyways, there you have it folks, the rare sighting of Red XIII in the wild!

Source - Facebook group Final Fantasy (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204700884/)


Twitter -


Wow, these are excellent. I think Rinoa is my favourite, but Zidane comes pretty close!

Source - Twitter user RPG Site (https://twitter.com/RPGSite/status/589403413638590465?lang=en-gb)


Pinterest -


If this isn't precious, I don't want to know what is!!! Seriously though, absolutely adorable. And you can buy it for just $2.99 (https://www.etsy.com/listing/200353401/final-fantasy-inspired-black-mage?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share).

Source - Pinterest user Jana Whitley (https://www.etsy.com/listing/200353401/final-fantasy-inspired-black-mage?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share)


Reddit -


Here's some awesome Auron wallpaper for your awesome computer. It's Auron, it's awesome, what more could you possibly need? Nothing, that's what! NOTHING!

Source - Reddit user static989 (http://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/33fcez/ffx_auron_minimalistic_4k_wallpaper/)


Youtube -


Here's some 8-bit music for you. This time they took the esper battle theme from XII and made it in to something even more special...er. Just listen to it.

Source - YouTube user SuaveTunesOfCB (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o98vH5lsss)


Tumblr -


Ever wonder what Final Fantasy IV would have looked like in Dragon Quest style? Well, no longer will that keep you up at night! Here is your answer. Your glorious, glorious answer.

Source - Tumblr user kirinblr (http://kirinblr.tumblr.com/post/115415912013/art-style-swaps-by-takumi-kind-of-wrong-and)


And that's what we have for you this week, my friends. I hope you enjoyed, and as always, let us know what you want to see more of. Or even if you have something in particular to showcase! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/eyesonfinalfantasy)
Tumblr (http://eyesonfinalfantasy.tumblr.com/)
Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/eyesonff/)
Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/user/eyesonfinalfantasy)
Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/eyesonfinalfantasy)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/eyesonff)
Google + (https://plus.google.com/u/0/114636498712814689977/posts)

Colonel Angus
04-23-2015, 11:25 PM
Red XIII is creeping me out there.

FFIV artwork looks awesome.

04-23-2015, 11:28 PM
OMG that Vivi doll.

04-24-2015, 05:54 AM
The artist behind the FFIV artwork does a lot of great stuff. He designed a Studio Ghibli "Disneyland" as well.